Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1630 The Unusable Divine Body

In addition to the coffin containing Hades' body, the informant also took another thing from the Pure Land, which is the large kettle in the temple square.

Although Xiao Ming was unable to identify what it was, it was estimated that it was definitely not an ordinary item.

The system did not want to tell the player that it could not be identified. So the informant spent a lot of effort and stuffed it into Guangmingding.

Anyone who knows the original work of "Saint Seiya" knows that this is a magic bottle, which Hades uses to absorb the blood of the goddess Athena.

However, this is a secret information that can only be discovered at the end of the main storyline. Players who know this matter keep this information to sell for money and are reluctant to pass it on.

And in the Saint Seiya world that Xiao Ming experienced, because of his efforts, Athena, Odin, and Poseidon joined forces to flatten Hades.

Lord Pluto was unable to use this magic bottle, so Xiao Ming did not get this news. Otherwise, this treasure can be recognized at a glance. It looks too conspicuous.

After taking away the coffin and the magic bottle, the informant went to the palace of the twin gods to search for them. After finding nothing, he went to search in every palace around, hoping to pick up some bargains.

However, everyone was obviously poor and left nothing behind. Instead, Xiao Ming wasted a lot of time.

In fact, the informant came to the Pure Land and took away those two things, which was already a big profit. The system did not think it was necessary to give the player more compensation.

After returning to the Wall of Sighs, Xiao Ming finally confirmed that this trip to the Pure Land did not trigger any hidden tasks after all.

It is estimated that the conditions were not fully met. When he was able to open the coffin and contact the body of Hades, he would probably be able to activate the hidden task.

Of course, the system may continue to play dumb. Wait until the informant destroys the body of Hades or contributes the body to Lord Pluto before finally deciding which hidden task the player has completed.

As expected, no matter how Xiao Ming chooses to deal with Hades' body, he will get a reward for completing the hidden task in the end.

Since there is no new task, the dead person will continue to do the previous task chain [The Rebirth of Hades, the Pluto], and let the Hades Clothes merge with his ghost one by one.

Without further ado, the dead person quickly completed the seventh ring task [Pluto Warrior Recruitment Phase 3]. Since this ring task includes Tian Mengxing, one of the three giants.

So it is rated as a red legendary task. The reward is also quite generous. A total of 30,000 points of small universe limit were given to the dead person. And 5 Hades Temple cornerstones.

Among them, 20,000 points of small universe are system rewards, and another 10,000 comes from a piece of Pandora's soul fragment that was secretly inserted. In addition, Hades also gave Tian Mengxing's ghost 10,000 points of small universe limit.

Hades has always felt that the magic star of the three giants is strong enough and can definitely be reborn. Therefore, rewarding Tian Mengxing's small universe is nothing more than making his confidants stronger.

By the way, after obtaining 30,000 points of the upper limit of the microcosm recognized by the system, the upper limit of the microcosm of the deceased officially exceeded 100,000. It reached the lowest level of the gold saints.

Unfortunately, there is no such title and level among the Hades Saints, and the title of the deceased is still the commander-in-chief of the Hades Saints.

Then two stages of the Hades Saints recruitment task were completed. Among the 24 new Hades Saints, the Sphinx of the Sky Beast Star guarding the second prison and the Jackal of the Sky Sin Star guarding the fourth prison were the leaders. Their strength can be ranked in the forefront among the Hades Saints of the Tiangang Star.

In addition, the three batches also included the Deadly Beetle of the Sky Ugly Star guarding the fifth prison, the Golem of the Sky Horn Star guarding the third prison, and his deputy, the Cave Giant of the Sky Defeat Star.

The three of them can become the guards of the eight hells, which shows that their own strength is also good, but not outstanding.

The addition of these Hades Saints has greatly alleviated the problem of insufficient manpower in the underworld, and the first few hells have decent people guarding them. It finally looked better.

Hades said that since there were so many Hades warriors, the underworld should be renovated. Otherwise, dozens of Hades warriors would have to sleep in the ruins.

Hades City in the human world is very prosperous, but all Hades warriors cannot be pulled to the human world. The main force must remain in the underworld.

But there are only two buildings in the underworld that can be used now. One is the Hades Palace that still stands in the Judah Ring; the other is the first prison [Underworld Court] that was just repaired two days ago.

Hades will definitely not give up his palace for his men to live in. He is not so kind.

And there are always a large number of dead souls being judged in the underworld court, and the sound of crying and shouting for injustice is endless. No one can sleep well here.

So in the tenth ring of the task chain, there is a task called [Underworld Construction 1].

This task introduces a measurement standard called [Construction Degree], which requires the accuser to increase the construction degree of the underworld by 100 points. There must be at least 10 primary Hades temples.

Xiao Ming tried and built a most common primary Hades temple in a remote corner of the underworld. It does not belong to any demon star. This temple can only increase the construction degree by 3 points.

So Hades is encouraging Hades warriors to build palaces belonging to demon stars, which can not only increase the construction degree, but also make the underworld look particularly prosperous.

The more Hades temples in the underworld and the more palaces on demon stars, the more they can attract a large number of undead to believe in themselves and dedicate faith points to themselves. God always needs believers.

To be honest, the task of building the underworld was not originally included in this legendary task chain. It should be a matter of course, and it should have been completed by believers without the King of Hell asking for permission.

Why do I say that? Because the accuser had recruited a total of 60 Hades warriors in five consecutive stages. The system could not have imagined that these Hades warriors were all clones of one person!

Normally, these are 60 players/free NPCs/arms NPCs. They will each receive independent small tasks, requiring them to build a temple belonging to their own demon planet.

As long as half of them complete the task, the construction degree will have increased by more than 100, a scene of prosperity.

Players compete with each other, and NPCs will also compete to please the gods they believe in. They will compete with each other to build a more magnificent temple. The construction degree will only be high, not low, and there is no need to turn this into a task in the task chain.

Unfortunately, Xiao Ming encountered a cheating player, and he took on all the Hades warriors by himself. So far, Hades has only one serious believer, the accuser of the dead.

If the dead don't build, the underworld will always be so ugly. Now that more than half of the Hades warriors have been recruited, the underworld is still in such a shabby state! Hades couldn't stand it anymore, so he forced a mission in.

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