Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 167 A friend comes from afar

"Stop! Stop it. Don't use your tactics on our temporary reincarnations. We have an agreement."

Seeing Meng An come up with the military's routine of forcibly recruiting Zhang Xiaoming, Wang Ba Dan/Wang Ba Zai/Tui Xianren, they immediately jumped on the bandwagon.

"Our agreement is not a legal treaty, it is just a reference. This newcomer..." Meng An retorted to Turtle Immortal in an official tone.

Meng An was halfway through speaking, but suddenly he couldn't open his mouth and couldn't make a sound. He looked at the zombie with a surprised expression on his face.

"You are not qualified enough to make irresponsible remarks on the agreement." Jiang Shizu said in a deep voice, while raising his right hand slightly. It seemed that he used some means to stop Meng An's words.

"I know your little tricks, so don't use them this time. He (Zhang Xiaoming) has the freedom to choose."

Hearing this, Meng An's expression also calmed down. In fact, he also knew that it was impossible to rob someone in front of a zombie god.

The slightly rude behavior just now was just to express the military's attitude and to get the upper hand, lest these two people steal people.

"We will talk about which side to join later." Jiang Shizu pointed at the remaining octopus robot and introduced to Xiao Ming:

"This guy has a great background. He is...just think of him as from the Interstellar Embassy. He is here to apply for your interstellar passport and visa."

Hearing Jiang Shizu's introduction, the robot was a little dumbfounded. Opened the visor on the belly.

There is a transparent cab/fish tank inside, and inside the unknown liquid is the robot's driver. Don't tell me, it's really an octopus.

The octopus spoke in standard Chinese language, and Xiao Ming didn't even feel that a machine was translating it.

"Hello Zhang Xiaoming from Pangu Star, this adult is very close. My organization is responsible for managing long-distance space travel.

Translated into Chinese, Interstellar Embassy is almost the same. I am here this time to help you register. "

Seeing Xiao Ming's confused face, the little octopus hit his head with one of its tentacles and quickly explained:

"You don't know that when the reincarnations of Pangu Star traveled to and from the reincarnation space, they crossed several star fields and very long distances. So they must be registered."

After a pause, he continued: "Normally speaking, when you become a temporary reincarnation, the reincarnation space has already communicated with us. You don't need to meet us at all.

But this time, for some unknown reason, the reincarnation space did not communicate in advance. So I had to come down and see you. "

Xiao Ming can probably guess why the reincarnation space did not apply for his own "passport" or "visa".

They must feel that as a distinguished guest, they should not overstep their authority, as that would easily offend the distinguished guest.

Only then did Xiao Ming have the opportunity to meet this Brother Squidward and learn that there is an organization with such broad control in the universe.

Of course, there are countless questions that come to mind at the same time. I really want to find someone to ask.

But I felt a will in the dark, suppressing myself and unable to ask those questions.

Tracing its origin, 90% of the time it is the Jiang Shizu next to him. What is his strength? What a strong will!

Seeing that Xiao Ming didn't ask any questions, Brother Squidward was a little surprised, but he didn't care and continued to explain:

“There are some rules for crossing the star field, which are similar to the rules for going abroad on your planet Pangu.

Reporting is required before crossing. But reincarnators do not need to report when traveling to and from the reincarnation space, because the reincarnation space has already completed all the procedures.

Others such as not violating local laws, not exterminating intelligent races, etc.

These have nothing to do with you reincarnators. The reincarnation space has stricter restrictions on you. We're not worried either.

So my visit this time is just a matter of routine, just to register you. Now that the registration is complete, I say goodbye. "

Before he finished speaking, the octopus robot had disappeared. This was too fast, I didn’t even say my name, I just left after saying it.

Are you in such a hurry? Won't you stay for a meal? Besides, I didn’t fill out the form or sign or seal anything. Is the so-called registration just a meeting? It's too perfunctory.

How did Xiao Ming know that Brother Octopus was actually running away. According to normal procedures, he should not appear in front of Xiao Ming.

But the reincarnation space did not register Xiao Ming, so he had to come. (Basic registration is indeed enough to meet in person.)

However, he originally planned to wait until the people from the League of Legends, the League of Casual Cultivators, and the military were gone before showing up alone to show off.

Unfortunately, he met Jiang Shizu and pulled him out of his "invisibility" state. Installation of X failed.

This guy is so scary. When Squidward faces him, he feels like he is facing a giant monster in the universe and may be eaten at any time.

Fortunately, he was just caught playing mahjong together, something he had just learned recently. It’s a rare opportunity to play it. It’s just that playing mahjong with Jiang Shizu is very stressful!

While it's unlikely that he'll eat himself, it's still scary.

So at this moment, he hurriedly exchanged a few words with Xiao Ming, turned around and ran away.

"Humph, these aliens always think that our Pangu's technological level is too low and look down on us. Teach him a lesson." Jiang Shizu said calmly.

Okay, you, the second generation zombie ancestor, are really capable. Xiao Ming was too lazy to complain.

"I know you have a lot of questions, but don't ask. I'll find out later on my own. It wouldn't be fun to tell you now."

"Yes, your Excellency is right. Xiao Ming, to be honest, those things have nothing to do with you.

You just need to make a choice now. League of Legends or League of Independent Cultivators?" Turtle Hermit also echoed.

Meng An seemed to want to speak again, but unfortunately he was still muted by Jiang Shizu.

Xiao Ming looked around, but his eyes fell on the "Black Impermanence" who had not introduced himself yet.

"Oh, he is not looking for you, he is following me for something." After hesitating for a while, Jiang Shizu still introduced him.

"Let me tell you, he is indeed a civil servant from the underworld, and the souls of the dead in this area are also under his control."

Xiao Ming couldn't help but wonder, how big is this area? How many people die every day? Can he manage it all by himself? And has the time to follow you?

Seeing Xiao Ming's expression was different, Jiang Shizu instantly understood Xiao Ming's suspicion.

"This is a clone. The clones of the people in the underworld are no problem. Now you have met him, if you encounter anything related to souls in the future, just tell him."

Fuck, Pangu Star also has a (really) underworld? ! Then should Xiaohong be under their control?

No, Xiaohong and Xiaolu are his "legal" followers. The reincarnation space has stamped it. It shouldn't matter, right?

It won't be like Interstellar Crossing, where Xiaoming has to go through the formalities himself, right?

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