Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1645 The Test of the Big Dipper

12 hours later, the explorer and Old A finally completed the [Test of Tianshu Star] mission. Needless to say, when they came out of the secret realm, they ran to their personal space again.

There was no other way. The main game was open for 12 hours every day. If the explorer and Old A were defeated by Czech Freed earlier in the secret realm, they could come out earlier.

But with Xiao Ming, Czech Freed couldn't defeat them, so it was delayed until the longest time to finish. The main game must have been paused at this time.

Of course, if the player was defeated within 2 hours, the mission would fail. The main subject of the mission, Old A, must be able to survive for more than 2 hours.

The longer he persisted, the higher the completion of the mission, and the more awesome the reward he received. However, after persisting for 12 hours, the reward limit was reached. There was no need for more.

Of course, the best case scenario is that the explorer and Old A can work together to defeat the examiner Czech Freed. In that case, the reward will definitely be raised to a higher level, but it is a bit too much to ask.

If it were in reality, Xiao Ming's dragon warrior form, with the help of a group of masters, could really defeat Czech Freed.

After all, at this time, the world of "Great Sword" has been settled by Xiao Ming. The S-level Abyssmen Isli and Livlu have become insect humans and joined Xiao Ming's army.

In reality, they can help and can indeed defeat Czech Freed. But now it is in the game, and the two Abyssmen can't get in at all. There is no place to use their strength.

Even if they come in with game equipment, they have to start from level 0 players, and for a long time, they can't play their normal strength.

Similarly, Xiao Ming can't show the strongest dragon warrior form in the game, and still have to use the explorer, a game character with poor attributes.

Even if he logs in to the game in the form of a dragon warrior, it only increases the energy he can use, and can't change the attributes of the explorer character. The effect is also unsatisfactory.

Unable to exert the strongest combat power, Xiao Ming is unable to kill Czech Freed, and can only drag his survival time to the longest. That's the highest reward.

In fact, the battle between the two sides in the secret realm was a stalemate. No one had the ability to kill with one blow. It took 12 hours.

Xiao Ming was a little annoyed, but he could do nothing about it. After all, Czech Freed in the secret realm was just a projection, without the wisdom of a real person.

Normal people, even free NPCs, would not fight for 12 hours knowing the outcome. That's brainless behavior.

Only the projection left by the God King Odin would be so rigid. For this, Xiao Ming had no good solution. He could only reluctantly comfort himself by saying:

Half of the time, it was already after 8 pm, so he didn't lose too much. Next time he takes this time-consuming test, he must grasp the time more accurately.

Explorers can do other things first, and then take the test at 6 or 7 pm.

In this way, even if it takes another 12 hours, the task is done during the time after the main game is paused. It's more "cost-effective".

On the next day, November 25, Xiao Ming logged into the Explorer and accepted the task reward of the Tianshu Star Test.

The Explorer and Lao A each received a 2,000-point upper limit for the small universe. Obtained an Odin sapphire.

In addition, the system rewarded Lao A with Czech Freed's two special moves - "Nine Heavens Wandering Dragon Fist" and "Odin Sword". The moves were added to his skill list.

Please note that this does not mean that Lao A has learned these two moves, but that he can use them in the game. If his small universe is enough.

Of course, Xiao Ming enthusiastically taught him his advanced experience: as long as he practices more in the game, he will definitely be able to bring the two special moves to reality.

Lao A looked at his small universe of less than 10,000 points and was silent. Practice a fart, such a small universe is not enough to launch any move.

I can only say that this result is not bad. Although it cannot be used for the time being, at least I don't need to redeem it myself. Save "money"!

Lao A is Xiao Ming's first experiment with the Alien King Kong as a God Warrior. Xiao Ming was very satisfied with the result. Next, it's time to continue to develop it.

Xiao Ming quickly pulled the other 6 aliens into the team of God Warriors.

He exchanged the five God Warriors for β Star·Tianxuan Star·Eight-legged Horse, γ Star·Tianji Star·Giant Snake, δ Star·Tianquan Star·Crystal Skull, ε Star·Yuheng Star·Sirens, ζ Star·Kaiyang Star Main Star·Sabertooth Tiger, for the eldest to the fifth.

Then he also led the five aliens to pass the tests of the corresponding five God Warriors. He also obtained 10,000 points of the upper limit of the small universe and 5 Odin sapphires.

In the original work, the God Warriors Tianxuan Star Hagen, Tianji Star Delru, Tianquan Star Alberich, and Yuheng Star Fenrir were not particularly powerful.

Their strength was roughly between the Gold Saint and the Silver Saint. There was no need to be too cautious with them. Xiao Ming quickly defeated the four people and completed the four test tasks.

Perhaps because the overall strength of the God Warriors was too weak, the system made some adjustments to the settings, allowing these four people to have the weakest Gold Saint-level Cosmo, which was considered to give some face to the great God Odin.

In this way, the test tasks of the four of them can barely be considered as orange epic tasks. The overall reward level was lowered by a level compared to the test of Tianshu Star.

However, because Xiao Ming passed the level quickly, the task evaluation was relatively high. So the reward he got in the end was basically the same as the Tianshu Star task.

Moreover, the moves that the eldest, second, third, and fourth learned, such as "Strong Heat Pressure", "Thor's Hammer", "Amethyst Seal", "Cruel Wolf Claw"... were not as powerful as Czech Freed's moves, and the consumption was much smaller, so they could be barely used. Sure enough, everything has two sides.

The God Warrior Xidu of the main star of Kaiyang Star is stronger than these four, but lower than the other three. It is about the level of a qualified gold saint.

So the system does not need to improve his combat effectiveness. Xiao Ming and the fifth defeated him, and it did not take more effort than defeating the first four. The reward was the same as the first four.

It's just that his two special moves "Viking Tiger Claw" and "Azure Pulse Fist" consume a little more microcosm, which makes the fifth's microcosm a little bit short and unable to perform these two moves.

But this is a small matter. Because it won't take long, either through mission rewards or through his own practice, Lao Wu's small universe will soon fill this small gap.

Things are going so smoothly, Xiao Ming is in a good mood and casts his eyes on the last exchange option - ζ Star·Kaiyang Star Auxiliary Star·Shadow Sabertooth Tiger God Fighting Clothes.

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