Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 193 Strange Question

Lan Yurou looked miserable in the pool of blood. But her condition was getting better little by little.

After the injection of the T virus and the antidote, Xiao Ming did not see the initial scene because he was exhausted at that time.

Later, when Xiao Ming got up, he found that Lan Yurou's health value had stopped decreasing. It was even increasing very slowly.

Although Lan Yurou was covered in blood, it was all from the past. Xiao Ming found through Yuan that her wounds had healed now.

The only bad news was that her level had dropped. She used to be a 5th-level high priest, but now she was just an ordinary 3rd-level priest.

Xiao Ming thought this was normal. After such a serious injury, it was good enough to save her life.

It was nothing to lower the level. As long as the potential was not reduced, the level could be raised again in the future.

What Xiao Ming did not know was that when he was exhausted, he missed a very important scene.

Lan Yurou did not drop to level 3, but under the effect of the T virus and the antidote, she was directly dropped to level 0, and then upgraded to level 3 again.

What does this mean? In the language of the game, Lan Yurou's potential has been improved by the virus, so more experience is needed to upgrade.

With the previous experience of level 5, she can only be upgraded to level 3. She still needs to practice on her own in the future.

Of course, her current level 3 strength is definitely not as good as the previous level 5. But after she is upgraded to level 5 according to this situation, she will definitely be several times stronger than before.

And according to the setting of the game, the original strong people in the adventure map cannot enter the strategic map. Only new professionals can enter the strategic map.

So the previous Lan Yurou could not enter the strategic map.

But now, Lan Yurou, who has returned to level 0 and upgraded to level 3 again, is eligible to enter the strategic map.

This actually makes the value of the T virus soar by several levels.

But Lan Yurou is still in a coma, and Xiao Ming knows nothing about it. He has temporarily missed this priceless information.

Can the antidote for the T virus be so awesome? Of course not. This is just a manifestation of the game system reward.

What the system says it is, it is what it is. It has the functions that the system says it has.

If the player is stupid and really runs to the secret realm of the biochemical crisis and injects the T virus and the antidote at the same time.

You will find that there is no such effect. Only the general rewards given by the system have such a heaven-defying effect.

After Xiao Ming recovered some of his spirit, he remembered something. It seemed that he saw a few things in the center of the barrier before.

Now that he had nothing to do, Xiao Ming went over to check. But he only saw one thing, a square safe. Could it be that he was dazzled at that time?

NPCs definitely don’t know things like safes. Obviously, this is specially prepared for players.

The password is a keystroke from 0 to 9. There is a hint on the box-"The Year of China's National Humiliation".

There is no such a specific year in the Chinese countries of Pangu Star, which is recognized as the year of China's national humiliation.

This is obviously for the players to choose. Which year do you think is the most shameful year for China?

What kind of question is this! Of course it is the year when the Western Jin Dynasty fell! As for the world war and the division of the Qin Dynasty, Xiao Ming did not feel very ashamed.

When Xiao Ming was about to press the button, he suddenly had an idea. No, no! How could he forget "The Strange Man from the Far Island"!

The game production team must have read "The Strange Man from the Far Island". Then the answer to this question is not necessarily the demise of the Western Jin Dynasty.

If Xiao Ming's guess is correct, this question should have multiple answers. And different answers correspond to different consequences.

The game maker is really good at playing. Xiao Ming doesn't know which answer to use.

He only read a few brief introductions to the book "The Strange Man from the Far Island". He didn't read the detailed content.

He didn't know the year at all. Let's ask for help.

So Maomao'er's distraction appeared beside Xiao Ming again with the hot-blooded Nezha.

According to Xiao Ming's needs, Maomao'er listed the many shameful days of China in "The Strange Man from the Far Island".

Xiao Ming read one by one, and he was getting more and more angry. It was hard to say which day was more humiliating.

After reading all of them, Xiao Ming was in a dilemma. Which year should he choose?

The so-called year is actually to choose which enemy is more hateful.

Xiao Ming thought about it carefully and decided that the Japanese were more hateful, so he entered the year 1895.

The safe was opened, and the explorer got a special strategic treasure of level 3 [Yata Mirror].

Function: It has a miraculous effect on specific NPCs, increasing the chance of the opponent's surrender when not in combat;

Reduce the opponent's soldiers' attack, defense and life by 30% during the battle;

The special NPCs defeated by their own side cannot escape, but can only die or surrender.

This one is clear, the so-called special NPCs must be those with Japanese background.

As for the function of the treasure, why is it mainly to subdue the opponent? This is actually the result of the year Xiao Ming chose.

If Xiao Ming chooses a later year, such as the September 18th Incident, or the year of the Nanjing Massacre.

Then he will get different treasures, and those treasures are likely not to be mainly for surrender, but more murderous!

Xiao Ming, who grew up on Pangu Star, knew too little about that period of history, so he was more rational when making his choice.

In his view, the Sino-Japanese War was the turning point in Sino-Japanese relations, so he chose 1895.

That's why he obtained such a treasure that was not very murderous.

After holding this treasure and thinking for a while, Xiao Ming did not immediately use source energy to strengthen it.

Why? Because Xiao Ming's super power is now more powerful, he can strengthen it twice or once in a targeted way. Targeted reinforcement can sometimes work wonders.

But there was no specific direction for the time being, so Xiao Ming began to meditate...

As he was thinking about it, he became distracted again and his thoughts began to wander...

"Beep, beep, beep, beep~" What woke Xiao Ming up was an emergency call from outside the game.

What's going on? Xiao Ming immediately quit the game. It was discovered that the person calling him was the military of the Huangdi Galaxy.

On the destroyer Liaohua, Zhang Xiaoliang had just climbed out of the game cabin.

Cecilia Jane, the beautiful adjutant who had been waiting for a long time, immediately saluted him:

"Lieutenant, emergency. A light spirit just appeared."

Xiaoliang said "Oh", it turned out that a job came to his door, so he returned the greeting and asked: "Okay, let's go over there. Where is it?"

"Gone, gone."

"What did you say?" The light spirit had already left, did you think of calling me over?

"Sir, the experts have invited you here to test whether you can attract the light spirit that just disappeared to reappear." Jane's explanation was reasonable.

"Ha, this idea is interesting." Xiaodian nodded.

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