Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1633: The Hades Warriors all appear

On the evening of November 21, Xiao Ming completed the sixteenth ring mission and finished the last stage of recruiting Hades warriors.

The Grand Judge of the Underworld, the ruler of the Three Circles-Doryme Ring, and the strongest of the three giants of the Underworld, Tianguixing·Griffin finally "appeared".

With the 12 last Hades clothes and the magic stars attached to them, they were also absorbed by Xiao Ming's ghost clone. 108 Hades warriors all appeared!

Because this operation gathered all Hades warriors, as the commander-in-chief of Hades warriors and the only recipient of the system mission, the dead person received an additional reward of 20,000 small universes.

Now his small universe limit has reached 238,300, and he can wear Pandora's Hades clothes and show off for nearly 2 hours. It can be roughly equivalent to a mediocre gold saint.

Unfortunately, if Xiao Ming didn't cheat, the dead person would still be inferior to the three giants under his command, and it is estimated that even the powerful Tiangang star may not be able to beat it.

Even among the Earthly Evil Stars, there are people who can completely beat the dead-teller operated by the intelligent program. For example, the Earthly Evil Star, Demon Butterfly. This guy alone supports the scene of all the Earthly Evil Stars. Thumbs up!

But no matter what, as long as he can wear Pandora's Hades Clothes legally, the dead-teller will have 40,000 vitality and strength, and 20,000 attack and defense bonuses.

His own attributes are simply a fraction. In this regard, the system must admit that his strength and status have been reborn and are very different from before.

Unexpectedly, this is still not the final link of the hidden task chain [The Rebirth of Hades]. The dead-teller received the next task.

The 17th ring: Red legendary task [Basically restore the order of the underworld]. The task requirements are very simple, and the palaces of the 36 Heavenly Star Hades Warriors are initially restored at the original site.

This task seems simple, but it is actually very difficult. First of all, the dead-teller is not simply building 36 temples, but must build the natal palaces of the 36 Heavenly Stars.

This special temple consumes much more resources than ordinary temples. Let's put it this way, even a temple with a Hades warrior sitting in it is a little more expensive than an ordinary temple. Not to mention the temples named after the Earthly Evil Star, the Heavenly Star, and even the three giants.

The three giants of the underworld have super-large palace complexes in the first three of the four circles. Even if they are initially restored, a lot of resources and money will be consumed.

In addition, the palaces of other Heavenly Stars are not just casually perfunctory. Those are all very excellent palaces, and the cost will not be small, especially for those who are at the top of the strength.

Secondly, the location of construction is also quite difficult for players. The location of the three giants is easy to say. Everyone knows where it is.

But the palaces of other Heavenly Stars are scattered in the Eight Prisons, Three Valleys, and Ten Trench, all over various important locations. They are at the level of guardians in every place, and sometimes there will be multiple guardians.

But the system does not provide specific locations. Each Hades warrior needs to discover it by himself. This is true whether the player or the NPC is the Hades warrior.

They either travel to every corner of the underworld to search carefully, or communicate with the demon star in the Hades robe to understand the location of the palace. This will inevitably be infected by the demon star, and even eventually be replaced by the demon star. Hades' routine is really dark.

Finally, there is a question about the number of temple cornerstones. With Xiao Ming's rapid progress, he has obtained more than 30 temple cornerstones in total. In principle, it is enough.

But 10 of the cornerstones were "wasted" by Xiao Ming in the task of increasing the construction degree in the tenth ring. They were used to build the most ordinary Hades Temple. This resulted in the number of cornerstones being insufficient.

Xiao Ming couldn't help but feel annoyed and regretful. He shouldn't have been clever at the time. Now, he was clever and made a mistake!

Of course, this problem is not particularly big. As the first believers of their respective gods, explorers, researchers, and divers have a quota of one temple cornerstone every month.

The accuser is even more powerful. He is the commander-in-chief of the army under the command of God, which is equivalent to the spokesperson of God. He has a quota of 5 temple cornerstones per month.

The insufficient temple cornerstones can be made up in two months at the latest, and it will not delay things.

Besides, there will definitely be many tasks for a believer of such a newly resurrected god. In addition to large task groups and task chains, I believe there will be many individual tasks, among which there will definitely be rewards for temple cornerstones, which will probably take less than two months. So there is no big problem in this regard.

As for the location of the Tiangang Star Hades Warrior Temple, it is difficult for others to know. But Xiao Ming used his ghost messenger clone (Wu Chang and Judge) to devour the Demon Star and Hades Clothes. So it is not a problem at all. The real difficulty is only one, not enough silver.

It is said that money may not be omnipotent, but it is absolutely impossible to be without money. Xiao Ming did not expect that he would be trapped by money one day.

Before building Hades City, the accuser was cheated by Hades and almost vomited blood, and his wallet was almost empty. Fortunately, the four intelligent programs were quite powerful, so he didn't suffer any serious damage.

However, his financial resources were always affected, especially precious resources such as wood, stone, sulfur, crystal, mercury, gems, etc., which were not easy to buy.

Even if the gold coins could be circulated, the resources would definitely not be enough. Besides, even the gold coins might not be enough.

There were too many things required to build this time, and he couldn't spend all his money to complete the task.

It seems that this matter should be considered in the long run, but Xiao Ming suddenly had an idea and thought of the alchemy he had used in the Pure Land.

With Xiao Ming's ability, he can actually transform the soil that can be found everywhere into resources such as stone, wood, sulfur... and even gold.

The only problem is whether the system recognizes the things that the player has transformed using alchemy. If the system does not recognize it, then there is nothing to do.

Xiao Ming had never thought of this before, and had never tried alchemy, just because "there is a mine at home"!

He has always had enough money in the game, so he naturally would not think of these crooked ways. It was not until today that he really encountered a situation where he did not have enough money.

With a slightly uneasy mood, Xiao Ming tried to use alchemy to transform soil into stone, and it worked! Transformed into sulfur, it worked! ...

In short, everything went so smoothly, and every resource transformed by alchemy was recognized by the system. Although this operation consumes a lot of mental power, it is not too much. It can be completely borne.

The converted gold coins can also be used for consumption. From what I said, the biggest function of alchemy is of course to refine gold! Even if refining other resources fails, the refined gold should be real.

The alchemy experiment was successful, and Xiao Ming's nose almost rose to the sky in an instant. I just want to ask if anyone still refuses to accept it in the future, I will pile money to death on you!

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