Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 240 The Savior and the Prophet

A new skill created by combining mind power and ninjutsu - subduing mind beast clones.

It combines the advantages of mind beasts and clone techniques. It is definitely the best choice for home travel, murder and arson.

First of all, each mind beast clone has the ability to act independently. Each clone has a certain degree of intelligence.

It is similar to a robot with an intelligent program installed. This is also due to the programming ability of Xiao Ming, a senior hacker.

Unlike the previous subduing mind beasts, Xiao Ming still needs to give orders in person before they can act.

In the words of the Hunter Secret Realm, this is to change the mind beasts from remote control to automatic.

Secondly, the number of clones of each mind beast has increased. In the past, there could only be one of each mind beast.

After Xiao Ming developed the true dual-purpose, two can exist at the same time.

Now, multiple clones of the same kind of mind beast can exist at the same time.

However, for the mind beasts that really have the corresponding skills, a single soul can support up to 3.

If both souls are there, 6 can be supported. The others are just for show and fooling people.

That is to say, although Green Xiaoming just summoned more than ten special forces beasts, in fact, only the three that fought with Morpheus were real special forces beasts.

The seven or eight beasts around Xiaoming were just for show, just for show.

They didn't even have basic combat power, let alone martial arts. They were just used to scare people.

And the effect was very good, and all the crew members of the Nebuchadnezzar were scared.

Of course, if different types of beast clones are summoned, there is no specific limit on the number.

As long as Xiaoming's telekinesis and chakra are sufficient.

In order to improve combat effectiveness and save telekinesis, Xiaoming made special settings for the special forces beast clones.

Xiaoming didn't "teach" all the martial arts moves downloaded in his mind to every special force soldier.

Because in terms of the martial arts novels Xiaoming has read, it is actually more beneficial to specialize in one martial arts.

Because each martial arts has its own unique features. Mixing them all together will be more chaotic.

Specializing in one or several is the best way. Others can be applied by analogy.

So when Xiao Ming summons a special force, this mind beast clone will be specially given a martial arts skill by Xiao Ming.

If Xiao Ming is too lazy to choose, a martial arts skill will be randomly selected.

Not only martial arts, but also the driving skills that Xiao Ming has learned can be selectively given to special forces.

This makes Xiao Ming's tactical team more complete and more adaptable. Even the spaceship can be driven away.

And the hacking skills downloaded by Xiao Ming were integrated by Xiao Ming to the game goddess.

In the future, in addition to helping Xiao Ming log in to the game, the game goddess will have more hacking work.

After understanding Xiao Ming's specific combat power, Morpheus was very happy that the strength of his troops has become stronger.

However, for the sake of caution, Morpheus did not take the initiative to invite Xiao Ming to participate in the process of saving Neo from the mother body.

Similarly, he did not take the initiative to invite other temporary reincarnations.

There is a person nicknamed [A sword light coldly illuminates the nine states] who has done a lot of trivial things for the rebels.

Successfully sneaked into this mission. After the mission was completed, this brother Zhao Jiuzhou also got the right to download skills.

Although his contribution was not great, he only downloaded a small motorcycle driving skill.

But his success gave hope to several other reincarnationists.

It must be said that they were a little shocked by Xiao Ming's abnormality before. Except for Kraken, several people were a little depressed.

The success of Yijian Guang Hanzhao Jiuzhou made them cheer up again. They are not competing with Xiao Ming, so what is there to be depressed about.

Everyone is competing with the reincarnation world, so why not work hard to become stronger! Why care about whether others are strong or not.

In the next few days, Morpheus and others helped Neo recover his health and explained to him what the Matrix is.

He also downloaded skills for Neo. Neo's first sentence was exactly the same as Xiao Ming's, "I know kung fu."

Then Morpheus fought Neo, which was another wonderful thing. Neo's performance was also amazing.

But soon, Neo failed in the jump training again. For the first time, he failed to jump more than 20 meters at a time.

This super long jump skill is still useful for temporary reincarnationists.

But the reincarnations are not qualified to learn. If they want to learn, they must contribute more to the resistance.

During this period, Xiao Ming also brought the glorious tradition of thrift and frugality to the world of The Matrix.

One day, when the Nebuchadnezzar was docked for maintenance. Xiao Ming also ran outside the spacecraft.

Silver Xiao Ming separated from the mother body and returned to William first. Then he quickly possessed Xiao Hei and began his life in the wild.

Speaking of Xiao Hei, Xiao Ming was a little unhappy. When he received the invitation, he hoped in his heart that this mission would be a world suitable for Xiao Hei.

The result was a world of machines, and even living things could not be seen in the real world.

The sun was blocked, photosynthesis could not be carried out, and there were no plants on the earth. Without the foundation of the food chain, the ecosystem disappeared.

It seems that only the machine empire and humans are left on the entire earth.

The humans kept in captivity by the mother body eat the nutrients provided by the mother body, and the most important raw material is other dead humans.

The humans in Zion can only eat some synthetic food. Such a place is actually not suitable for Xiao Hei to display his talents.

Xiao Hei just got a new ability, eating and laying eggs. But this new world doesn't even have an ecosystem. There are no animals for him to eat.

However, Xiao Ming still sent him out. Yin Xiao Ming needed a powerful carrier.

Besides, although there are no living things in this world, there are many machines, and all kinds of mechanical wreckage are everywhere.

For Xiao Ming, who has the ability to repair, this is a treasure. It can be said to be a shipwreck in another world.

So Yin Xiao Ming possessed Xiao Hei, wearing purple vine armor and carrying a hundred ghosts box. With Xiao Hong and Xiao Lu, two maids, he happily went to pick up garbage.

Picking up garbage with two beautiful maids, this style is a bit weird.

Soon, a new plot began, and Morpheus will lead everyone to visit the prophet.

Mainly to take the savior Neo to give the prophet a look. A group of reincarnations were also taken there. It seems that everyone has made enough contributions.

The natives will get some prophecies when they see the prophet. There will be some revelations about the future.

When the reincarnations see the prophet, they will get some spiritual improvement. But it also depends on the quality of each person.

The upgrades you get will be varied. Unfortunately, each reincarnation can only receive a prophet's upgrade once.

Skill downloads and prophet upgrades are the flagship products of the Matrix world. Almost all junior reincarnations want to come to this world once.

Even middle and high-level reincarnations who are already relatively strong have some demand for this world.

But it is difficult for them to enter this world, and there are many restrictions. If you are not careful, you may die in this unreasonable place.

But everyone is still flocking to it. The invitation letter to the Matrix world has also been hyped up to a sky-high price.

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