Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1656: A sudden attack

Although Liu Ziyu didn't have much ability, he had been in the royal family for decades, so he had a certain level of ability.

He chose the task chain of resurrecting Poseidon, the sea emperor, which was very suitable for his own characteristics. Because he had a bronze Saint level microcosm, the basic conditions were very good.

Other people with microcosms almost never came to play games; even if there were a few people who played games occasionally, they would not know the hidden task clues;

Even if someone was smart and really guessed this clue, he did not have Liu Ziyu's royal privileges and had no ability to run to the underwater temple. So this task must be his.

Moreover, when Liu Ziyu heard about the deeds of the three brothers Guan Lin, Liu Tao, and Zhang Tie, he immediately tried to transfer them to his command, which was also considered to be some ability to know people and assign them to the right positions. The three of them had been in the underwater temple for a long time, and they had a lot of experience to help.

If Xiao Ming hadn't intervened, Liu Ziyu would have a high probability of being the one who opened the hidden task group [The Rebirth of the Olympian Gods]. And became the first believer of Poseidon, the sea emperor, and obtained a scaled coat of the level of the Seven Generals.

He confidently gave himself a nickname of "Langya King" in the game. It showed his ambition to show his strength in the game and become a local lord.

However, eight out of ten things in the world are not as expected. This royal family member never thought that there would be such a strange person as Zhang Xiaoming in the game.

In fact, Xiaoming once showed his face in the golden armor of Cancer, and he had contact with people from the Li family in the game and in reality, so the royal family of the New Han Kingdom knew that Xiaoming was strong and played in the game.

However, because Xiaoming was also a civil servant in the underworld, the information about him had been classified as top secret by the royal family. Liu Ziyu's level is really unknown.

The royal family of the New Han Kingdom did not consider the situation that "Liu Ziyu might encounter Zhang Xiaoming in the game".

If he met him, he would be unlucky. Anyway, with Liu Ziyu's strength, he could not deal with a master who could wear a golden armor.

He would definitely be killed by Zhang Xiaoming easily, and he would not be angry. Besides, in such a big game world, the chance of them meeting each other is actually very, very small.

Judging from the fact that Xiaoming was wearing the Cancer Gold Cloth, they felt that Xiaoming would at most go to the Sanctuary to revive Athena, and there was no reason to go to the Undersea Temple.

And Liu Ziyu deliberately did not go to the Sanctuary to develop, so the chance of meeting Xiaoming was really negligible.

There is a saying: good things don't work, bad things work. What you fear will come. No one thought that Liu Ziyu would encounter Xiaoming in the game.

Of course, he didn't know the diver, let alone that it was Zhang Xiaoming's game character. In fact, no one else knew.

Liu Ziyu only knew that this player suddenly intervened and quickly resurrected the Sea Emperor. He didn't even get a scale coat of the Sea Warrior Miscellaneous Soldier for his several months of merit.

But the diver came later and got the Sea Prince Scale Coat, one of the seven generals. It's so unfair! Is there any first come first served?

In fact, although the contribution of King Langya is not great, he can still get a piece of Miscellaneous Soldier Scale Cloth.

As long as he is officially "registered" as a believer of Poseidon in the Palace of the Sea Prince. With his own microcosmic level, he can completely exchange for a piece of Miscellaneous Soldier Scale Cloth.

However, Xiao Si'er is more cautious. He set the temple to be open only to the sea NPCs, not to players. Because they, several intelligent programs, don't really like to deal with players. They don't understand the vague and ambiguous "language art" between players.

Xiao Si'er's behavior made Liu Ziyu feel: Oh my God! How come the game is turned upside down without paying attention? !

This player called Diver not only robbed his own task chain; robbed his position as the first believer; robbed the Sea Prince Scale Cloth that should belong to him;

Now he is going too far and dares to prohibit himself from entering the temple and officially becoming a believer of Poseidon? ! He doesn't even allow a piece of Miscellaneous Soldier Scale Cloth to be exchanged. This is intolerable!

So he called all his subordinates, including the recently transferred Liu, Guan and Zhang brothers, to gather in the game. Prepare to deal a heavy blow to this ignorant player.

In fact, Xiao Sier can only prohibit players from entering the Sea Prince's Palace, but cannot prevent them from entering other areas of the underwater temple.

In other words, if Liu Ziyu is thinking normally, he should go to the statue of Poseidon and continue to offer his microcosm.

Since Poseidon has been initially resurrected, the demand for microcosm has also decreased a lot.

As long as a certain amount of microcosm is offered, it will definitely not be difficult for the King of Langya to get the title of [Second Believer]. It can still continue to develop.

Of course, Liu Ziyu is not as fast as Xiao Ming. The scales of the general have long been bought by the divers, and he certainly has no chance to get it.

The reason why he came to trouble the divers so impulsively was actually because he was angry with Xiao Sier.

At first, he didn't think of using force directly. He planned to suppress it with his identity and force the divers to give up their interests.

If the diver is sensible, he doesn't mind taking in another little brother and giving this player a meal. As a member of the New Han royal family, he thinks he is already very kind.

However, the threatening message he sent to the diver involved the real world, which Xiao Sier could not understand at all. What is the New Han Kingdom? Why haven't you heard of it? So he didn't take his words to heart at all.

This attitude of indifference really angered Liu Ziyu. He refused to listen to the opinions of the three brothers Liu, Guan and Zhang.

Instead, he discussed countermeasures with his lackeys. The other people catered to his preferences, and all the suggestions they put forward were more sinister and vicious. No wonder Guan Lin became more and more angry.

Guan Lin has always regarded Guan Yu as his idol and adhered to the principle of "being proud of the superiors but not forbearing the inferiors, bullying the strong but not bullying the weak." How could he bear such despicable remarks, and almost wanted to scold directly.

Fortunately, the eldest brother Liu Tao was more stable and calmed Guan Lin's emotions in time. Some things have to be endured. As royal agents of the New Han Tiger Group, they can't do anything to the royal family, and it's not even appropriate to speak.

In Liu Tao's mind, it was just a game anyway, and Liu Ziyu only wanted to hurt the game character of the diver for the time being. If even this could not be achieved, Liu Tao was very worried that this guy would go to the real world to retaliate against the players.

A player, even if he might be strong, could not fight against the power of the New Han Kingdom's royal family. So the best way was to make the players suffer a little in the game so that Liu Ziyu would calm down.

After reading Liu Tao's thoughts, Xiao Ming could not help but nod his head in appreciation. Putting aside his strength, this boy's character was indeed good. No wonder Guan Lin was willing to obey him.

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