Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 19 The Feeling of Death

"Just before the game officially started running at 5:31 this morning, the main brain Jiuweihu received a level 1 warning.

An unknown error occurred in your game cabin. The program that should have been dormant was accidentally started, which is almost impossible.

The system ran the self-check program but did not find the source of the problem. (During the same period of time, the main brain received tens of thousands of warning messages of various levels)

At this time, your personal authority actually opened the consciousness transmission channel. The system warning was immediately upgraded to level 4.

So the main brain Jiuweihu transmitted a high-level game assistant to your game cabin, which is my predecessor. To deeply understand the situation. Carefully check all aspects of data.

After you entered the game cabin, you used the consciousness at 5:55. The consciousness transmission channel is connected to your replica in the Yellow Emperor Galaxy.

Under normal procedures, you must first shut down the intelligent program that controls the replica itself (that is, Xiaoerer) before you can access the consciousness of a natural person.

Because of the program error, your consciousness and the intelligent program exist together in the brain of the replica, causing confusion.

And because you have the highest priority, you only suffer minor mental damage. The intelligent program is almost completely destroyed.

Later, the nine-tailed fox repaired it into the current A-level intelligent program Xiaoerer, which is responsible for managing the replica and the characters in the game when your consciousness is not there. "

Hearing that he accidentally destroyed an artificial intelligence, Zhang Xiaoming was also stunned, but why didn't he feel any sense of accomplishment.

Maomaoer continued to explain: "At 6:08, your consciousness returned to the personal space, and then entered the game. During this time, the senior assistant understood the basic situation.

According to the game warehouse's monitoring records of the outside world, it is basically determined that it is caused by your ability as a player.

You consciously emitted a special energy, which caused the game warehouse to activate hidden programs and devices under impossible circumstances. You also occasionally release this energy in the game."

Xiao Ming was sweating coldly when he heard it. He thought he didn't make a fuss. As a result, this game actually has an NB mastermind, called Nine-Tailed Fox. Who named it?

This guy is too smart. The game warehouse also has an external monitoring function. I really didn't expect it. This is exposed.

"Originally, this matter should have been reported to the Royal Academy of Sciences immediately. But the mastermind found that the energy you released was very beneficial to the mastermind.

So the mastermind used its own authority to classify your special information as level 11 confidential, and no one could query it.

Your own authority was upgraded to level 4, and you are affiliated with the Magic Planet Logistics Department. Don't worry about being discovered.

Many special agencies, special organizations, and tasks have inserted various personnel into various departments of the Yanhuang Plan in various ways.

There are about tens of thousands of people in total. You are among them and don't attract attention at all. The mastermind's approach is also completely in line with the cooperation agreement with the New Han Kingdom."

After Maomao'er said this, Xiao Ming was relieved. Fortunately, the mastermind is intelligent enough.

"Then what kind of energy am I releasing?" This is also something Xiao Ming has never figured out.

"The mastermind has not been able to analyze it for the time being, and the nature of your special energy is still beyond the mastermind's understanding.

The mastermind decided to conduct a detailed study, so it transmitted another copy of his program, that is, me. 24 hours of continuous observation of your situation."

What? ! Xiao Ming's heart was hanging again. They sent a spy over. On second thought, if he hadn't been useful to the main brain, he wouldn't have received the special protection of the main brain.

What does the main brain mean? Is there a conspiracy? Want to control humans? Xiao Ming's thoughts were uncertain.

Perhaps sensing Xiao Ming's worry, Maomao tried to comfort him:

"Please don't worry. Although the main brain has its own purpose, it has no ill will towards humans.

The New Han government has thought more carefully about this and has made sufficient protection in advance. If the main brain really has malicious intentions, the New Han is fully capable of blocking and counterattacking.

If the New Han can't do it, your worry is useless."

If you say there is no malicious intention, should I believe it? But the last sentence makes sense. Although it is a bit sarcastic, Zhang Xiaoming is inexplicably relieved.

"That's right, why should I worry about that. Eh? You said you observe me 24 hours a day, but I'm not in the game cabin most of the time?" Xiao Ming had a new question.

"… Temporarily upgrade citizen Zhang Xiaoming's confidentiality level to level 8. My composition is the same as the main brain. We are both artificial intelligences with light quantum structures as the main body.

The main brain is restricted and cannot leave the spaceship, and I can exist because I absorb the special energy you emit.

I am a group of light quantum structures swimming around you, and rely on the energy you emit to maintain my existence.

So I can't hurt you. Without you, there would be no me."

Is that so? Xiao Ming couldn't help but feel happy. If that's the case, then his safety would be much more guaranteed.

Maomao explained, thought about it and said:

"According to your human habits, if I adopt the image of a white-bearded old man.

Lie that I am a soul attached to your ring or something else. And show some special abilities. Wouldn't it be easier for you to accept it?"

You have read too many online novels, right? The situation is completely different, okay? Although it is not completely doubtful, Xiao Ming is more inclined to believe what Maomao said.

If the other party has malicious intentions, it is indeed easy to deceive me with the ability of the main brain. It would be even easier to deal with me.

"Wait, you said you and the Nine-Tailed Fox are both artificial intelligence? In other words, you were created by other races? Who are they?" Xiao Ming was purely curious this time.

"We don't know what race created us. The Nine-Tailed Fox is just a private game simulator in the spaceship of the original civilization.

The main brain does not store information about the civilization and race it is in. It is estimated that its image is similar to yours."

Unbelievable! It's just a game console. You must be kidding me!

"Huh! It's turned on now?" Mao Maoer was suddenly surprised, and then immediately said to Xiao Ming:

"Believe me I won't hurt you. Time is limited. Go and take a look first. Come back and talk."

With a wave of his little paw, Xiao Ming's eyes went dark, and he felt the same sense of consciousness transmission again.

When he opened his eyes, Xiao Ming found himself in a round transparent container, and some light green liquid around his body was slowly falling until it disappeared.

At the same time, some memories or knowledge were instilled into Xiao Ming's brain. It seems to be all combat experience.

With a "touch", the body fell down and stood on a small platform. Several mechanical arms around pressed several plates of armor onto him.

Xiao Ming felt that this body was full of strength and very strong. A rough metal stick was stuffed into Xiao Ming's hand. A computer voice sounded:

"YNF-ZXM-12125. Command: Defend the position and kill the frontal enemy."

Obviously, this is an order issued to me. What the hell is this number? Suddenly, the body was pushed into a pipe by the platform at a high speed.

A few seconds later, suddenly the eyes lit up, the body was thrown into the air, and the light stung my eyes.

Looking down, it seems that I am in the air of the battlefield, and I haven't seen the details yet. The destination is right in front of me. There are 3 skeletons holding weapons at the landing point, and one of them is waving a big knife at me.

A strong wind rushed straight to my face. For the first time in my life, the feeling of death was so close to Xiao Ming.

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