Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1604 Virgo

For normal players, it would be wiser to choose from the 48 bronze armors or the 24 silver armors.

If you choose the bronze armor, you can basically use the armor to a limited extent. If you choose the silver armor, you probably don't have to wait too long, maybe just do a few more tasks. Only the gold armor is too ambitious.

However, the group of players is the group with the most chuunibyou. They may not consider the benefits at all and go straight for the 12 gold armors.

Even if they can't use it, they will force themselves to choose the gold armor. If for nothing else, it's because the gold armor is the most handsome and the most stylish, and it's a perfect tool for picking up girls and pretending to be cool!

Xiao Ming has a little bit of chuunibyou, not to mention that with his little universe, he can completely support the gold armor.

The problem he faces is not whether to choose the gold armor, but which gold armor should he choose.

If you get the armor, you can inherit the power of that constellation. Of course, how much you can learn depends on the quality of the player. In the game, the player's "financial resources" may be more important.

Xiao Ming estimates that as long as the player can offer enough small universes and gold coins to Athena, most of the tricks and skills of a constellation can be "bought".

It is hard to say whether the player has mastered it, but it is definitely in the skill list of the game character. If you practice more, the player can probably learn it gradually.

It can be said that in this way, Xiao Ming has benefited a lot from the Magic Planet game.

It is almost certain that the system will set some of the most powerful and magical tricks to a state that cannot be "purchased". It depends on the player to understand it by himself; or prepare to do the task. This is another topic.

Xiao Ming is rich and is considering which constellation he prefers. The most suitable one for Xiao Ming at present is naturally the Cancer Gold Cloth. Unfortunately, the cost-effectiveness is too low.

After all, I already know most of the tricks of Cancer, so it would be a waste to choose it. It is better to choose a new cloth and learn more new skills.

Xiao Ming had also served as the shadow pope of the Saint Seiya, and he was quite familiar with the abilities of the 12 gold saints. This choice was not difficult to make.

Virgo "Virgo" Gold Cloth was Xiao Ming's final choice after careful consideration.

When this gold cloth was put on, Xiao Ming could sense the powerful and profound inheritance behind it, which was the power from another mythological system "Buddhism".

This made Xiao Ming feel that the "Virgo" gold saints seemed to be international students or foreign aid. They were lent to the goddess Athena by the Buddha lineage to build friendship.

The ability of this system, to comprehend the cycle of life and death; to shuttle through endless worlds, is simply unfathomable. It requires a very high level of understanding from the user.

Because of this, most abilities cannot be traded. Only some relatively basic skills can be purchased.

[Virgo Gold Cloth]: 7th-level suit, the researcher as the owner, is allowed to wear it by the goddess Athena. For the time being, no one else can wear this cloth.

Equipment effect: The life of the researcher increases by 10,000, the strength increases by 10,000, the overall defense increases by 5,000, and the overall attack increases by 5,000.

Look at yourself again, no matter which attribute, it is only a fraction of the equipment attribute, it is simply embarrassing to see people.

Even if the researcher is promoted to level 7 and officially becomes a gold saint. Its normal vitality and physical strength are only about 10,000. Wearing the holy clothes is equivalent to doubling. Just ask if you are strong!

By analogy with other sets, Xiao Ming found that the holy clothes do not increase the magic power of the player, because the saints should use physical strength to fight with the small universe.

At the same time, it does not increase the upper limit of the player's small universe, because the small universe must come from the character and the player himself.

The holy clothes are offensive and defensive equipment. After wearing them, not only can you not wear other protective gear, but you can't even hold weapons.

The reason is that the goddess hates weapons and only allows the saints to fight with their bodies. Only a few holy clothes come with weapons, which is an exception.

For example, the Libra gold holy clothes have 12 powerful weapons; Sagittarius also has a bow and arrow. There are also a few other silver and bronze armors that come with weapons.

However, most Saints fight with their fists and feet. Therefore, the armor not only gives the Saints strong defense, but also gives them strong attack bonuses.

At the same time, the armor's defense and attack are very comprehensive. It does not distinguish whether it is a physical attack or a magic attack, physical defense or magic defense, it is all the same.

Powerful attributes are naturally accompanied by huge consumption. Wearing the Virgo Gold Armor consumes 500 points of Cosmos per minute.

With the Delver's Cosmos limit of 2000, even if he does nothing, it only takes 4 minutes for that little Cosmo to be consumed. Once he makes a move, it is estimated that he will be empty in one or two moves.

Without the Cosmos, the armor will automatically fall off. If the enemy is smart, he doesn't even need to fight the Delver. If it drags on for 4 minutes, the Gold Armor will be useless.

Someone asked, if it is consumed at this rate, let alone the Bronze Saint, even the Gold Saint himself can't withstand this consumption, right?

This is what happened. The level of Saint Seiya depends on the rank of the player character. A researcher must reach level 5 to become a Bronze Saint, which is considered to be a real organization.

At level 6, he will become a Silver Saint, and at level 7, he will become a Gold Saint. Of course, there are quotas in this regard. At the same time, each piece of Saint Cloth also has the potential for upward promotion.

As long as the conditions are met, the bronze armor can also be transformed into the silver armor, or even the gold armor. This is not the pinnacle. If higher conditions are met, it can also become the legendary divine armor.

If Xiao Ming follows the plot in the world of "Saint Seiya" and does not make any changes, he will have the opportunity to obtain information about the divine armor. Unfortunately, he did not follow the plot closely.

Back to the point, when the player reaches level 5, his small universe will automatically recover a little every minute. When it comes to the 7th level of the gold saint, the small universe recovered every minute is 1,000 points.

Not only is it more than enough to bear the consumption of the armor, but it can also replenish the consumption in battle. Again, the bigger the head, the bigger the hat.

Of course, there is one thing that must be made clear. This is just a magic modification of the Saint Seiya profession by the Magic Planet game. The real Saint Seiya and the armor do not work like this.

Bronze Saint Seiya, especially the five little strong men such as Seiya, often wear gold armor to fight. In the game, this is simply impossible.

In addition, the Gold Cloth of the Virgo Gold Cloth also brings some moves (skills) for players to learn (purchase). Xiao Ming is rich and bought them all at once.

However, there are more moves that cannot be bought at all, and players need to comprehend them by themselves. Most of these skills are not displayed.

Only a small number of skills related to those that have been bought by researchers are slightly reflected.

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