Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1608 Mount Nimfus

Looking at Deathmask, wearing the Cancer Gold Cloth, dancing and jumping around in the hall to show off. Xiao Ming was speechless for a while.

It's not like you haven't worn the Gold Cloth before! Why are you showing off when you wear it in the game today? Can this one be better than the one in real life?

Xiao Ming doesn't understand others. Deathmask doesn't care about the Cloth, but the goddess Athena.

In the world of "Saint Seiya", after the holy war ended, he was reincarnated as a worm man and thought he would never have the chance to be loyal to the goddess again in this life.

Unexpectedly, he entered the game and met the goddess Athena again. Although there is a slight difference in the microcosm, this new goddess is basically the same as the goddess of that year.

In fact, even if the difference is very big, with Deathmask's mentality, it is probably not easy to tell. He really misses the goddess too much.

Therefore, it is understandable that he shows off a little after finding the goddess.

The researcher waited for him to play for a while, and when he saw that some NPCs were about to come to the vicinity of the First Maiden Palace, he stopped Cancer.

"Okay, Xiao Di, stop being so boastful. Um, did you also accept the task of [Glory of Athena]? Do you want my help? We have money!"

Deathmask naturally noticed that outsiders were approaching, and he stopped his excessive movements and posed in the cool posture of a gold saint.

After a little thought, he rejected the king's offer: "King! Please allow me to refuse. I think I should go out and find people with predestined relationships to raise funds, and use the money to build a temple to represent my piety to the goddess."

Well, this guy seems to be more pious to Athena than to himself. Fortunately, he was a rough man, and the researcher didn't feel bad, and immediately replied:

"Okay. It's up to you to decide. If you need money or resources in the future, don't be embarrassed, you can always ask me for it. Oh, by the way, remember that the first temple should be..."

"Understood! We must build the Cancer Palace first, I understand. I'll take my leave first." Deathmask understood what the king meant as soon as he heard it, and answered it directly, but it was a pity that he didn't get any extra points. As soon as the voice fell, a golden light flashed and disappeared immediately.

"Haha," Xiao Ming smiled bitterly and muttered to himself, "This kid really doesn't waste time. Okay, then I'll switch too."

After supporting a Cancer Gold Saint Deathmask, the researcher should actually continue to do the task of the goddess Athena.

The next step is to call the two sworn brothers, the eldest sister Li Huamei and the second brother Richard, and the eldest sister's adjutant Uncle Yang Xiyou, who can also be invited.

The three of them have had their microcosms opened by Xiao Ming. Li Huamei is about the advanced level of Silver Saint, and the two men are also at the level of Bronze Saint.

Pulling them here, this part of the task will be completed in excess. Maybe, the eldest sister can go one step further and choose a gold saint!

However, Xiao Ming considered that the residents of Athens outside were about to come in, and it would take a long time to deal with them.

Why should I waste time here! Let the intelligent program Xiao San operate the researcher to receive them, and there are three great gods, Odin, Poseidon, and Hades, waiting for me to wake them up. Hurry up and change people.

So, Xiao Ming instantly switched to the dead, opened the space door and pulled the explorer over. Fan Rui and Song Xiaofeng beside him didn't react at all, and after a while they found that their companions were gone.

Xiao Ming didn't dare to use the researcher to teleport the explorer directly in the First Girl's Palace. Because he was worried that the explorer might be favored by the goddess and took the initiative to invite him.

At that time, it would be bad for the explorer to agree or refuse. If he refused, he would lose face for Athena, and he would worry that the researcher would be framed in the future. If he agreed, he would disrupt his deployment, which was not acceptable.

Therefore, Xiao Ming was diligent for once. First, he switched to the dead, opened the space gate in the public area, and pulled the explorer. Then he switched to the explorer.

The destination was the Temple of Odin located on Mount Nymphus. The Temple of Athena was easy to say, as it was originally here, but shouldn't Odin's "hometown" be in the Norse Fairy Palace?

The original site was estimated to be located near the Arctic Circle. So what was the matter with the ruins of the Temple of Odin in Athens?

Could it be just an ordinary temple, like the ruins of the Temple of Athena in Syracuse, which would not work at all? That would be a waste of emotion.

But he thought about it and felt that there was a way. After all, Athena, Odin, Poseidon, and Hades all had temples in Athens, which must not be a coincidence.

So it was possible that this Temple of Odin worked. With a nervous mood and facing many strange looks, the explorer began to climb Mount Nymphus.

This mountain is much higher than Mount Acropolis. After halfway up the mountain, there is no surface, and the mountain is covered with ice and snow all year round. Probably to get closer to the environment of Northern Europe.

Such a cold place, few local Greeks are willing to come, except for a few people who particularly worship Odin. Therefore, many people find it strange that the explorer climbed the mountain.

However, Athens is an international metropolis after all. There are many races from all over the world. There are also people who immigrated here from Northern Europe.

In fact, they and the people around them who were affected are the main believers who worship Odin. Unfortunately, there are not many people, and they are gradually dwindling. Because more and more people are gradually assimilated by the locals, the belief in Odin is getting weaker and weaker.

After the explorer climbed over halfway up the mountain, he could hardly see anyone. Only once in a while could he see one person every 100 meters or so. It seemed that they were not believers, but just came here to ski.

When he reached the highest point, there was really no one. This place was a cliff covered with glaciers. There was no way to go up, and it was all ice that went straight up and down.

This made Xiao Ming feel a lot more relieved. The principle of the Magic Planet game is: the more benefits, the greater the difficulties.

If the ruins of the Temple of Odin on the top of the mountain could not do anything, the system probably would not set so many difficulties. Having difficulties means that there is a high probability of considerable benefits ahead. Of course, it is still possible to go in vain. If there is no such difficulty, it is almost certain that it is a wasted trip.

This kind of ice cliff is not something that a fourth-level player can climb, not to mention that there is always a fierce and violent cold wind raging above the cliff. Even players of levels 5 and 6 may find it difficult to go up.

Of course, this is not difficult for Xiao Ming at all. He didn't even bother to squat and pose. He just used his feet to activate alchemy.

An icicle, sticking to the cliff, rose slowly from under the explorer's feet. Like an elevator, it pushed his body higher and higher, straight to the top of the mountain.

The cold wind blew the tattered cloak of the ascetic suit, swaying left and right around the explorer... It was not handsome at all, but it was a pity for this atmosphere.

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