Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1684 I'll give you a gift

First, some races have just "taken off" the "outer garments" of beasts and entered the ranks of civilization. Their population is still small, perhaps only a hundred or so people.

Once Xiao Ming snaps his fingers, the upper limit of their population becomes dozens. With such a limit on the number, most races cannot really reproduce and survive.

There are also some civilizations that have just been destroyed, such as Asgard. After the Ragnarok of the Gods, more than half of them were gone, and more than half were lost after the attack of Thanos. There are only a few hundred people left.

Xiao Ming's snap of his fingers will reduce the upper limit of his population by half again. Can the remaining few people still maintain the existence of the Aesir? Maybe they will be destroyed if they encounter a strong enemy.

When the God King Odin conquered the nine worlds, the Aesir could be said to have many enemies. Some races are still strong today, and they will greatly threaten the survival of the Aesir.

This kind of civilization with too small an existing population needs to relax restrictions on a large scale. At least let them have an upper limit of several million.

In addition, in addition to races with too few people, there are many races with overpopulation in the universe. The Earth in the Marvel world is one of them.

Today, the population of the Earth has exceeded 7 billion and will soon enter 8 billion. With the resources of the Earth, it can actually sustain the survival of these people.

However, due to the extremely unfair distribution of world resources, more than 1 billion people are hungry every day. The rich are enjoying wine and meat, while the streets are freezing to death. This is not enough to describe the miserable situation. There are a lot of other various problems.

Even if Xiao Ming snaps his fingers, the population of the Earth will drop to 3.5 billion after a period of time. But the phenomenon of unfair resource distribution still exists.

For this kind of overpopulated civilization, it may not be enough to just halve. Xiao Ming does not have an answer to the specific upper limit of the Earth's population. But I believe that Lord Thanos can analyze a fair number.

Of course, the Earth is not the civilization with the largest population. The three major empires of the Marvel Universe, the Skrulls, the Shi'ar, and the Kree, all rule large areas of the universe, and their populations far exceed those of humans. They need to be strictly restricted.

In addition, this rule cannot be made too rigid. Especially they cannot be discovered by people of different races and civilizations. Especially when they have conflicts among themselves.

They may find that by killing the enemy, they can reproduce more offspring. The evil ones will take the initiative to carry out genocide.

For example, the Earth back then. Europeans sailed across the ocean to the North American continent. They found that they were unwilling to share this new continent with the local Indians. So they cruelly exterminated 99% of the Indians. This is because there were enough Indians and some of them survived.

In other parts of the Earth, many local indigenous peoples were completely exterminated by Western colonists. That was before the human population was capped.

If they knew that the population was limited. It's hard to say about other races, but Westerners will definitely exterminate other races on a large scale again.

In order to prevent this, Xiao Ming can think of that the population limit is fluctuating. It keeps fluctuating around a certain value. It makes it impossible for humans to figure out the rules.

Moreover, it can't be done all at once at the beginning, it has to be reduced from 100% to about 50% little by little.

If humans are not allowed to reproduce at all in this intermediate stage, then humans may become extinct due to generational discontinuity.

But this alone is not enough. With the wisdom of the earthlings, as long as large-scale data analysis is carried out, they will find the law one day. Tragedy will ensue.

Therefore, it is necessary to rely on Thanos to make fine adjustments. It is best to calculate the different races among humans separately. According to the different situations of each race, the population limit of each race should be formulated.

Xiao Ming's own ability is limited, and he cannot formulate such precise rules. It requires specific investigation and research to decide. This work can only be handed over to Thanos.

Brother Thanos also said that this matter is very much to his taste. Although it is still hard to say whether the plan of the leader Yin Xiaoming can make the universe long-term and peaceful.

But he has time and can continue to observe. If one day he feels that this method is unreliable, Thanos can still use his old method.

Anyway, after Xiao Ming has used the infinite gloves and infinite gems, he will be handed over to him. He is already dead and will not see that day.

"Bullshit!" Thor seemed to have recovered some strength. He struggled to stand up and retorted, "I don't care what you say. Thanos, you killed my people, I will kill you for revenge. And you, the guy who calls himself the "leader", no matter what plan you have, you should not cooperate with this murderous devil. I will definitely stop you."

In the original book, when Thor spoke, he would be controlled by Ebony Maw operating some metal parts. Don't let him disturb the great Thanos.

However, now there are two people in charge, and Ebony Maw can't make his own decisions.

More importantly, he also wants to see how these people will treat the Asgardians after reaching an agreement with his boss.

After all, he killed many people in Asgard. The hatred with Thor and others is irreconcilable.

How should this "leader" who seems to be in the good camp deal with the relationship with Asgard? It seems very interesting.

Xiao Ming looked at Thanos, then at Thor, and smiled: "Your opinion is not important. However, I want to give you a gift."

"Stop doing this, no gift can make me forgive...WTF?...How did you do it? Who are you?!"

The words Thor asked actually expressed the thoughts of all the plot characters present.

Because just now, the leader Yin Xiaoming did something very magical. He resurrected every Asgardian corpse.

Not a false resurrection like turning into a zombie, but a real resurrection. Although everyone was very weak and had little strength, one look at their eyes showed that these people were all original Asgardians, not some monsters resurrected from the dead.

This is something that not even Thanos can do. In Twilight of the Gods, his own barrier Hela only resurrected a bunch of undead warriors. Nor did he achieve a complete resurrection.

Is this leader working for the God of Death, or is he the God of Death himself? For a time, countless speculations appeared in everyone's mind.

At this time, Thor was a little confused. Although he still hated Thanos and his gang for attacking and killing people, now that his own people were alive, it seemed that there was no reason to fight against them anymore.

Even if he can't do it, if his subjects are killed again, the leader may not be willing to be resurrected again. How can I continue to spoil myself? Thor doesn't think he has that much face.

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