Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 215 Frustrated

Yin Xiaoming taught a group of social scum a lesson and was in a very happy mood.

The ancients were honest and true, and happiness is built on the pain of others.

This is the first time that Xiaoming has taken action against others in reality. Although these people did not hurt him.

The last time he did this was in the reincarnation space. In the world of A Chinese Ghost Story 1, Xiaoming killed a group of villains who took advantage of the chaos to rob and kill people.

Of course, this time it was not so serious, just a few three hands and salty pig hands, just let them hurt for a few days, Xiaoming did not even hurt them.

These people must be criminals, and the punishment they deserve is far more than the degree of "hurt for a few days".

However, that is the scope of the police's business, which is not something Xiaoming can handle.

He is not so interested in punishing evil and promoting good. He just tramples on the road when he sees injustice.

Although he has become a reincarnation (reincarnation space VIP), he is essentially just a otaku.

He was very happy to quietly punish a few bad guys. Especially when he was thanked by beautiful women.

A mother with a child was almost robbed by a thief. The stone that Xiao Ming threw helped her. She herself did not feel it at the time.

It was just that the process of Xiao Ming's action was seen clearly by the 5-year-old girl she was with.

It is like this, the younger the child, the more sensitive to life energy. Babies are probably the most sensitive.

If it were an adult, they would not be able to see the process of Xiao Ming's action clearly.

The little girl was very well-behaved and saw it, but she did not say it out loud, but whispered to her beautiful mother.

The mother also knew the matter and waited until she left the crowded crowd before quietly finding Xiao Ming and his sister to express her gratitude.

Xiao Ming did not intend to leave his name when doing good deeds, and he did not even have time to mention it to his sister.

At this time, someone took the initiative to thank him, and in front of his sister, Xiao Ming felt very proud.

After a few words of greeting, the mother invited Xiao Ming and his sister to have a meal to express her gratitude.

It is okay to be thanked twice by others, but it would be embarrassing to eat a meal with others.

After politely declining, Xiao Ming and his sister hurried away. They didn't even exchange their names with the mother and daughter.

Shouldn't good things be rewarded? Why was he so unlucky? His rare good mood collapsed again.

Green Xiao Ming, who had to return to Graystone Town, was indignant. Emily on the side was also very angry, and her delicate facial features were wrinkled together.

Their expedition failed this time. According to the game settings, Emily's team is allowed to explore the shipwreck once a week.

However, the difficulty of the expedition is constantly increasing. The shipwreck can't be a place where players can do whatever they want.

With Xiao Ming's strength, a little increase in difficulty should not be difficult for him in theory. But the way this difficulty is achieved is random.

This time, they encountered a battle between schools of fish under the sea.

A group of sharks and a group of dolphins fought. Blocked the road to the shipwreck.

(It is unknown whether this melee was caused by the shark that was shot by the Gray Rock Town garrison last time.)

Hundreds of wild large monsters of level 1-3 fought in a group, and the scene was too bloody and chaotic. No other creatures showed up within a few kilometers.

If there were only divers, Xiao Ming could put on the alien suit and rush over with his speed and the strength of the exoskeleton. He would only suffer a little trauma at most.

But it would not work if Emily was added. She is a craftsman. She cannot pass through the war zone with her speed.

If Emily does not go, it is useless for the divers to go over by themselves. Watching a movie without a ticket?

Originally, this problem was not difficult to solve. Just summon Xiao Hei and rush over with Emily in your arms. Xiao Hei is much more reliable than the divers.

However, Green Xiao Ming found that he could not summon Xiao Hei, because Green Xiao Ming alone could not do two things at the same time.

Silver Xiao Ming was still shopping with his sister in reality, and the total amount of soul was insufficient, so this matter had to be abandoned.

Emily was still not giving up, and looked around on the side, hoping to find a gap. As a result, several sharks coveted it.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming's circle covered a wide area, and he found something wrong early, so he pulled the mermaid girl and turned around to swim.

The shark chased after them, but found that they were too far away and they were still fighting and couldn't leave. Otherwise, with the character of the shark, they would generally chase to the end.

The diver and Emily struggled for several hours, but returned without success. It was also a bit depressing.

Emily was smart and took the diver to the guards of Graystone Town to report.

There were hundreds of sharks and dolphins fighting outside the town, and the Graystone Town garrison must also pay attention to it. Both of them received a lot of rewards.

"Brother Diver, don't be discouraged. They will fight for at most one or two days. Let's go again in three days."

What? Oh, we can go again. "Okay, okay, it's a deal." Xiao Ming was overjoyed.

After chatting with Emily for a while, I realized that this plot was not a one-time thing.

The current favorability between the diver and Emily is as high as 70. The diver can go to the shipwreck site once a week.

Each expedition can be tested 3 times. However, the stay time in the shipwreck site will be reduced successively.

The maximum is 1 hour, and the minimum is 20 minutes.

The diver went to the shipwreck site for the first time and stayed in it for more than 2 hours.

That's because the system rewards more time for the first time. In addition, Bobby also went there, which added a bonus to the stay time.

As they chatted, they arrived at the jewelry store again. The diver took on the task of watching the store again.

This task is almost becoming the main source of experience for the diver.

When it was time for dinner, Yin Xiaoming, who was shopping with him, no longer carried his own bag.

There were more than 30 bags of various kinds, and it was really too much to carry. Originally, Xiaoming planned to find a place where no one was and put the things in Guangmingding.

But Xiao Jinger disagreed, saying that she felt very unfulfilled when she couldn't see these bags.

Xiaoming had no choice but to rent an auxiliary robot to follow the brother and sister and carry the bags for him.

It was called a robot, but it was actually a clothes rack with many bags hanging on it. There was also a cylindrical glass cover outside.

Xiao Jinger could see the things inside at any time, and they would not be stolen by others. Very practical.

Dinner was barbecue. It should be said that this kind of food is not good for the body, and eating too much is harmful to health.

But this level of damage has almost no effect on extraordinary people. So why not eat it freely.

Lamb, beef, chicken wings, chicken hearts, grilled sausages, squid, shrimp, scallops, fish fillets, green peppers, sweet peppers, potatoes, lettuce, eggplant, mushrooms, corn...

There was everything delicious, filling up the table.

Xiao Jinger was happy, and didn't notice the waiter and other customers, who looked at them with a bit of weirdness.

How many days had he not eaten? Eating so much in one meal, how could he survive in the future?

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