Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1676 May all lovers in the world become brothers and sisters

Just when there was still a lot of things to be done in the Greek Sanctuary, Xiao Ming was abducted by the prehistoric forces using the Rainbow Bridge and was released a few hours later.

After returning, several Xiao Mings had to arrange their own affairs. Many things were disrupted by this.

Red Xiao Ming and Orange Xiao Ming were not abducted, so they did not change places. One continued to hide in the underworld more honestly to ensure his "absolute" survival; the other continued to be a cactus in that strange world.

Green Xiao Ming went to the Demon Realm to rectify the situation and transformed into the ultimate Zerg soldier Leviathan; Silver Xiao Ming returned to Pangu Star's home to greet everyone and comfort the emotions of Brother Wen, Sister and others;

Huang Xiao Ming was concentrating on studying which of the three identities of farmers, hunters, and beggars in the Crazy Dragon Galaxy would be more convenient for him to act.

In the end, Huang Xiao Ming chose to be a lizard beggar. It's good to be a beggar. Living in the city, you are very close to everything in modern society and will not be far away from current affairs.

And it is particularly concealed. Most people don't pay attention to the beggars around them, making it easier for Xiao Ming to hide his identity. Even the police probably don't know how many beggars there are in their territory.

Maybe he can develop the business of the Beggars' Gang to the Crazy Dragon Galaxy. After all, he can be regarded as the leader of the Beggars' Gang. Hehe, although it's just in the game.

Hearing Xiao Ming's choice, Taiyi Zhenren didn't feel strange at all. He directly used the Rainbow Bridge to capture a lizard beggar in a remote alley and replaced Huang Xiaoming.

As for how to disguise and how to integrate into society, that is Xiao Ming's own business. The prehistoric forces knew that Xiao Ming could do it himself, so they didn't interfere.

Taiyi Zhenren even had a bad intention and didn't tell Xiao Ming the basic situation and common sense of the Crazy Dragon Galaxy, letting him explore it himself.

ε=(ο`*)))Alas, Xiao Ming complained in his heart: It would be better if I ate the original lizard beggar! I know everything! Now I have to trouble again.

Huang Xiaoming casually transformed into a lizard beggar, hiding in the alley, mumbling while opening telepathy. Invading the brains of all lizardmen within a radius of 100 meters...

Just when he was rushing to understand the current situation of the Crazy Dragon Galaxy, a sudden accident interrupted him.

Qianxinglou Tip: [Dear VIP 007, your teammate, the leader's sister, has invited you to a two-person team mission. Do you accept it? ]

What? Xiao Jing'er sister actually took the initiative to find me to do a mission. This is really rare.

Generally speaking, because Xiao Ming's strength is too strong, if he takes action to do the mission, it will cause other team members to be unable to perform at all. There is no sense of accomplishment at all.

So the members of Mingjing team usually send the leader away and do not allow him to participate in the mission. Unless encountering a special situation, Xiao Ming plays alone.

Today's sister actually took the initiative to find me, and she left the other team members aside, not even Brother Wen, and only the brother and sister teamed up to do the mission. There must be something going on.

Xiao Ming was frightened by the prehistoric forces today. He was actually quite timid and didn't dare to let Red Xiao Ming leave the protection of the underworld (soul gem). But he had to respond to his sister's call.

Could it be that his sister's strength has greatly increased now, and she is confident that she can compete with him? Then I really have to go and see. Accept the invitation!

After a while, Xiao Ming, who had finished the mission world, stared blankly in the Flower and Fruit Mountain and fell into a stagnation.

To be precise, only a short time passed in reality, but several years passed in the reincarnation world. And after Xiao Ming came back, his sister Liu Xiaojing was no longer in this world.

Is she dead? Of course not. She just... Tsk, this matter is a bit complicated, let's start from the beginning.

It turns out that his sister Liu Xiaojing is not only his sister in this life, but has experienced thousands of reincarnations with him. In every life, she is his sister.

How did he and his sister get to know each other before thousands of reincarnations? Now it is unknown. It is hard to say what the relationship between the two was at that time.

Even, it is not certain that Xiao Ming and Xiao Jing were both human at that time. Maybe they are not human at all.

But since that life, the sister's soul has been blessed with a special effect, or it can be said that she has been cursed. The name is [May all lovers in the world become brothers and sisters].

It is not known whether this ability was practiced by the sister herself or given by others. Of course, it may also be that the enemy secretly did something bad.

Anyway, from then on, no matter which life, Xiao Ming and his sister will be reincarnated together. And they have the identity of brother and sister.

And they are always the kind of brother and sister who have no blood relationship but cannot be married in human ethics.

The two discussed that they might have been in a relationship at that time, and were cursed by the jealous enemy, so that the two would be brothers and sisters for all their lives and could never be married.

But they also felt that this curse was too kind. Xiao Jing'er made a guess that this might be a trick she made in her previous life.

Because it is natural for a brother to pamper his sister, and he can continue to pamper her even after getting married and having children. This is actually quite good.

Being husband and wife for generations may have too many twists and turns. It would be better to be brother and sister.

It is even possible that they were brother and sister in their first life. That is why she created such a special effect, to be Xiao Ming's sister forever.

If this is true, to be able to do this, Xiao Jing'er was quite strong back then. At least Xiao Ming now can't do this.

In this regard, Xiao Ming and Xiao Jing'er have long lost their relevant memories, and they have been siblings in every life.

However, there was a little accident in this life. That is, Xiao Ming was suddenly captured by the prehistoric forces using the "Rainbow Bridge".

This variable activated the reaction of "May all lovers in the world become brothers and sisters". It is hard to say what the operating principle behind this special effect is. Maybe it is just a strong wish.

However, this kind of wish has a complete set of rules. And there is a judgment mechanism, similar to the computer system of the game. It determines how the ability works.

However, the judgment mechanism is not omniscient and omnipotent. This time it thought that Xiao Ming probably couldn't come back. It is very likely to take root in the prehistoric game.

So it immediately played a role, and at that time Xiao Jing'er also came to the prehistoric game. And Xiao Jing'er's life on Pangu Star also ended in the official data, and was determined to be an accidental death. The ending is also necessary.

If Xiao Ming accepts Taiyi Zhenren's invitation to enter the game, his life on Pangu Star will also end, and the prehistoric forces will put an end to him.

After a period of time, a sister will appear inexplicably beside him. That is Xiao Jing'er's reincarnation. The brother and sister will be brother and sister for another life.

What Xiao Ming never expected was that the judgment mechanism was wrong and it failed to make an accurate prediction. Xiao Ming decided to return to Pangu Star's normal life.

But Xiao Jing'er can no longer go back, because the rules of this curse determine that she cannot appear twice in one reincarnation. She must wait until Xiao Ming reincarnates again.

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