Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 164 A Chinese Ghost Story 1 Plot Review

After Xiao Hong and Xiao Lu were subdued by the space, Xiao Ming could finally devote himself to the great cause of cultivating immortals.

This is thanks to the grandmother. The Taoist books she gave him were not original, but copied by the grandmother's sect.

Xiao Hong and Xiao Lu also knew the secret words used in the books. If it was the original books of the major sects, it would be a mess.

Of course, the grandmother was reluctant to give him the original books. (Wishful thinking.)

Checking the gains of this reincarnation world, Xiao Ming was very satisfied and even felt a little full.

When he secretly went to the grandmother's lair to search the house, he got a lot of low-level pills, poisons, spells, etc.

Of course, the biggest gain was the world settlement after returning.

Originally it should be called task settlement, but Xiao Ming was a VIP and had no tasks, so his settlement could only be called world settlement.

It's just that the source energy given to Xiao Ming by this settlement far exceeded Xiao Ming's own expectations.

Because Xiao Ming also estimated it himself.

In a world with such a high level of cultivation, I was thankful to God that I could save my life. I didn't even get to know the main storyline.

Although I got a lot of things, they were all not presentable. The reward was really a bit high.

I hurriedly asked Qianxinglou why? Could it be that the explosion I made really happened to kill my grandmother?

According to the rules of the reincarnation space, I cannot inquire about the impact of the reincarnation on the reincarnation world.

Because this involves the plot direction of the reincarnation world, the importance of the characters and other secrets.

In order to prevent cheating or scoring, the reincarnation space will not answer such questions.

But if time passes, the high-level reincarnation will still figure out the plot.

So the plot world of the reincarnation space is constantly updated. Before the reincarnation has ruined the plot, the corresponding world will no longer appear.

Recently, the reincarnation world has just undergone a major update. It was only about two or three hundred years ago.

So normally, the space should keep its mouth shut about the details of the reincarnation world.

Reincarnationists can only rely on their own experience to guess, which often leads to a slight mistake.

However, Xiao Ming's VIP status played a role again. Qianxinglou is still willing to trust VIPs for such matters.

***So far, in Xiao Ming's eyes, Qianxinglou and the reincarnation space are one, but in fact they are only partially overlapping. ***

So Qianxinglou roughly showed Xiao Ming's "score" and the impact on the plot.

It turns out that the main characters in the world of A Chinese Ghost Story 1 are really dead this time. (The ones who didn't die are the characters who didn't appear at all, such as the Black Mountain Old Demon.)

In the original plot, they didn't die, and the grandmother was just seriously injured by Yan Chixia, who was surrounded by the protagonist's halo.

The situation this time is slightly different. First of all, in the reincarnation world, the protagonist's halo is not that strong, otherwise why would the reincarnationists come?

The grandmother's strength is stronger, and she brought a group of skeleton soldiers and zombies to deal with Yan Chixia, Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian together.

This is the new cannon fodder I got when communicating with Xiao Ming. Grandma also refined these undead soldiers a little bit, and their strength is much stronger than Xiao Ming's original version.

Although it is still not very useful to deal with Yan Chixia, it is more than enough to deal with Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian.

Especially the crawler skeleton soldier, which appeared and disappeared, caused a lot of pressure on Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian, and indirectly tied up a lot of Yan Chixia's energy.

So much so that when the battle was in full swing, Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian were killed by the undead one after another, and Yan Chixia was dragged down and injured.

If it were a normal person, it would be the best time to run away.

But the big bearded man was furious, and his blood was surging. He just exploded his small universe and fought with grandma to a loss.

The seriously injured grandma fled back to her lair, and Yan Chixia, who was also seriously injured, did not dare to chase her. That was someone's lair, and he would die if he rashly broke in.

At this point, the fight was almost over, and it was time for everyone to go home and lick their wounds.

Unexpectedly, a huge explosion occurred suddenly. Caught off guard, Grandma was injured and injured, and all the monsters were killed.

Yan Chixia saw this opportunity, dragged his seriously injured body, risked his life, and ran to kill Grandma.

In the last battle, Yan Chixia finally died, Grandma's subordinates were also lost, and he was on the verge of death. This was the result of the tenacious vitality of the grass monsters.

At this time, it was impossible for Grandma to recover from her injuries. In addition to waiting to die, there were only two ways to go.

One is to escape to the Black Mountain Old Monster. If the Black Mountain Old Monster is willing to help, Grandma still has a chance of survival.

(lll¬ω¬) Haha, if you want to expect the Black Mountain Old Monster to show mercy, how much water must be in your brain.

The other way is to "surrender" to Zhang Xiaoming. This way out was just paved by grandma.

The purple vine armor that grandma gave to Xiao Ming was made from part of her previous body. It can barely be regarded as a second body.

In fact, grandma left a backup body in the old nest, but it was damaged by the explosion and Yan Chixia, and it was no longer usable.

So she had to make do with the purple vine armor. So grandma used the last bit of her soul to attach to the purple vine armor.

At that time, Xiao Ming led the undead army to rectify the order of the town. Just in case, he wore the purple vine armor.

If the purple vine armor was placed on Guangmingding, grandma would not have the chance to possess her.

However, even if grandma's soul possessed her, her cultivation would be ruined and she would soon fall into a deep sleep.

During the sleep, she could use the purple vine armor to nourish her soul again. After a few decades or hundreds of years, she would probably wake up and practice again.

By that time, I'm afraid even most of her memories would be lost. It's almost like reincarnation.

This is the best result for grandma.

With her sins, if she goes to the underworld, she will probably be reduced to ashes. There is no chance of reincarnation.

If she goes to the Black Mountain Old Demon, even if the other party is willing to help, the Black Mountain Old Demon does not have a body suitable for grandma.

It's possible that grandma will have to turn into a ghost cultivator and start from scratch. What will her future be like?

Moreover, with the Black Mountain Old Demon's personality and style, he is more likely to take advantage of her misfortune.

In this way, it is safest to possess the purple vine armor and stay with Xiao Ming, a newbie in the world of immortal cultivation.

When my soul is asleep, I guess Xiao Ming's master may not be able to find me unless he checks carefully.

After I wake up, I can pretend to be the newly born spirit of the purple vine armor.

With the cultivation methods preserved in my memory and the purple vine armor's body that suits me, it is not difficult to practice my cultivation again.

If I am lucky, I may be noticed by Master Zhang, and then it will be a blessing in disguise.

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