Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1687 Success

Xiao Ming couldn't see through Doctor Strange's thoughts. He didn't know whether this guy supported him or opposed him.

In the original book, Doctor Strange gave the Time Stone to Thanos in order to save Iron Man. Later, when Thanos snapped his fingers, he even died.

But in the end, everyone survived, and only Iron Man had to sacrifice himself. This was the only way to victory he saw from tens of millions of timelines.

This time, Xiao Ming didn't know whether Doctor Strange would have the same idea. But for now, this result is the best. It is much more peaceful than obtaining the Mind Stone.

Vision, the artificial intelligence with the Mind Stone embedded in his forehead, and his girlfriend Scarlet Witch, Wanda, will not believe Xiao Ming so easily.

The key is that Vision's entire person is based on the Mind Stone. If he doesn't have the Mind Stone, he will probably die directly.

No matter how convincing the reasons Xiao Ming gives are, Vision and Wanda will not accept them easily. Therefore, the leader guard Red Xiao Ming has to subdue them first.

These two guys are not easy to deal with. Without the Infinity Stones, Thanos would probably only be able to fight one of them, and might not be able to defeat Wanda.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming is indeed strong enough. And I got enough information from my master A Cha, and I also know the characteristics of these two people.

The raid was led by Red Xiao Ming, and Feiying, Kurama, General Corvus, and Proxima Midnight took action together.

In the original book, only General Corvus and Proxima Midnight were responsible for the sneak attack. They underestimated Wanda. They only injured Vision at the first time in order to snatch the Mind Stone.

As a result, Wanda relied on her powerful ability to fight against two people alone, and she dealt with them for a long time, and finally waited for the help of Captain America, Falcon, and Black Widow.

The two were beaten so badly that they had to escape on a spaceship. They went home and mobilized a large-scale army to fight for the gems. They fought a grand and vigorous decisive battle.

In this life, Xiao Ming, who knows the plot, will certainly not repeat the same mistakes. General Corvus and Hiei attacked secretly, seriously injuring Vision and Wanda respectively.

Faced with the threat of their loved ones being killed, the two had no choice but to give up resistance. At this time, they actually didn't know about Thanos, nor did they know what the enemy was here for.

If they had gotten the news earlier, Wanda would definitely fight to protect Vision.

You should know that Vision is an artificial intelligence robot created by Ultron, Dr. Bruce Banner, and Iron Man with the Mind Stone as the core.

Normally, if the Mind Stone is taken away, Vision will definitely be finished. This matter is not something that can be bargained at all. It's just that Xiao Ming already had a plan without killing Vision.

It's nothing more than making a new human body for Vision first, and then extracting Vision's soul from the robot and putting it into the new body.

Although it sounds simple, in fact, only civil servants in the underworld with Pluto-level authority can do it.

For other people, naturally, they dare not even think about it. Even if Xiao Ming talks to them, they won't believe it.

Therefore, there was no way to negotiate, and the only thing to do was to subdue the couple first. After that, things were simple. After that, Xiao Ming also healed their injuries.

Vision successfully reincarnated as a human, and after losing the Mind Stone, his combat power lost as much as 70% to 80%.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming gave him a new body with a strength no less than Captain America. Vision himself also has very complete information on various fighting techniques.

Give him some time to train well, and he can also become a superhero no less than Captain America.

Moreover, after having a real human body, Vision and Wanda's future married life will be more fulfilling. This change made them feel mixed.

To talk about losses, there is actually no loss. Vision doesn't care about the Mind Stone. He can become a normal human being, which he wants.

In a sense, it's better that the Mind Stone was taken away. Because since the day Vision was born, he was destined to be in a situation where he was innocent but guilty of possessing a treasure.

There are so many masters in the universe who are eyeing the Infinity Stones. No one had bothered him before, because Ancient One and Odin were protecting the Earth.

Even Thanos, the great villain, didn't dare to come and rob, let alone others.

But recently, Ancient One and Odin have both fallen, and Asgard has been completely destroyed. Vision has actually become the target of public criticism.

It can be said that if Thanos had come a few days later, someone else might have taken action. So it's not a bad thing to be robbed now. At least there won't be thieves coming to the door in the future.

But it's hard for the couple to be grateful to Xiao Ming and others.

After all, they live a good life. Xiao Ming and his group beat them seriously. It's hard for them not to have grudges in their hearts.

In Xiao Ming's opinion, this behavior is a bad thing. He didn't want to get the other party's forgiveness, so he said sorry and teleported away with his four men.

Huang Xiaoming's group of three and Red Xiaoming's group of five all appeared in Green Xiaoming's Leviathan's belly one after another. At this time, Leviathan is in space outside the Unknown Land.

The Unknown Land is under fierce attack from Thanos' army, and it seems that it will not last long. Xiao Ming's army does not need to take action at all.

This is the territory of the Collector Tiwan. He happens to have an Infinity Stone in his hand - the Reality Stone.

He didn't even buy this gem with money or send someone to rob it. Instead, Odin sent someone to give it to him.

A few years ago, the dark elves rose again and wanted to destroy the nine worlds with the Reality Gem. Later, they were defeated by Thor, and the Reality Gem fell into the hands of Asgard.

However, Asgard was already guarding a Space Gem, and it was unwise to put two Infinity Gems together.

So Odin decided to give the Reality Gem to the Collector. The Collector is powerful enough to protect an Infinity Gem.

In fact, it's almost the same. Anyway, before Thanos led his army to fight for it, no other force dared to snatch the Reality Gem without knowing it.

In fact, if Thanos hadn't obtained the Power Gem and the Space Gem, he might not have been able to snatch the Reality Gem from the Collector with his strength.

Now, although the army hired by the Collector caused some losses to Thanos's army, it finally collapsed. Thanos got the Reality Gem. The Infinity Gems were all in his hands.

Before leaving, Xiao Ming resurrected all the people who were not guilty of death. Unfortunately, there aren't many people who deserve to die in the Land of No Knowledge, because the collectors hire mostly desperate criminals.

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