Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 223 Lurking and Exiting

Xiao Ming wanted to show off in front of the guerrillas, so he deliberately delayed until the explosion was about to happen, and then counted down 5, 4, 3, 2, 1;

Then he snapped his fingers with ease. The sky collapsed, the masts and oars were destroyed, and the German camp exploded into a sea of ​​fire. His teammates were stunned...

The effect of showing off like this was undoubtedly great, and he was also very happy.

But it delayed the battle, and the guerrillas missed the best time to attack.

Dozens of American soldiers attacked the German camp of hundreds of people, all by taking them by surprise and attacking them by surprise.

Xiao Ming didn't dare to play that kind of game, where he was the only one in the team who knew the plan, and the others had to wait until the last critical moment to receive the order.

This kind of battle arrangement that was like a "magic trick" was very irresponsible. Zhuge Liang in real history never did this.

If you put yourself in his shoes, Xiao Ming would also feel very unhappy if his teammates played him like this.

A battle, even a small one, involves the lives of teammates and the rise and fall of enemy and our strength. It cannot be neglected.

So Xiao Ming carefully told all the team members what he had done and what he had discovered.

Of course, there are some things that need to be covered up. The bombs Xiao Ming set up were all telekinetic bombs, and this point cannot be told truthfully.

If the truth is told, they will not understand. They will even have many doubts: What the hell is telekinesis? Brady, are you possessed by evil spirits? ...

So Xiao Ming can only cover up and say: Those time bombs were stolen by sneaking into the German arsenal.

In this way, everyone is still a little suspicious, because Brady has done too many things. The intelligence he has discovered is too thorough.

However, Brady's professional level has always been slightly stronger. And those detailed intelligence does not seem to be deceiving everyone.

So the guerrillas decided to follow this plan first. The guerrilla team was divided into 3 groups, preparing for a surprise attack from 3 directions.

As long as the bombs over there really explode on time, the guerrillas here can start the attack immediately.

If the bombs don't explode, then drag Brady back and "punish him."

While waiting for the explosion, these veterans will still feel a little uneasy.

In fact, everyone is a comrade-in-arms, and most of the veterans have believed Brady's words.

However, even if Brady is right, he has stolen so many time bombs and placed them in various places in the German military camp.

The time of the explosion is set very loose, so the chance of being discovered is high.

So they are very worried that once one of them is discovered, the German army will immediately enter an emergency state. It will be difficult to launch a sneak attack again.

They can't possibly know the magical use of telekinesis. Brady has arranged telekinesis bombs, and the Germans, who are all ordinary people in the military camp, can't find them.

After all, the plot of this secret realm has not been fully unfolded, and the extraordinary people have not spread.

They don't know that Brady set the explosion time so loosely because Xiao Ming is too cowardly.

The time for the timed explosion must be very spare, so as not to explode yourself.

Xiao Ming also didn't think carefully, and was habitually afraid of explosions.

In fact, as long as he didn't get too close to the explosion, Xiao Ming's telekinetic defense was enough to withstand the shock wave of the explosion.

If he put on the alien suit and used two Nezha to transform into a half-body armor, Xiao Ming would not be afraid of low-intensity explosions at all.

It's really hard for him - never forgetting his original intention! He can still maintain such a strong loser attribute now.

Silver Xiao Ming and the guerrillas lurked together waiting for the opportunity to raid. At the same time, Green Xiao Ming took the initiative to exit the secret realm.

Just when Xiao Ming was lurking in the German camp to do something, he received a call from outside the game cabin. Adjutant Cecilia Jian asked him to exit as soon as possible.

Halfway through the work, Xiao Ming couldn't exit immediately. Although the system allowed him to exit, it would not suspend the secret realm for him.

This secret realm will continue to calculate and develop according to the information collected by the system. At least the calculation of this battle will be completed.

This is somewhat similar to the save of RPG games. Xiao Ming is not allowed to save at this time.

So Xiao Ming must at least complete the preparations. At this time, Xiao Ming didn't even want to let Green Xiao Ming exit alone.

Silver Xiao Ming was still in danger. If something went wrong, Green Xiao Ming would need to bring the aliens to rescue him.

It wasn't until Silver Xiao Ming left the German military camp and joined the guerrillas.

Green Xiao Ming chose to exit the secret realm, and Xiao Hei and the children disappeared accordingly.

When Green Xiao Ming wanted to control Zhang Xiao Liang's body and exit the game chamber, he suddenly felt a palpitation. No! There was a problem.

It wasn't a problem with the outside world, but with himself.

Xiao Ming felt that if Zhang Xiao Liang's body left the game chamber, Silver Xiao Ming would not be able to stay in the secret realm.

Because the game chamber needs a body to start. And this special game chamber must have Zhang Xiao Liang's body in it.

Besides, Xiao Ming's two souls cannot leave the body, each must have a body attached. Even if it is a mind beast body.

They can't float around like that, and the two souls are not ghosts. For the time being, they haven't cultivated to the point where the soul can leave the body.

Xiao Ming's original plan was: Green Xiao Ming controlled Zhang Xiao Liang to deal with the military; while Silver Xiao Ming continued to stay in the secret realm to participate in the battle.

Now the plan has failed. Zhang Xiao Liang's body left the game cabin, the game cabin would pause the game, and the two souls would be taken away.

(╯_╰)I'm not happy, I want a bag. ... A greasy uncle in his forties, no one cares if he acts cute.

Xiao Ming is unhappy, I just don't want two souls to go out together. Although every soul needs a body, not all souls need the same body.

Through the game cabin and the quantum network, Silver Xiao Ming traveled to the body of Xiao Ming② in the same fleet.

Only Green Xiao Ming was left in Zhang Xiaoliang's body. Continue to play with real two minds.

This is an immature performance, a middle-aged uncle is completely childish.

Zhang Xiaoliang pushed open the door of the game cabin and immediately understood why Cecilia called him.

There were 4 or 5 light spirits floating around Xiao Liang, and light spirits kept passing through Xiao Liang's body.

There were also beautiful adjutants, three officers, and a dozen scientific researchers around, looking at this scene with shock on their faces.

The light spirits are spherical in appearance, and in their eyes they are just a bunch of balls, floating around, making people worry that they will collide with each other, or even knock a few away.

But they just don't collide with each other. Not only can the light spirits easily pass through obstacles, they can also penetrate each other.

This is a new discovery. The phenomenon of light spirits penetrating each other has never been observed before.

I have never seen the phenomenon of several light spirits repeatedly passing through the same human body.

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