Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 231 Lost Melo Wetland

Of course, the current situation does not require such a serious word as "going with the flow". Now Xiao Ming is deserting.

Xiao Ming himself is playful and has forgotten his work. He also ignored the large group of hunters who were testing, and went deep into the Lost Melody Wetland alone.

He had a strange feeling that there seemed to be something deep in the wetland, calling him strongly.

This special feeling has never been wrong. Xiao Ming decided to follow his feelings.

So much so that the fact that the human-faced ape pretended to be an examiner to deceive the candidates and was killed by the magician Hisoka did not attract Xiao Ming's attention.

Hisoka was one of the two people that Xiao Ming feared the most among the candidates. He was the guy dressed as a clown.

He and the nail man were deeply wary of Xiao Ming, not only because their telekinesis was very strong.

More importantly, they had extremely dark thoughts deep in their hearts. It seemed that the other people around them were all lambs to be slaughtered in their eyes.

Xiao Ming was disgusted from the bottom of his heart by this kind of guy who did not treat others as human beings at all.

It was worse than the beasts in the Lost Melody Wetland. Although most of them are good at fraud, those are just means of making a living.

Although this kind of fraud has murderous intentions, it does not feel evil. The law of the jungle is just to meet the basic needs of survival.

Compared with the human heart and ghost, Xiao Ming prefers these pure beasts.

After going deep into the wetland jungle, Xiao Ming was still smooth.

Although this wetland is called the lair of fraudsters, most beasts also make a living by fraud.

But this kind of trick limited to the biological level, under Xiao Ming's concentration and circle, all-round and large-scale reconnaissance.

These beasts' tricks are not effective at all.

Many strange creatures that feed on humans not only did not deceive Xiao Ming.

On the contrary, because of their novel ecological image, they were captured by Xiao Ming and stuffed into Guangmingding to raise them.

Playing with strawberry turtles, the combination of turtles and strawberries is a delicacy. Catch a few and taste them in the future.

Lazy frog, the body is too big, and it doesn't seem to be very delicious. Forget it, don't want it.

As Xiao Ming continued to go deeper into the wetland, there were many strange species in Guangmingding.

However, the pressure gradually increased. Xiao Ming had summoned Xiao Hei. Controlled by Green Xiao Ming

Xiao Hei appeared to be more powerful in the Hunter x Hunter secret realm. He was 5 meters tall.

In terms of strength, speed, etc., he was 30% stronger than in the magic planet.

With him by his side, this expedition became easier. The alien lord is the top predator in this wetland.

With the appearance of Xiao Hei, the feeling in the dark became stronger.

It is strange that Xiao Ming did not cultivate alien warriors with Xiao Hei and so many hosts to choose from.

This should be the first thing to think of when entering any secret realm. But Xiao Ming never had this idea.

Xiao Ming didn't care about anything else, and changed his job to alien cavalry on the spot and moved forward at high speed.

He rode himself, Silver Xiao Ming rode Green Xiao Ming, and Wood rode Xiao Hei. Running at high speed in the jungle, it caused a lot of chaos.

After they passed by, many creatures wondered with lingering fear what the terrible monster just now was.

The monster just stopped under a big tree.

There is a huge spider web here, which can probably catch a child.

A large spider with sixteen legs is showing off on the web. It seems to be quite extraordinary.

"Shua" its body was scratched into four pieces by Xiao Hei's claws. It is not Xiao Ming's target.

Xiao Ming's target is a half-foot long big bug stuck in the middle of the spider web.

This bug is an arthropod, a bit like an ant, but it has only four legs.

How can such an unprepossessing insect have such a strong attraction to itself? I can't figure it out. But that feeling is not false.

Green Xiao Ming, who possessed Xiao Hei, deeply felt that his whole body seemed to be longing for this bug.

There is not even two taels of meat, not even enough for a meal. Xiao Hei's taste is also a bit problematic.

Although he didn't understand why, Xiao Ming still caught the ant while complaining and put it in the textbook of the uniformed teacher for analysis.

As soon as he finished this action, Xiao Ming felt relaxed. It seemed that he had accomplished something extraordinary.

Then, the importance of the family mission came to Xiao Ming's mind again.

Thinking of playing here, it can be done anytime. The exam and the matter of the young master Killua should be more important, right? He was really idle before.

Xiao Ming ran towards the examination room again. How fast can a 5-meter-tall alien run? He caught up quickly.

After releasing the clone, Xiao Ming followed Xiaojie and Kurapika and arrived at the venue of the second exam - Biscayne Forest Park on time.

The examiner of the first exam had already left, and a group of candidates were staring at a large warehouse in a daze.

***It needs to be explained here that in the original plot, these candidates have to run for a long time.

But the game will not let players spend so much time running. So the running time is appropriately shortened. ***

In the secret realm, at 12 noon, the door of the warehouse opened.

A cute little beauty and a slightly dull big man appeared in front of everyone.

They were the examiners of the second exam: Menqi and Buhala.

They called themselves food hunters, but this name seemed a bit ridiculous to Xiao Ming. It would be more appropriate to call them chefs.

The food exam was not difficult for Xiao Ming. Although Xiao Ming could not cook, he could always use energy to enhance the taste.

Kahara's exam question was roasted whole pig; Menqi's exam question was sushi.

The big guy Buhara did not make it difficult for the candidates. As long as they could beat the big nose wild boar in the forest and roast it, he would pass.

He ate 72 roasted whole pigs by himself, and his amazing appetite stunned everyone.

He also ate the roasted whole pig that Xiao Ming made for him. He couldn't help but look at Xiao Ming differently.

But the beautiful girl Menqi's personality was quite awkward. She actually treated the candidates with the requirements for treating a chef.

Everyone was eliminated. Seeing that the situation was not right, Xiao Ming did not show up and did not even come forward to hand in his work.

This made Buhara on the side a little strange. According to Xiao Ming's ability to roast a whole pig, he should be able to pass this round. Why didn't he perform?

He didn't know that Xiao Ming just didn't want to be the first to stand out.

At this time, one candidate also caught Xiao Ming's special attention.

Although he did not pass Menqi's test. But the way he walked.

The smug mood in secret, and the look of being sober while everyone else is drunk. This is a player.

It turns out that even if it is a single-player mission, if the online time of different players coincides with the mission plot, the system will put them together.

It is probably not worth wasting resources to give two players separate secret realms.

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