Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1678: A Glimpse of the Red Mansion

The world of "Dream of Red Mansions" is completely out of tune with Zhang Xiaoming, and he is only a little bit matched with his sister Liu Xiaojing, but the sense of disharmony is still overwhelming.

After the two of them entered this world, the style of Jia Baoyu and Jia Tanchun began to deviate rapidly. And it caused an increasingly large butterfly effect, causing many things to deviate.

The relationship between Baoyu and Tanchun suddenly became very good, and they were often together, which was fine. Brothers and sisters, they were still young children, and everyone didn't think it was a big deal.

However, the relationship between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai began to slide in a strange direction.

First of all, with Xiaoming's personality, it is really difficult to accept Lin Daiyu's arrogant temper. He will no longer coax Daiyu like Baoyu used to, or quarrel with her.

Xiaoming will never be like a little girl in her early 10s, and the result is basically a father's or even a grandfather's attitude towards Daiyu.

In terms of actual age, Xiaoming is indeed enough to be Lin Daiyu's grandfather. At this time, Daiyu's feelings for Baoyu were only ignorant. It is hard to say that she was deeply in love.

What's more, she lost her mother at a young age and was taken to Rongguo Mansion by Jia's mother, and she lost her father's care. There was always some regret in her heart. Although the elders of the Jia family treated her well, there was still a layer of separation.

Now she vaguely felt the change in Baoyu's attitude towards him. Daiyu was a little entangled, and then she was happy. It's good to have a brother like a father.

As a result, little by little, the relationship between the brother and sister slowly turned into a relationship similar to that of father and daughter.

Of course, outsiders would not feel anything when they saw the two children still being together often. Only Baoyu, Daiyu, and Tanchun's personal maid felt something strange.

However, these maids were actually not very old, and even if they noticed something strange, they could not tell what was going on.

What's more, Baoyu, who had just recovered from a serious illness, was not only like an elder to Daiyu, but also treated all the girls in the garden the same.

Most people think this is pretty good, so they enjoy it just like Daiyu. The style of the Grand View Garden has deviated quite a bit.

There are also a few girls who have an awkward relationship with the new Baoyu. Xue Baochai is one of them.

She has a beautiful appearance, elegant manners, good at dealing with people, and knows the general situation. She is the embodiment of the original author's ideal. It should be a good relationship with Xiao Ming.

But she has such an unreliable brother Xue Pan. He lost his father at a young age and was spoiled by his widowed mother Aunt Xue, and grew up to be a dandy.

If he was just an ordinary dandy, it wouldn't matter. Anyway, their family is rich, and it doesn't matter if they are a little extravagant.

But what Xiao Ming can't stand the most is Xue Pan's character of treating human life as grass. In order to compete for Xiangling, he actually ordered his slaves to kill Feng Yuan, snatch Xiangling and leave. It doesn't seem to be a big deal to kill people. This is too much of a bastard.

Unfortunately, most of the four major families are like this. Even the young Wang Xifeng, who is one of the twelve beauties, is such a ruthless person.

She relies on the power of the Jia family to make money, and does things by any means, regardless of the consequences. Killing people is not a problem.

Fortunately, she is a woman, and the damage she caused is limited under the feudal social system. If she were a man, she would definitely be a traitor.

Or she might become a ruthless character like the famous Dongchang Supervisor and the Jinyiwei Commander. In that case, more people would die under her hands.

The only man with good character in the Jia family is probably Jia Zheng.

He is upright, humble, kind, upright, and has a clean reputation. He respects the wise and humble, helps the weak and the needy, and has a strong ancestral style, but he is a little pedantic.

Jia Zheng is extremely filial to his elders and strictly disciplines his children. He is a rare gentleman who is untainted by mud. It's a pity that he has no talent.

But incompetence is not a sin, and such a person will not be punished much in the underworld. After all, he never has bad intentions to harm others.

Of course, Jia Zheng later became notorious because he was deceived by his subordinates because he was not familiar with affairs. He still has some responsibility for this kind of thing. But the responsibility is not great. Those subordinates who take the initiative to harm others need to bear the main responsibility.

Back to Xue Pan, he came to the Jia Mansion with his mother and sister, and soon became familiar with everyone in the Jia Mansion. The former Jia Baoyu treated him well for Baochai's sake.

But Xiao Ming will never spoil him. It's just that how to deal with him is a bit difficult to deal with.

First of all, he must not be killed. Although he deserves to die, Xiao Ming will cause too much trouble to himself by killing in such a world without supernatural energy.

Secondly, he cannot be disabled. Whether it is to disable his legs or his third leg, there is no guarantee that he will stop doing evil.

For such a guy, even if some of his abilities are disabled, his family will be more spoiled by him. Moreover, he might become mentally twisted and even worse because of the injury. Wouldn't that be counterproductive?

So, in the end, Xiao Ming chose "hypnosis". However, without supernatural energy, hypnosis is difficult to do thoroughly. It can only have a slight impact.

Xiao Ming's plan is to set up a sword similar to the reward and punishment sword. Hypnotize Xue Pan and make him firmly believe in the existence of the underworld and that good and evil will be rewarded in the end.

Moreover, since Xiao Ming started, Xue Pan would have nightmares almost every other day. In his dreams, the people he had harmed would come to seek revenge on him. The most frequent and vicious one was Feng Yuan.

The nightmares from time to time were a disaster for this "stupid bully". At the same time, the Xue family was in turmoil. Everyone thought that he was possessed by evil spirits like Baoyu and Wang Xifeng. They hurriedly looked for monks and Taoist priests to resolve the problem. They even borrowed the spiritual jade to use, but they were all powerless.

How could those ordinary monks and Taoist priests who pretended to be gods and ghosts resolve Xiao Ming's hypnosis? ! Xue Pan's nightmares did not get better at all.

Seeing that the trouble was almost over, Xiao Ming secretly gave Xue Pan some advice. He told him to do good deeds to atone for his sins and not to spend money foolishly in temples and Taoist temples. Those places are all scams. The most important thing is to never do bad things again in the future.

Xue Pan was desperate and did what Baoyu said. Sure enough, it worked immediately.

Every time he did a good deed, the horror of his nightmares would be reduced. He could feel it. If he did more good deeds, he could even prolong the interval between nightmares.

In this way, Xue Pan was forced to turn over a new leaf and become a good man. Later, he became addicted to doing good deeds and became a well-known good man. Countless people were amazed.

Xue Pan always praised Baoyu in front of others for saving him. Xiao Ming also gained a good reputation.

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