Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1622 It’s time to build infrastructure

[Congratulations to the player who told the dead and successfully completed the quest chain [The Rebirth of Hades], the fourth ring [Phantom Warrior Recruitment Phase 2]. Excellent results, special rewards as follows...]

Before the main game was suspended at 8 pm on November 16, Xiao Ming completed the fourth ring of the quest, and the number of Hades Warriors expanded to 24.

The twelve Hades Warriors in the first phase were led by [Earth Demon Star·Demon Butterfly]; the twelve in the second phase were led by [Tian Ying Star·Flame Demon].

Tian Ying Star was responsible for guarding the first prison of the eight hells of the underworld, the "Underworld Court", where even lies would be seen through immediately.

He held the Book of Life and Death, judged the sins of the living, and gave rewards and punishments. In fact, it was mainly punishment, judging which prison the dead should go to for punishment.

For example, people who committed crimes of greed would be sent to the second prison, endure endless frost, snow and rain, and become food for the hell gatekeeper Heberus.

And stingy and wasteful sinners were punished in the third prison, rolling boulders forever.

In fact, [Tianguixing·Griffin] is the most powerful judge of the underworld among the three giants of the underworld. When the three giants gather, he is in the center. The First Prison is his territory.

But as one of the three giants, how could he stay in the First Prison every day to "judge cases"? So most of the time, Tianyingxing·Yanmo serves as his acting officer.

Being able to sit in the First Prison of the Underworld, Tianyingxing's strength is definitely not to be underestimated. But the main reason why he was resurrected so early is that he can act as the chief judge.

Since Lord Hades has been resurrected, he must gradually restore the normal operation of the underworld. Doing his own job will also help him recover his strength.

Hades cannot wait until all the Hades warriors, even the Gemini Gods, are resurrected before starting to operate the underworld. That would be a bit too late.

And for the operation of the underworld, professionals must be resurrected in advance. Among them, Tianyingxing, the acting chief judge of the First Prison, is particularly outstanding.

It would be better if Tianguixing could be resurrected early, but that is the strongest among the three giants! The difficulty and price of resurrection are too high. It is still more economical to go to Tianying Star.

Faced with things closely related to his own resurrection, Hades also knows how to be thrifty.

The dead report completed these two rings of tasks with the best results and the most generous rewards. And there is no doubt that Hades also stuffed two Pandora soul fragments in.

As a result, the upper limit of the small universe of the dead report increased by 24,000 points again, and the cornerstone of Hades Temple increased by 4.

In addition, there is another reward that seems to be very good. For each successful recruitment stage, the system allows the dead report to learn (exchange) a trick of any Hades warrior.

According to this reward, after all 9 stages of recruitment are completed, the dead report can learn the big moves of 9 Hades warriors. It greatly enhances its combat effectiveness and makes up for the defect that Pandora's Hades Cloth has no combat skills.

These 9 big moves can produce magical effects if they are planned in advance and matched well enough. Even if they are matched in general, the combat effectiveness is also very good.

Of course, the Hades warrior to be learned must be one of the Hades warriors who have been resurrected. Hades warriors who have not been resurrected cannot learn.

This can be regarded as a kind of restriction, but it is a pity that it is of little use. Players will definitely not suffer any loss if they learn the moves of the Earth Demon Star among the first batch of Hades warriors.

If this reward is given to other players, it will definitely be a super awesome reward. Even Xiao Ming's other three characters are very interested in learning moves.

They have learned the [Heavenly Dance Wheel] of the Virgo Shaka, the [Light Speed ​​Fist] of the Light Star Mi Yimei, and the [Seven Chakras] of the Sea Prince Kxura.

Only the Dead Announcer is an exception. Because the Hades warriors are all Xiao Ming's ghost messenger clones, they are already familiar with their own moves; after swallowing the Demon Star and fusing the Hades Clothes again, they have made further progress.

There are only some special skills, because Xiao Ming's own realm has not yet been reached, and he cannot comprehend them for the time being. But there are no moves that he wants to learn but cannot learn.

If the ghost messenger clone can do it, then Xiao Ming will also be able to do it, right? Why spend the Cosmos and Faith Points to exchange? ! No matter how much money you have, you can't spend it carelessly.

Of course, learning a few moves is not completely useless. You can add the moves to the skill list of the dead.

In the future, even if Xiao Ming is not online, the dead can have a few more tricks to spare.

However, Xiao Ming did not exchange it in the end. On the one hand, he didn't want to contribute more Cosmos to Hades; on the other hand, the dead really wouldn't be used in the future.

After all, the 108 Hades warriors will be Xiao Ming's ghost clones in the future. With them following and protecting, why does the dead need to learn it again?

Therefore, Xiao Ming gave up this reward. The system is helpless. It can only keep the right to exchange for the dead, hoping that one day the player will change his mind.

Probably the system didn't expect that there would be a player who would give up such an excellent reward. Even if there are not many Cosmos, you can exchange some cheap moves, which are useful after all. Xiao Ming's situation is something that the game creator could never have imagined.

The next fifth ring task has changed. The system no longer allows the Death Teller to continue recruiting Hades Warriors. Instead, it asks him to build the passage from Hades City to the underworld - [Death Stairs]. Is this going to be a big infrastructure construction?

The method of completing the task is very simple. The Death Teller needs to lead the existing Hades Warriors to dig a huge cylindrical deep well together.

In order to facilitate the transportation of excavated soil and rocks to the outside, a circular staircase called the Death Staircase must be left on the wall of the well.

Otherwise, after digging a few hundred meters deep, the Hades warriors will not be able to come up, and the well will not be able to be dug down.

However, the underworld is not buried deep underground. The act of digging a well is just a test of Hades for the Hades warriors; at the same time, it can also eliminate interference.

There are other gods on the ground, and their microcosms may interfere with Hades and prevent him from communicating with the underworld.

During this period, the deceased must regularly maintain his own microcosm and contact with Hades' microcosm, and assist Hades' microcosm to "locate" the underworld.

There is such a deep well in Hades City in the original book. It is unknown how deep it is, but you can't see the bottom at a glance.

But it doesn't seem to be particularly necessary. It is clear that a portal is enough.

So the game creation team forcibly made up some reasons and asked players to dig such a thing in Hades City. Test the player's "piety".

To be honest, the communication between Hades's microcosm and the underworld is the most important part of this mission.

But under the condition that Hades is still so weak, the microcosm of the informant must keep up. Be a full-time nanny, responsible for replenishing the microcosm for Lord Hades.

Only in this way can Hades have the opportunity to connect the underworld and Hades City. At that time, no matter how deep the informant digs the well, the bottom of the well will automatically become a space gate leading to the underworld.

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