Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1651 Love in the Snow

The wind is cold, the snow is falling, the road is long, and the explorer is walking with songs...

When he left earlier, the explorer left alone. When he came back, he brought back a large group of men and women, as if they had formed a tour group.

The people from the Song Dynasty had never seen the whole world covered in silver and snow in Northern Europe, and they were immediately shocked. Several girls rushed into the heavy snow while laughing and pulling each other.

The weather in the Nordic Fairy Palace is like this, it snows almost all year round. Even if it doesn't snow in the sky, the strong wind will blow the snow on the ground all over the sky. It always seems like heavy snow weather, and the weather is quite cold.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming was well prepared. He took everyone shopping before coming and bought enough warm clothes, so that several people didn't get cold.

Compared with the cheerfulness and liveliness of the girls, several men were not so crazy. They just looked at the surrounding scenery and kept exclaiming.

Whether Liangshan and the ascetic monks will join the Nordic Fairy Palace, and what specific steps they will take to join, are all issues that require time to discuss. There is no quick decision.

But Xiao Ming will not stay in Tokyo Bianliang and wait for their news. Besides, Song Xiaofeng and Lan Yurou both strongly requested to come to the Nordic Fairy Palace to play. Xiao Ming must satisfy them of course.

Song Xiaofeng simply wanted to join in the fun, but Lan Yurou was determined to join the Nordic Fairy Palace.

No matter what the ascetic monks headquarters thinks, no matter how her superior Guo Lao plans to arrange it, she will definitely join the Nordic Fairy Palace to escort the explorers.

Moreover, at Lan Yurou's reminder, Xiao Ming also brought Liu Xiaomei to Northern Europe. The weather is so cold here, and a senior tailor will definitely make a lot of money.

So Xiao Ming went back to Wushan Town first and asked Liu Xiaomei if she wanted to travel to Europe. Lan Yurou, Song Xiaofeng, Huo Yingxiong, and Fan Rui all went with her.

Now the status of the explorer is different. As the first believer of a god, even the two major forces of the ascetic monks and Liangshan have no right to prohibit the explorer from leaving Tokyo Bianliang.

Seeing that he could not stop it, the devil Fan Rui also joined the tour group. Anyway, his mission was to train with the explorers, and going abroad for training is also training.

When Huo Yingxiong saw Fan Rui joining the group, he resolutely followed in. In the current situation, the explorer cannot be without the ascetic monks around him.

Although Lan Yurou is also an ascetic monk, everyone knows that she is grateful to the explorer and puts the explorer first. She will not help the ascetic monks to monitor the explorer. If Fan Rui does not come, there will be no one else.

He is the manager of the ascetic monk temple in Tokyo Bianliang, and he should not have left his post without permission. However, Mr. Guo is in charge of the temple, so there is no need to worry about the problem of no one guarding it.

In addition, Huo Yingying, the shopkeeper of the Huo's Chamber of Commerce Wushan Town Qianhuoquan, also came. Who made Liu Xiaomei work in his shop? The one who is close to the water gets the moon first.

Shopkeeper Huo also planned to bring Huo Yingda, the captain of the Wushan Town guard, with him, but when Huo Yingxiong saw that Fan Rui looked unhappy, he very alertly persuaded his brothers.

If three people from the Huo family came, but only one from Liangshan, it would be a bit unreasonable. Now it is actually a bit too much, and we can't push it any further.

Therefore, Huo Yingda was excluded from this tour group. Later, the elder brother said: My heart was deeply hurt, and it can't be compensated by a few hundred pieces of ascetic barbecue. Xiao Ming can only be satisfied.

Fortunately, he is an ascetic monk, and his food is restricted. He is not allowed to eat a big meal. Otherwise, he can't be dealt with without 7 or 8 full meals.

Some people may ask: Pangu Star has a different history, where is the full banquet! ?

The answer is: Isn't this a magic modification in the game. The magic planet originally borrowed a lot of things from the reincarnation world, and there is a real full banquet there. So there is also a full banquet in the magic planet, even in the adventure map with the Song Dynasty as the background.

Earlier, the explorer left the Nordic Fairy Palace at the Odin statue and went to Tokyo Bianliang. When he came back, he naturally returned to the Odin statue first, and then took the tour group to his own Yaoguang Star Temple. Introduce them to the Viking orcs of the Wrangel tribe.

Whether it is the Song Dynasty or the Ming Dynasty, the humans on that piece of land in China don’t look down on other races. Especially look down on orcs. They think they are barbarians. In this regard, Viking orcs are not much better than the orcs around the Song Dynasty.

In fact, the races and countries around the Song Dynasty are deeply influenced by the civilization of the Song Dynasty. In terms of civilization, they are more than ten times higher than the Viking orcs. They are all qualified to despise the Viking orcs.

Of course, this kind of discrimination is not worthy of praise and is wrong. But the world is like this, and it is not Xiao Ming’s turn to correct it.

Fortunately, the people who came to the Fairy Palace with the explorers this time have good character and quality, and do not have such a serious discrimination mentality.

And everyone knows that in the future, they and the Viking orcs will all be believers of the God King Odin, so it is really unnecessary to discriminate against each other. I guess the great god Odin will not allow it.

Among the people, Huo Yingying was the most friendly to the Wrangel tribe. There is no way, he is a businessman, whoever has milk is the mother, whoever has money is the father.

When he came to the Fairy Palace, he immediately discovered a huge business opportunity. This is what Xiao Ming's four intelligent programs have been doing all the time: cross-border and cross-ethnic trade. This is the most profitable commodity transaction.

Don't look at the Viking orcs as poor and have little money. But many of their products can be sold at high prices in the Song Dynasty. Scarcity makes things valuable.

For example, the prey they caught in the Scandinavian Mountains and the fish in the lake were not available in the Song Dynasty.

The weapons and armor made by their tribe, although somewhat crude and unsatisfactory in properties, were unique compared to the weapons of the Song Dynasty. They were also welcomed.

As long as you are willing to look for them carefully, a small Viking orc tribe can also have a lot of benefits to explore.

So Huo Yingying pulled Wrangel to talk, which was called affectionate. She simply treated the other party as a god of wealth.

As the leader of a Viking tribe that was about to decline and then revived, Wrangel was also well-informed and was not so easily fooled.

But he had lived a miserable life in recent years, and he had no face anywhere, even his own people would not respect him particularly.

After all, Wrangel had run the tribe in a declining state and was about to die. It was good enough that the tribesmen could still recognize him as the leader, so what good face did they have?

Therefore, he lacked flattery and "love" so much that he was taken advantage of and soon fooled by Shopkeeper Huo. They were just about to become sworn brothers. The two quickly signed a trade agreement.

Xiao Ming was not worried that Shopkeeper Huo would cheat Wrangel, because their tribe was already too poor to cheat. An Eastern merchant would only benefit them, not harm them.

If a Western merchant of this era came, they would probably capture them all and make them slaves. Wrangel could only "look back at the stars with shackles, and the past is like smoke and clouds"...

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