Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1639 God's Spokesperson

After the matter was done, the deceased held the infant Shun in one hand and held the 4 or 5-year-old Ikki in the other hand, stepped into the space door from whence he came, and prepared to return to the Hades Palace in the underworld.

Unexpectedly, when they crossed the space door, Xiao Ming automatically left the main game and returned to his personal space.

After looking at the huge clock on the wall, I realized that it was already getting late when I crossed the space gate and entered the town.

After a busy day, it was now past 10 pm, and the main game had already been paused.

The nature of the small town space is equivalent to a secret realm, so the informant is allowed to open it. But after passing it, you can't come back until 8 o'clock tomorrow morning when the main game is started again.

Xiao Ming was a little disappointed. After completing a legendary task, he actually wanted to see the reward immediately, which made him happy. But I was blocked by the system rules all night, which made me unhappy.

Early the next morning on November 24, Xiao Ming logged in to the complainant immediately, and was immediately "swiped" by a series of system messages.

First of all, the system indicated that the informant had completed the 18th ring [Pluto’s Reincarnation] mission with perfect results.

The upper limit of the small universe is +60,000, and there are 4 Pandora soul fragments. That is a total of 100,000 small universes. There are also 20 cornerstones of the Temple of Hades. These are deserved rewards.

After thinking that he had seized his body for an instant, Hades, the king of Hades, thought that his reincarnation had been successful. But he was also bound by his new baby's body and needed to sleep for a while to regain his strength.

As Hades' soul and small universe gradually recover, this body will also grow. Once it grows to the age of 20, it means that Lord Pluto has completely recovered.

In other words, the growth of this new body (instantaneous/Pluto reincarnation) is not calculated based on time, but based on Hades's strength.

The reason is very simple. If we go by time, it will take more than ten years. How can players have that spare time?

It is much easier to handle based on strength. As long as there are enough believers and continue to dedicate a large amount of small universes and faith values ​​​​to Hades every day, his recovery speed will not be too slow.

It is possible that this growth process can be reduced to a few months or even a few weeks. It will be done within a year and a half at the latest. Players may be able to afford it.

At the same time, since Pluto needs to rest, the accuser officially becomes Pluto's spokesperson and is in charge of all affairs in the underworld. He still has no control over the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

For Xiao Ming, this actually makes no difference. Theoretically, the spokesperson can give orders to 108 genuine Hades warriors and thousands of Hades warriors, and the other party must obey them. Even if the opponent is a player or an NPC belonging to another player.

This is an increase in authority, because it is the most common thing for players to not listen to instructions. Even if the person is accused in the name of a commander, it will not work. It is common for people to act against one another and make trouble secretly. It's not impossible to fight back head-on.

After Pluto fell into a deep sleep and completely delegated power to the accuser, it would be impossible for the players to disobey. Because the complainant already has the authority to punish him. In theory, the authority to accuse the dead has indeed been strengthened.

But the current situation is that all the current underworld warriors and all the believers are Xiao Ming's clones, and they are giving shitty orders to themselves!

However, after a while, as the number of Hades' followers increased, the deceased could pretend to be powerful and command them in the name of Hades. The interests involved are not small!

Of course, even God’s spokesperson cannot do whatever he wants. Each command must pass the system's judgment. At least it looks reasonable on the surface.

There are good reasons for this restriction. Because according to the estimation of the game creation team, when players normally complete this task, there should be several guilds and a large number of retail players joining Hades's camp.

Once one of them becomes God's spokesperson, he will definitely use it to defeat other competitors. So we must set a rule to restrain it.

But even if there are rules and regulations, there is still a lot of room for manipulation inside. All the major guilds are experts at this method, and they will definitely fight for this position.

However, due to the depth of Pluto's routine, the person who truly became the spokesperson may have been taken away by Pandora, the Twin Gods, or some powerful demon star.

Unexpectedly, I encountered cheating Xiao Ming in the game. I'm afraid even my underwear will be lost after this in the underworld.

As a spokesperson, the rewards and punishments for believers are generally reflected in the various functions of the Temple of Hades.

We know that the administrator of each temple has the right to use 20% of the faith value accumulated in the temple, as well as a series of functions given by the gods.

The spokesperson naturally has higher authority. He can activate more functions and also has the right to use another 30% of the faith value. So Pluto actually only took the remaining 50%.

However, things took a major turn at the death. There is no problem in terms of faith value, but among the functions of the Temple of Hades, there is only one more [job change] function. Other functions such as establishing a guard team and performing magical spells are not available.

The Temple of Hades allows believers of level 4 and above to change jobs and become underworld warriors, activate small universe attributes, and obtain miscellaneous underworld clothes.

It certainly won't be free. With Pluto's greedy character, believers need to pay a lot of faith points, as well as a lot of wealth and resources before they can change jobs.

Moreover, there is a certain chance of failure when changing jobs. If you try a few more times, you can get more money. Euphemistically called this, this is God’s test.

Apart from this, there are no other new features in the Temple of Hades! I don't see any option to punish other believers either.

That's it? The small temple for divers in the gray stone town on the seabed has more functions than this!

Why is this happening? In fact, it was Xiao Ming who dug the hole for himself. Because Hades had no real reincarnation, he was deceived by the deceased using his psychic abilities.

Therefore, those tasks that are within the authority of Hades can continue to be carried out, and the rewards that should be obtained can also be obtained, such as the task chain [The Rebirth of Hades].

But those things that require system certification cannot be achieved at all. Because Xiao Ming could fool Hades, but he couldn't fool the game system that monitors everything.

The system knows that Pluto has not been reincarnated successfully, so he will not be treated like a god, and the functions of the temple will naturally not be activated.

In fact, the deceased has been looking forward to the restoration of all functions of the temple, and really wants to see what the magic given by Hades, the king of Hades, will be like. It is probably stronger than the level 1 divine spell [Divine Strike] in the Diver's temple.

But who asked him to cheat in Pluto's mission? He deserves it now that he can't get the magic!

Xiao Ming expressed no regrets about this! He would rather not have magic than resurrect such a god who would harm believers. We'll see in the future...

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