Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 175 Nine out of Ten

It’s all because Yang Hu said “Eight out of ten things in life are not satisfactory”. (The original text is slightly different, and it evolved into this sentence later.)

There is also a saying “Good fortune never comes alone, and misfortune never comes alone”. Things in this world are really unsatisfactory.

Zhang Xiaoming was about to show his strength in the game because of his great increase. But unsatisfactory things came one after another.

He participated in the plot mission as the C position, but the things he got were of little use. (He thought so.)

He wanted to use the 6-arm Naga swordsmanship in reality, but unfortunately he could only use the 4-arm swordsmanship, and he was still struggling.

He wanted to use the 8-arm swordsmanship with two Nezha in the game, but the result was still at the previous 6-arm level.

Is this too unlucky?

Obviously not. It is clear that he set his expectations too high, and there was also a misunderstanding of the arms biological controller.

The sword technique problem actually involves the core problem of the Naga sword technique:

- For every 2 more arms, the difficulty coefficient of the Naga sword technique is doubled!

Generally speaking, this is a problem that will only be encountered in the later stages of the game.

Normal Naga players have to reach level 6 before they can get in touch with the 8-arm problem.

Players who want to get a special race of Naga and upgrade to level 6 will never know when it will happen.

Even if they do, they can only use the 8-arm sword technique in the game by borrowing the character's powerful physical data. Don't even think about it in reality.

The problem Xiao Ming is facing now is simply a happy problem-happy problem.

If other players have this kind of trouble, they should open a bottle of champagne to celebrate! Xiao Ming's depression is purely greedy and self-inflicted.

His character, the Diver, is only a level 1, 2-armed little Naga. Being able to use the 6-arm sword technique has already surpassed 3 or 4 levels.

Thanks to the good physique of the Naga and the high matching degree of the sword technique of the tribe. This allowed the diver to use the 6-arm Naga sword technique more freely.

This is already very good. It is a bit too much to want to use the 8-arm sword technique.

The reason why I didn't notice it before was because the 6-arm sword technique didn't stump him. It was not until now that I had the opportunity to try the 8-arm sword technique.

o(≧口≦)o Collapse! The diver only used 7 or 8 Naga sword techniques, and felt that the diver's body was already injured.

There were different degrees of muscle and tendon ruptures all over the body, and even the internal organs were injured.

It seems that it is still too much, and it is too early to want to practice the 8-arm sword technique at this stage.

As a senior loser, Xiao Ming is still very good at dealing with disappointment. ——Nothing is difficult in the world as long as you are willing to give up.

Forget it if you can't do it, anyway, it's just for show. It's not something indispensable.

Xiao Ming covered his injured and painful ribs and said angrily: "I won't go into a dead end. Hiss~" - This guy is clearly afraid of pain.

Using the primary healing technique pirated from the explorer, he treated himself, and the heart-wrenching pain of the diver finally eased a lot.

It hurts too much, so I'd better stop practicing the 8-arm sword technique. Xiao Ming is most afraid of pain, and he will turn back immediately after hitting the wall.

If it were another professional player, there is a 90% chance that he would continue, and familiarize himself with repeated injuries and treatments.

In the end, God (system) rewards hard work, and he is likely to master the 8-arm Naga sword technique in advance. Thus gaining a great advantage.

Unfortunately, Xiao Ming has no fate with this achievement. He prefers a more fun way.

Xiao Ming used the hot-blooded Nezha to transform into four arms. He transformed the iron-blooded Nezha into the six styles of Claude.

Using 6 arms to wield 6 styles, it finally worked smoothly. It was far better than the previous feeling of making do with it. It was so cool!

You should know that Xiao Ming never practiced melee skills for actual combat, but just to show off.

Otherwise, how could Xiao Ming get a weapon like [Claude Six Styles] that has no practical value at all, and he would not be obsessed with Naga Swordsmanship.

The Ascetic Monk Staff Method that is more suitable for Xiao Ming is the move that he should spend the most time and energy to study. But he just maintains a normal level of practice.

In order to show off and have fun, Xiao Ming can spend a lot of time studying Claude Six Styles and Naga Swordsmanship.

Although it is a bit unscientific, it is a blessing in disguise. The six-armed Naga dances Claude Six Styles, which is very exciting!

Xiao Ming has to give himself 99 points for this X-show, and he gives 1 point less because he is afraid of being proud.

This is something that even Claude himself can't do! (Of course, if they really fight, Claude will beat him with one hand without any negotiation.)

"But if you are not as good as me in showing off, I will be happy." This is Xiao Ming's voice. ——This useless thing.

Once the mood gets better, Xiao Ming's brain hole opens up again. We have more exciting ways to play.

Xiao Ming started to tinker with it...

***Can you imagine what Xiao Ming has come up with? Are there too many possibilities? ***

More than 40 minutes later, Magic Planet·Undersea·Graystone Town·Testing the Temple of Light·Backyard.

Amidst the flashes of swords and shadows, the Level 1 Naga-Diver was performing the 6-arm Naga sword technique. ——Is there anything special about this?

Of course, it is special, not the sword technique, but the fact that the diver has 8 arms at this moment.

The original set of arms was holding a book "Overview of Surface Races" and placed it in front of the diver to read (show off).

Xiao Ming was actually doing two things at once, dancing with the sword and reading at the same time.

This is Xiao Ming's brain hole. We can't play the 8-arm sword technique, but we can do two things at once, right?

My buddy is reading and fighting with you at the same time. Are you afraid? ——Xiao Ming's mentality is clearly to attract hatred.

As for why he needs to read? Because when 6 arms are wielding swords, the space left is really a bit small. There are not many things that can be done.

Xiao Ming had to find a book he had never read before and took it out to pretend.

This operation is not difficult. Not to mention 8 arms, 10 arms can be put together. What did the 40 minutes take?

Isn't this double source energy? Xiao Ming first used the green source energy to strengthen the Iron Blood Nezha for the second time.

The quality of the green source energy is actually a little higher than the original silver source energy.

The arm armor was directly strengthened into half a half-body armor. There is no helmet, but it comes with a small section of skirt armor, which is about the middle of the thigh.

[Iron Blood Nezha Type 6 Full-Function Right Upper Body Armor] can cover the right half of Xiao Ming's upper body.

The amount of liquid metal in Iron-Blooded Nezha has greatly increased compared to before, and now it is enough to transform into 6 arms.

According to common sense, Xiao Ming should also upgrade Hot-Blooded Nezha and piece together the entire half-body armor.

Although green source energy cannot directly enhance the formed mind power, in the game, the total amount of mind power of Xiao Ming's character is much greater than that of Xiao Ming himself.

It should be no problem to further develop Hot-Blooded Nezha.

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