Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 225: A Different Kind of Desertion

There are almost no clues at the moment, so these questions are meaningless for the time being. There is no way to start.

Lu Xiaoming did not even tell the military about what he saw about the "alien ghost".

On the one hand, this is something he observed from his personal perspective. If he said it rashly, it would not be easy to be accepted.

He also had to describe and explain it to others impatiently. This is too troublesome. If he had that time, he could do something else.

Xiaoming did not mind whether others believed him or not, but the point was to be afraid of trouble.

It was better for them not to believe him, so that they could still say "I told you so a long time ago" in the future.

On the other hand, Xiaoming believed that there were probably other people in this fleet who could see the outline of the alien ghost.

After all, there were reincarnations in the fleet. Although there were no other reincarnations in this room at the moment.

However, as long as the military's reincarnations were lucky enough, they would have the opportunity to meet the alien ghost that was enhanced by their own source energy.

Then he would have a certain possibility of seeing the outline of the alien ghost in the light ball.

Compared to what Xiao Liang said, the military would definitely be more receptive to what the reincarnations inside the army said.

But if they are unlucky, the military's reincarnations always encounter other light spirits, but never encounter those strengthened by Xiao Ming.

Then... wait until he is lucky. Anyway, Xiao Ming is not in a hurry. As for whether the military is in a hurry or not, it is not Xiao Ming's business.

Then Xiao Ming inputted green source energy into the other four light spirits in turn. (Green Xiao Ming only has green source energy.)

Maybe it is because the green source energy is of higher quality. After inputting the source energy, Xiao Ming observed the other four light spirits and could see the alien ghosts at their core.

The body size is roughly the same, with a slight difference in height, weight and thinness. It can be seen that they are of the same race. Probably.

The five light spirits seemed to be grateful to Xiao Ming, and each light spirit transferred a little from itself into the body of Green Xiao Ming.

No, to be precise, it entered the soul consciousness of Green Xiao Ming. This is considered a courtesy.

And it was not only Zhang Xiaoliang who received the gratitude of the light spirit.

At the same time, in the same fleet, on the small space transport ship No. 11072 of Mu Niu.

Xiao Ming②, who was possessed by Yin Xiaoming, was also receiving a return gift from a light spirit.

Xiao Ming② was actually still in the game cabin, but he had not logged into the game or his personal space. He was originally sleeping.

It is said that if you don’t enter the game, just lie in the game cabin and sleep, it is very similar to the vampire sleeping in the coffin in Western legends.

After Yin Xiaoming possessed here, he did not play the game immediately, but waited for the light spirit to appear.

Because Xiaoming knew the habits of the light spirit. The light spirit always appeared in groups, and then disappeared in groups.

It is impossible that there are only light spirits on the Liaohua destroyer, there must be other places.

As expected, Yin Xiaoming waited for a while, and then waited for a strange light spirit.

Yin Xiaoming transmitted source energy to it, and then accepted the return gift. There is a sense of ritual and déjà vu of offering Hada blessings to each other.

Xiao Ming knew that Xiao Ming② was now under close scrutiny.

This scene would surely be seen and remembered by many people; reported to the superiors, and confused in their minds.

This was exactly Xiao Ming's purpose (one of them), to make the water more muddy.

It was almost impossible for anyone to think that Zhang Xiaoliang and Xiao Ming② were manipulated by the same person at the same time. This was beyond common sense.

Then, the phenomenon that both of them could attract the light spirits would surely arouse the interest of all parties.

No matter which force or which researcher, it is estimated that they would be in pain and joy.

Discovering unknown situations not only represents further intelligence, but also more questions. It is estimated that everyone will have a few strands of white hair.

Xiao Ming did this mainly to confuse the sight, the more chaotic the better. There was also a little bit of mischief in it.

Come on, hurt each other. You big forces have made me nervous. I won't let you have an easy time either. Who is afraid of who?

The light spirits that have absorbed the source energy have stronger life energy. Xiao Ming could also sense some small changes in emotions.

Suddenly, Xiao Ming felt that they seemed to be leaving. In order to see clearly how they left.

Xiao Ming let go of the circle, and was blocked by the heavy walls of the Liaohua destroyer. Xiao Ming's circle could only cover a range of about 100 to 200 meters.

Soon, the light spirits dimmed, extinguished, and disappeared one after another in the sight of everyone.

In Xiao Ming's perception, after they "extinguished", they actually stayed in place for a few seconds. Then suddenly disappeared.

They did not fly away, nor did they penetrate the wall. Instead, they disappeared suddenly, as if they had moved away instantly.

Fuck, is it so magical? What a high-end way of moving. Could it be that aliens have also learned ninjutsu?

——Because Xiao Ming had experienced the secret realm of Naruto not long ago, he immediately thought of ninjutsu-substitute technique.

This is a joke, of course, but Lu Xiaoming did feel something vague from the way they left, but he couldn't be sure.

After that, Lu Xiaoming had to deal with those officers and scientific researchers. This is a group of 100,000 whys.

And Xiaoming was also very helpless, you just ask me, as if I know. I don't know anything either.

But he signed the agreement, no matter how much Lu Xiaoming disliked this matter, he couldn't just walk away.

Luckily, there is a real one-point-two-task. Xiao Ming split half of his soul to go out and play games, so you didn't withdraw, right?

Hehehe, I feel like I'm taking advantage of the public.

Then Yin Xiao Ming became a minotaur.

He wasn't NTRed. I'm so ashamed that Xiao Ming, a single dog, doesn't even qualify to be NTRed.

He really became a minotaur. It's the monster with a bull's head and a human body in Western legends, not the bull-headed and horse-faced monster in the underworld.

It turns out that Xiao Ming②, as a military reserve, is more likely to be assigned to the battlefield of Nuwa Star when he randomly enters the secret realm.

This is natural. The military must need the reserve soldiers to gradually become familiar with combat. What better training method is there than actual combat?

So this time he won the prize. Today, Xiao Ming③, who is possessed, is a genetically modified replica of the famous high-level monster-minotaur.

It's different from before. Before, I didn't look in the mirror and couldn't see my appearance. Now, Xiao Ming only needs to cover Xiao Ming③'s whole body with telekinesis to know what he looks like.

More than 2 meters tall, with huge bull head and horns. The characteristics are too obvious.

Full of strong muscles, with both strength and speed.

Yin Xiaoming can clearly feel the surging energy in his body and the strong desire to fight.

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