Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 209 Reporting Mission

The Song Dynasty will not send out a second army before the first wave of expeditions return. Players will no longer have the opportunity to take advantage of the ride.

What? Players can go by themselves? What a good thing! That's the Wushan Mountains.

Without the protection of the court army, the players have been eaten up by the monsters outside the Wushan Mountains before they found the nameless peak.

According to the procedure, players have to wait until the expedition team returns tomorrow to go to the Huo's Chamber of Commerce to deliver the task.

Use the task items obtained to exchange for experience, merits and other rewards. Task items are not limited to controller-related items.

There are also some relatively precious ores, herbs, and rare birds and animals in the cave. Although these things deviate from the theme. But the Huo's Chamber of Commerce also recognizes them.

These can also be exchanged for a certain amount of rewards. If the quantity is large, it may not be worse than others.

The object of the players' delivery of the task is Shopkeeper Huo; the object of the explorer's delivery of the task was originally Lan Yurou.

But the explorer's task has changed, and he has opened the hidden plot. The task has entered the next stage-[Report].

He must find a human leader who is higher than Lan Yurou and report to him what happened in the cave, mainly what Lan Yurou experienced.

This task is very difficult for other players. They don't know NPCs who are higher than Lan Yurou. Even if they know them, they can't talk.

If they want to do this task, they must accumulate merits and climb high enough in the bureaucratic system of the Song Dynasty.

Only then can they have the opportunity to meet NPCs who are higher than Lan Yurou. Then they can report to them.

This is a long-term task. It is difficult to do it unless you reach level 3 or above.

Of course, if the player is lucky, he can meet a high-level NPC in a special plot, so he can complete the task.

But this kind of luck is also hard to come by.

Moreover, the object of the report directly determines the level of the reward and the direction of the subsequent tasks.

This is a plot task of the military ascetic series. There are other forces involved.

If the player reports this matter to other factions, or even other races, it will inevitably change the development of the plot and the distribution of benefits.

The rewards that players can get will also change accordingly. This complex situation is enough to make any professional player grow a few more gray hairs.

The explorer does not have such troubles. He has the communication crystal of his master, Mr. Guo, in his hand.

After a long-distance conversation with Mr. Guo, the [Report] task is completed. The reward is issued.

The explorer's level is upgraded to level 2, level 5; the gold coins increase by 30,000. (In fact, there are also merit rewards, which are temporarily hidden data.)

The favorability with Mr. Guo increased to 70 intimacy; the favorability with Lan Yurou increased to 90 trust.

At first glance, this life-saving grace is different, and he also upgraded Lan Yurou's inheritance equipment by 2 levels. 90 favorability is not surprising.

In addition, Huo Yingying and Huo Yingda also increased their favorability by 10 points respectively, both reaching the level of 50 friends.

The reward is not too generous, mainly because it is actually the sum of the rewards of two tasks.

The cave exploration task and the task of finding high-level reports. So it seems a lot.

Yesterday, I upgraded 5 levels at once, and today I upgraded 5 levels at once. The level increase was a bit too fast. Xiao Ming himself was shocked.

But in fact, this was not unusual. He created a miracle in an impossible place again. The credit was quite great.

Under the normal process of this task, the player should be like this:

Kill some task monsters and pick up some dropped task items; if you are lucky, you may kill several NPCs and players of other races.

This is the normal level, and the experience reward obtained in this way is at most half a level. It is very difficult to get a higher reward.

So the Tang Dynasty Guild will adopt the method of accumulating a little to make a lot, concentrating all the gains of all members on one player, which can increase the reward.

Several other guilds also plan to do this. And they specially hired helpers, such as Qingqinghebiancao, Yanshangluobai and others were all hired by the Tang Dynasty.

But Xiao Ming never uses this method to do tasks. He has a golden finger.

The system did not expect that the explorer actually learned alchemy from scratch during the task. This immediately raised his task evaluation.

So when he fell into the deep pool, the system gave him a fleeting opportunity.

This opportunity is not only available to explorers. If other players progress well enough in the game, the system may also give them opportunities.

Xiao Ming also seized the opportunity in time, so he was brought to Lan Yurou by the vortex.

If he did not choose to enter the vortex immediately, but floated up, waited and thought about it, and then dived again.

Then he would encounter the vortex again. But this vortex would no longer lead to Lan Yurou's location.

It may lead to some other important locations, such as places with higher-level controllers/higher-level puppet monsters.

There will be good things for players to discover. But missed opportunities are missed forever.

And even if you meet Lan Yurou, it may not be a good thing. Of course, the explorer and Lan Yurou fought, which was an emergency.

Generally, they will not fight. But whether you can gain Lan Yurou's trust depends on the player's own efforts.

Try to help Lan Yurou heal her injuries. Players must at least increase her health to more than 50%. Only then can she inspire her will to save her life.

During this period, Lan Yurou will also tell players that this barrier can only be left by death.

After hearing this, it is estimated that most players will not continue to bother to treat Lan Yurou.

Those who are a little darker may choose to kill Lan Yurou and get the kill reward. Anyway, she will not have any memory of this period after rebirth.

Such players will miss the report task. Miss the decoder plot.

Only players who have saved Lan Yurou will receive the report task. But the content of the report varies from person to person.

How much information Lan Yurou will tell the player depends entirely on the relationship between the player and Lan Yurou.

The game has only been 8 or 9 days so far, and it is impossible for normal players to achieve a certain degree of favorability with a 5th-level high priest.

If the [Report] task is not completed, the human race will not increase investment, so the benefits obtained in this regard will be very small.

The elves are similar in this regard. Fang Qiong was trapped in a similar place as Lan Yurou.

Therefore, the improvement of the orcs would far exceed that of the humans and elves. In other words, both races were weakened a bit.

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