Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 236 The Matrix 1

Xiao Ming looked around and didn't see any other reincarnations. That is to say, at the beginning, several reincarnations were scattered.

This arrangement is reasonable. After all, they are looking for people, and it is more suitable for everyone to disperse to complete the task.

Although he was invited by other reincarnations to do the task. But as a VIP, Xiao Ming will not be punished if he does not do the task.

If he completes the task, he will get the reward provided by the inviter.

In this case, Xiao Ming doesn't mind doing the task by the way. Besides, after all, he wasted an invitation quota.

It's really unrefined to do nothing. You should still make some contributions.

The world of The Matrix 1 is a world with relatively advanced technology, which is roughly equivalent to the level of Pangu Star New Han Kingdom decades ago.

In this world, Xiao Ming's identity is a small policeman in a big city, participating in a task of chasing a suspect.

The suspect is in an abandoned building. Xiao Ming doesn't know what he did specifically. The superiors didn't tell them clearly.

Moreover, Xiao Ming was just an ordinary policeman. It was none of his business to arrest the criminals. He was only responsible for surrounding the criminals below.

However, Xiao Ming's circle was released early in the morning. The suspect was found soon.

It should be the woman in room 303 above. Just looking at this life energy, she doesn't look like a bad person.

However, my goodness, this tight leather jacket is so sexy. It's a pity that her appearance is a bit too mature and too Western, which is not the type Xiao Ming likes.

And she gave Xiao Ming a very strange feeling. This woman seemed to be out of tune with others.

Soon, even more out of tune people came. A black car brought three strange men in black.

The three of them gave Xiao Ming the feeling that they were not like people at all, but more like what? ... By the way, more like some kind of intelligent program.

Could it be that among these people, there will be their own mission targets?

The series of events that happened next shocked Xiao Ming.

First, the woman in black killed several policemen who went up to arrest her with her unusually agile skills.

Then, a man in black led a group of policemen and chased her on the roof.

Then the woman and the man in black made an impossible and wonderful big jump.

They jumped over the distance of nearly 20 meters between the two buildings.

This is not something that a normal person can do. Could it be that these two people are extraordinary people? Then the combat power of this world is extraordinary.

Xiao Ming followed them on the street, wanting to see more of the performance of these extraordinary people.

As a result, he saw the most terrifying scene. Under the threat of being hit by a truck, the woman in black picked up a telephone receiver and disappeared out of thin air.

The three men in black chatted for a few words and left. Xiao Ming was left alone in a daze in the dark.

After a careful feeling, it was indeed not right.

Xiao Ming now felt like he was in a magic planet. That's right, it was like playing a game.

The body in front of him was not his own body. And the sense of reality of this body was not as real as the feeling in the magic planet.

It was probably a little stronger than the sense of reality of some simpler immersive games that Xiao Ming had played before.

After all this fuss, it turns out that this world is a game world. Xiao Ming tried to summon the uniform butler and opened the butler space - Guangmingding.

As expected, there was nothing in Guangmingding. This is definitely not the real world.

If it is a game, Xiao Ming also has a countermeasure. On Pangu Star, he can log in to the game with telekinesis.

The game he is in now is not as good as the magic planet. He should be able to move freely.

Xiao Ming summoned the game goddess of the uniform series to analyze the connection method of this game together.

To be honest, the virtual world of the magic planet is still more advanced than the virtual world Matrix-matrix of the Matrix.

After more than 3 hours, Xiao Ming successfully analyzed the method of networking the matrix.

In a thought, Green Xiao Ming left the matrix and woke up in the real world of the Matrix.

Of course, the system will not treat the body of the reincarnation like the natives of this world.

Shave the hair, make dozens of holes, and connect to the Matrix with various catheters and wires. The reincarnation will not agree to this.

So the treatment of the reincarnation is special.

Their identities are all native residents of Zion, the human resistance army. There are no holes on their bodies.

Then Zion has a special game chamber that can connect reincarnations to the matrix without wires.

This so-called game chamber is specially prepared for reincarnations. Plot characters cannot use it at all, and will not use it.

In theory, people who use this game chamber are in danger of getting lost in the matrix. Even their memories will be lost.

So the identity that the reincarnation begins to play is the resident of Zion who is lost in the matrix.

As long as the reincarnation finds a way to leave the matrix, he will know his identity and get the background information of the matrix.

When Green Xiaoming exited the matrix, he came directly to the real world.

Because he found a way to leave the matrix in this very short time. Therefore, the reincarnation space gave a special identity reward.

So Xiaoming's real identity is an ordinary crew member on Morpheus's spaceship Nebuchadnezzar. His game chamber is placed in Morpheus's spaceship.

When he got up from the game cabin and received the information transmitted by the reincarnation space, he already understood the general situation of this reincarnation world.

Soon Xiao Ming was received by Captain Murphys and met several other crew members.

So the main task 1 was completed by Xiao Ming inexplicably.

Xiao Ming actually hadn't exerted his strength yet. He was just tinkering with his own things. As a result, he accidentally completed the task.

So the special plot started. Murphys led his crew to get through the contact and brought back several other reincarnations.

The first one to be brought back was the inviter of the random team and the publisher of the task: the temporary reincarnation-Kraken.

He looked like a very ordinary European from Pangu Star. But every time this guy spoke, he gave people a weird feeling.

"Mr. Leader, it's nice to meet you. Thank you for completing the first main task so quickly."

"It's nothing to do for money. I'm also happy to meet you, Mr. Kraken."

The names of both parties are code names given to themselves by each person.

The other party complimented: "Master, you are so powerful. I hope you will take care of me in the future."

"No, no. Take care of each other, take care of each other."

Xiao Ming finally understood why it felt weird. This Kraken was too polite. It made people feel a little uncomfortable.

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