Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 187 The children have grown up

The people of Datang entered the mysterious cave from the foot of the mountain, while the explorers entered from the middle of the mountain.

Why did the explorers encounter the players of Datang Guild when they were climbing up?

On the one hand, it was because the roads in the cave were too complicated, confusing, circling back and forth, and upside down.

Li Songrui and Xiao Ming were actually rushing around like headless flies. They went up and down several times.

Li Songrui's luck was really good. She led her team to gradually move up in the chaos, and the general direction was right.

We know that the higher you go, the more dangerous it is. However, with the strength of their team, they may get a good harvest.

The explorers were confused and went down and down. He did not deliberately choose to go down. Instead, he subconsciously went down and down unconsciously.

Others started low and went high, but he started high and went low. If he opened low...

The reason is also very simple. Generally speaking, the higher you go, the stronger and more numerous the wild monsters are, and the greater the pressure is; the lower you go, the easier it is.

In this case, professional players will definitely face the challenge head-on. This habit of doing tasks has been deeply rooted in their bones.

Xiao Ming naturally went down with the flow, and his loser habits were also deeply rooted in his bones.

After all, he is not a professional player. If he stops and thinks carefully, he may choose the right path;

But if he doesn't think about it at all, he will subconsciously choose the easier route.

So after several hours of the mission, he walked to the feet of Li Songrui's team.

Falling from the rock wall, halfway, Xiao Ming also came back to his senses.

And what brought him back to his senses was the killing images caused by the aliens such as Lao Da and Lao Shi.

The explorer and Xiao Hei are both controlled by Xiao Ming himself. Xiao Hei's fighting and killing instincts are suppressed to the lowest by Xiao Ming's otaku attributes.

But the children are all normal aliens (similar to alien mind beasts). The fighting instinct of their aliens even surpasses that of most beasts.

The original purpose of aliens is to destroy races and clean up planets.

Seeing the explorer and Xiao Hei fall into the water, the aliens instinctively thought that their "parents" had been attacked and fell.

So except for the four aliens who went to rescue, the others went directly into the cave to take revenge.

Facing the killing machine aliens, although the members of the Tang Dynasty Guild are all experienced players, they are not good enough.

They were quickly slaughtered by the boss and others like cutting melons and vegetables. Moreover, the aliens are agile and move like the wind.

When the players find the enemy, it is usually when the attack has come to them, and there is no time to react.

Only Zhao Yun of the Tang Dynasty has a really good spearmanship. He wields a silver spear and fights an alien.

It seems that he may be a martial artist in reality. Players close to level 2 can fight with monsters like aliens that are close to level 3 with their spearmanship.

His combat power in reality is estimated to be quite strong, and it is likely to be a few points higher than Zhu Xinxiu. He is also a hero.

Unfortunately, the aliens do not understand the sympathy of heroes, and will not fight him alone.

Soon Zhao Yun was torn into pieces under the siege of three aliens, and his death was quite miserable.

The death scenes of several other players are also not suitable for children. This is the effect of the picture processing in the game.

These pictures are transmitted to Xiao Hei/Xiao Ming's brain through telepathy. Xiao Ming is also speechless.

This group of players is really unlucky. Of course, at this time, Xiao Ming did not know that these people were all from the Datang Guild.

He himself had a short time to meet Li Yuanji's eyes and did not recognize him. From the perspective of the alien children, the game name on the top of the player's head cannot be seen.

But Xiao Ming knew that the people killed this time were all humans, and they were in the same camp as himself, and he felt a little bit reluctant.

Hey? Wait, what are you doing? This is not a good way. The images that came over next made Xiao Ming laugh and cry.

The boss and the other six aliens not only know how to kill people, but after playing the game for a few hours, they even remembered to pick up equipment.

They picked up the dead players' dropped items with their mouths and went out of the cave. They also chased down along the rock wall. Who did they learn this from? They all know to pick up items frequently.

But there is nothing wrong with picking them up. If they are left there for a short time, they will be wiped out by the system.

Xiao Ming, who came to his senses, had already thought: as long as he spread his wings of light, he could stop himself from falling.

But a thought suddenly flashed through his mind. Cliffs, pools, and falling are the standard features of adventures. Why didn't I think of it before!

You should know that Pangu Star also has martial arts novels, as well as Jin Dada and his many works. His influence far exceeds that of Jin Dada on Earth.

Routines such as cliffs and pools are naturally well known to the world.

It is natural that some of the same routines will be used in major games. So it also created a group of players who like to find adventures.

No matter which game, they like to jump off cliffs or dive everywhere, hoping to pick up cheats; meet an old man; or "accidentally" enter the graveyard of masters.

Although most of the time, they return empty-handed, new people continue to join this group. (This is probably the mentality of lottery buyers.)

Unfortunately, in the magic planet, these are all in vain.

If the accumulation is not enough, even if the player chooses the right cliff to jump off, he will only fall to his death and will not get the treasure that is close at hand.

In fact, players can't even see it. The system calls it "the opportunity has not come yet, and the treasure has not yet been born."

For example, it is impossible for researchers to encounter Lin Shen before they obtain the [Aristarchus Telescope]. The system will not show this plot at all.

From this perspective, there are no real adventures in this game.

***Xiao Ming didn’t know this, but the explorer’s accumulation was enough, and the system calculated it, okay, I’ll give you a little sweetness.

If you can't seize the opportunity, it's my fault. Haven't you ever heard that "you can't blame society for your bad life, and you can't blame the system for your misfortune."? ***

Although they did not unfold their wings of light, Xiao Ming and Xiao Hei still turned over in the air and plunged into the water like divers entering the water.

——While the pond water was not paying attention, the water did not splash much. If the aliens who jumped down after them were knowledgeable, they would probably all score a high 10 points.

Xiao Ming fell from a relatively high place and entered the water very quickly. Plus the alien exoskeleton is very smooth.

The explorer plunged into the deepest part of the pool. Because the bottom of the water is too dark, I can't see much by sight alone.

But within the circle's reach, a very powerful vortex was felt.

Xiao Ming was prepared and took back Xiao Hei and ten alien warriors in an instant. Plunge yourself into that vortex.

The things that the children had picked up with great effort fell on the water with a splash. A splash of water.

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