Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1619 Where is Hades City?

Of course, there are cities of the undead race, and there are many. However, none of them are located on the adventure map, but on the strategic map.

Fortunately, our Hades is not picky. Although he was resurrected on the adventure map, he doesn't mind moving to the strategic map to play.

In fact, no matter where Hades' city is built, his hometown will always be the underworld. It doesn't matter to him which land or which human world it is connected to. He can even feel a little fresh when he moves to a new place.

The distribution of the power of the dead in the strategic map is roughly like this:

He has a funnel city on the main island of Japan, which is a city of the undead and a city specialized in skeletons;

There are three undead cities, Pingnan, Dingnan, and Zhennan, outside the southwest of the Ming Dynasty;

These two ruling areas have been developed and guarded by the heroes and generals under the command of the dead for several months. At present, they have established a firm foothold.

In addition, the dead later got several pieces of undead village building stones, all of which were used on the North American continent.

Because Xiao Ming has been carrying out [Death Harvest] in North America, causing a large-scale natural disaster of the undead. As a result, there are hundreds of thousands of undead wandering in North America. The breath of death is everywhere.

So the undead city built here is very advantageous. The development of "economic livelihood" is also much faster than the undead cities in other areas.

However, after all, it started late, and so far, the undead cities built in North America have not developed.

At this time, Xiao Ming faces the choice: where to arrange Hades City? Japan, Annan, or North America?

Before making this choice, we must first see whether Xiao Ming regards Hades City as a good thing or a bad thing? As a gift or a disaster?

As the power of Hades gradually recovers, his strength is getting stronger. His Hades City in the human world may benefit from it and develop a relatively powerful undead force.

By then, if he intends to invade the human world, Hades City will be the bridgehead, just like what happened in "Saint Seiya". The surroundings must be invaded first.

If Pluto fears other gods and dares not invade the human world, then the area around Hades City will probably be included in his sphere of influence. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Xiao Ming thought about it for a long time and felt that it was basically not a big problem. After all, Hades' resurrection will take a long time and a complex and difficult task chain. It is not so easy to do.

Before that, Hades City and its surrounding areas should be under his control. It will not bring disaster to the human world.

So, Xiao Ming finally decided to dedicate Funnel City, the first city of the informant of the dead. This city has the best development and excellent geographical location. Dedicating it will have a higher degree of task completion.

Unfortunately, the accuser of the dead is too low in rank, and the highest level of all the cities under his name is a small city. He does not have the power to promote to a medium-sized city.

If he cannot take out a medium-sized city or even a large city to do the task, he probably doesn't have to expect too much from the reward of this link.

Of course, Xiao Ming did not plan to wait for a medium-sized city to appear under his command. After all, Xiao Ming currently has no clues about the city upgrade, and he has no time to wait. Just deal with Funnel City. Anyway, I didn't want Hades to be too strong.

I never expected that building a Hades would cost so much! When the ceremony began, tens of millions of gold coins and hundreds of various resources began to disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye... Xiao Ming was so distressed!

In the end, only one million gold coins were left, and more than a hundred units of each resource. It was considered to stop. Almost all the fruits of Xiao Ming's four intelligent programs' labor for several months were cleared.

But in fact, it was not much different. An intermediate Athena Temple consumed more than 10 million gold coins and more than 200 various resources.

Normal intermediate temples are not so expensive, because the researcher is rebuilding the Chunu Palace, a building with special significance, so it costs a little more.

The Yaoguangxing Temple built by the explorer is relatively cheap by 20%; but the construction cost of the Sea Prince Palace of the diver is 10% more expensive.

In general, Xiao Ming spent about 30 million gold coins and 600 or 700 various resources. So the wealth spent on Hades City is twice the cost of the First Maiden Palace.

And it is obvious that Hades City has not been fully built. The general structure is already complete. This city has the function of an intermediate Hades Temple.

Like the other three gods, most functions are not open. There are only three basic functions: praying, teleporting and blessing. Speaking of Hades' blessing, does anyone dare to accept it?

So where did Xiao Ming spend his money and resources? In fact, they were all used for decoration. Lord Hades likes to use all kinds of gems and precious objects to decorate his city.

Let alone a mere 20 million, even if there is ten times more wealth, it is estimated that he can spend it all at once. If the player's wealth is below a certain level, I am afraid that even the ceremony cannot be held. Hades is really a big pit!

Fortunately, the real wealth of Xiao Ming's four game characters is not these floating wealth, but various goods hoarded in different cities. The total value is as much as 300 to 500 million.

Because gold coins cannot earn interest if they are left there. The four intelligent programs with super computing power would not be stupid enough to leave too much floating wealth outside.

The 50 million was just for "pocket money" for each character. The four characters had dozens of cities, hundreds of heroes and generals, and nearly a million troops under their command.

The daily maintenance expenses alone were not small, and it would not work without tens of millions in the account. As a result, it was all spent in the past few days.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming still has those goods. Seeing that Xiao Ming's gold coins and resources are all gone, several characters will soon sell a large number of goods to make up for the money and resources.

By then, the task of "Build Hades City" will be completed, and Hades can no longer spend money.

This time, Xiao Ming's total wealth has shrunk by about 10%. Although he has not suffered any serious injuries, he has caught a cold and had a fever.

Fortunately, Xiao Er'er and other intelligent programs will take the initiative to fill this hole, so Xiao Ming doesn't have to worry about it himself. Otherwise, just the aftermath will be enough to annoy him to death.

Even so, this accident scared Xiao Ming enough. He specifically told the intelligent programs to take this as a warning and prepare for a rainy day.

($_$) The storage of goods must not be relaxed, and the banner of making money will never fall! As for the details, Xiao Ming is not qualified to say more, and it can be left to them to grasp.

In fact, judging from this emergency, they have done a good job, much better than Xiao Ming himself.

Xiao Ming's nagging seems a bit unnecessary. If it were someone else, they would have been impatient. But the intelligent program is very patient.

You have to know that Xiao Er and the others were given independent souls by Xiao Ming himself. They have deep feelings for their "father" Zhang Xiao Ming.

No matter how long-winded Xiao Ming is, they are actually willing to listen more. What a group of good children.

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