Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1681 The Five Obsidian Generals

Ebony Maw, General Corvus Glaive and others were shocked when they heard this. How could someone else suddenly appear at the other end of the spaceship? Several people turned around and looked.

First, they saw Xiaojia's huge mechanical figure. Mechanical life is not mainstream in the Marvel Universe, but it is not unique.

However, it is rare to see such a strong mechanical life. Looking at Xiaojia's figure, Ebony Maw secretly evaluated that he was probably on par with his own Black Dwarf.

In fact, Black Dwarf is only a B+ to A-level existence. As long as Xiaojia uses Kyber crystal weapons, Black Dwarf is not his opponent.

In front of Xiaojia stood several people of different heights. The two identical twin humans in the center were Yin Xiaoming and Huang Xiaoming. Next to them stood Red Xiaoming of the Protoss.

To the left of the three Xiaomings were the dwarf Feiying and the fox demon Cangma, and to the right were the female ghost Xiaohong and the tree demon Xiaolu. The space here is too small and not suitable for more people.

Ebony Maw secretly compared them and found that he couldn't see through the three in the middle. But the four on both sides were definitely masters. He might be able to deal with one of them, but it would be difficult to deal with two.

The three in the middle, who were protected by such a group of masters like the stars and the moon, were probably unlikely to be weak.

The most terrifying thing was that Ebony Maw noticed that there was a huge biological spaceship outside this broken spaceship. Its size was no less than that of Thanos' flagship. The interior of the spaceship couldn't be empty, right? When did such a powerful force appear in the universe, and his intelligence network didn't even get a glimmer of news.

The biological spaceship outside was the Leviathan incarnated by the insect king Green Xiaoming, which was equivalent to an extremely powerful space battleship.

It carried Orange Xiaoming, who was reincarnated as an ordinary human, his follower Xue Cai, and a large number of Zerg, Protoss, and monster subordinates under Xiaoming.

These people were not reincarnators, and they were able to enter the reincarnation world entirely because they were in Green Xiaoming's stomach. And they had reached a certain degree of symbiotic relationship.

In addition, Xiao Ming himself has the privilege of diamond VIP level, and he is also a dragon warrior of Qianxing Tower. He is one of us, so there is no need to control him too strictly.

So, the reincarnation space turned a blind eye and let him bring a lot of subordinates in. This method cannot be used by other reincarnations.

Generally speaking, every time Xiao Ming enters a reincarnation world, his five bodies will be scattered all over the world, and they will enter the plot with various identities.

This time, the five Xiao Mings gathered together, which is a special case. Because this is not a normal reincarnation mission, but a death journey specially created by my master A Cha to help Xiao Ming.

If ordinary people want to die, there are many ways. Hanging, jumping into the river, eating poison, touching the electric switch, climbing the railway track... Any trick works.

But Xiao Ming is different. His vitality is too strong, and normal means can't kill him at all. Moreover, as the King of Hell, he needs to respect life. He can't commit suicide.

At least he can't commit suicide on the grounds of wanting to reincarnate and meet his sister again. This purpose will definitely not be forgiven by the soul gem. The punishment will probably be very severe at that time.

So A-Cha suggested that Xiao Ming could use the Infinity Gauntlet inlaid with 6 Infinity Gems in the [Marvel Universe] to achieve this goal. My Lord knows a lot about the Marvel Universe. He also gave Xiao Ming a detailed popular science.

The Infinity Gauntlet is a powerful "wishing machine". The greater the wish made, the greater the price the wisher needs to pay.

If Xiao Ming can make an extremely great wish, then it is possible to consume all the power of his five bodies and souls and die thoroughly.

In this case, even the prop resurrection stone in the reincarnation space is useless.

After this death, Xiao Ming will be reincarnated in the jurisdiction of my Lord A-Cha, and his memory will definitely not be left at all. Various powerful abilities will naturally disappear. Only the source energy seed will probably not be lost.

If even the source energy seed is lost, then Xiao Ming will actually lose his value. What A-Cha needs is Xiao Ming's source energy. Other supernatural energies are not worth a lot in his eyes.

So, this time Xiao Ming chose to die, and he really took a big risk. If it weren't for the great assistance of my Lord A Cha, he probably wouldn't have really taken action.

A Cha was very interested in this matter. After all, it was the first time she had seen someone with so many source energy seeds. Just treat it as an experiment.

My Lord promised that even if Xiao Ming lost his source energy seeds after reincarnation. She would help Xiao Ming, give him S-level power after reincarnation, and let him regain control of his subordinates and territories.

But there was no way to promise that Xiao Ming could become a civil servant in the underworld. Although A Cha had a very high status in the underworld, she had no right to decide on recruiting new people.

If Xiao Ming wanted to be a reincarnator after reincarnation, she still had a way.

This also eliminated his worries to a certain extent. He just hoped that this "seeking death" would go smoothly and proceed as planned.

So after entering the world of "Avengers 3", the five Xiao Mings hugged each other, and the first step was to come to Thanos, aiming directly at the Infinity Gauntlet.

In fact, it would be better if the five Xiao Mings separated and followed five different Infinity Stones.

Unfortunately, the reincarnation space was not opened by Xiao Ming himself, so how could Xiao Ming do whatever he wanted? ! It's not bad now.

At the beginning, everyone was actually in the belly of Green Xiaoming's Leviathan, and saw the situation on the Asgard escape ship, and some of them moved to the ship instantly.

Just as Ebony Maw said those words, Silver Xiaoming couldn't help asking back.

All the Obsidian Generals sneered at Xiaoming's question. They didn't take it to heart.

To be honest, in Thanos' team, only Thanos was the one who really held the purest belief to reduce the population of the universe and restore the balance of the universe.

Most of the others were intimidated by his force, and wanted to vent their desire to kill under Thanos' command, so they chose to join Thanos' army.

Even Thanos's most intimate Obsidian Five Generals did not agree or understand Thanos' ideas subconsciously. They just followed Thanos according to their own purposes.

Black Dwarf was the simplest, and he did whatever Thanos said.

Ebony Maw used Thanos' actions to seize power for himself. In the future, when Thanos achieves his wish, he plans to take over the forces under Thanos.

Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight are a couple. They are under Thanos to satisfy their desire for killing.

There is also a superstar among the Black Order, but he is not here at the moment. It is unknown where Thanos has sent him.

Probably none of them really believes in Thanos's ideals. Thanos knows this, but he doesn't mind.

As long as they can help him achieve his ideals, it doesn't matter what benefits others want to get from him.

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