Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1602 The highest level

In theory, normal players don't have to stay in this position. How many small universes can he have? It will be empty in a short while.

So the player needs to practice seriously, fill up the small universe, come and offer it, then practice again, and offer it again...

This goes on and on until he provides enough small universes for the goddess Athena to "preliminarily revive".

And there is a trap in the middle, that is, the goddess's small universe is actually constantly dissipating and weakening.

If the player's replenishment speed cannot keep up with the dissipation speed, then you will never think of completing the task. Maybe you will be responsible for completely killing Athena.

Some people may say that it is obvious that the goddess's small universe dissipates very slowly. According to the background of the game, it has been weakened for at least hundreds or thousands of years, and she is still fine!

This shows that even if the goddess is extremely weak, the amount of her small universe is very large. According to common sense, it is a piece of cake to hold on for at least a few decades, no problem!

From the player's point of view, it is hard to say how many years you can play this game, who cares about you decades later! So don't worry about it at all.

Haha, the idea is good and reasonable. But you have already said that this is a game, how can we use common sense to speculate? !

In fact, before no player triggers this task, the remaining small universe of the goddess Athena will always be that strength. It will not really dissipate or weaken.

It will not really dissipate until the player triggers the task, and the player will need to desperately "race" with the system. If the replenishment is slow, it will be miserable!

I really don't know what kind of punishment will be for killing Athena. Will it be a curse from the "goddess"? Or hatred from a large number of European NPCs? Or hunting from certain specific NPCs? Anyway, it won't be easy.

The game creation team certainly did this not to harm the players, but to follow an important principle of the game: "The greater the gain, the greater the risk."

Resurrecting a god and starting a new career must be accompanied by huge benefits. It is normal for the system to set up some suffering and even "traps".

In fact, this should be a group task. When the task is opened by a player who has learned the small universe, this player will get a certain early advantage.

But the system will still open the task to all players, allowing more players to come and contribute their microcosms. They can even fight each other.

According to the creative team's estimate, that is probably when the mainstream players reach level 5. After all, it is not so easy for players to "legally" enter Athens, a large foreign city.

And with the microcosm level of ordinary players, it may take a large number of players and several months of cooperation to revive Athena.

However, no matter what, as long as you encounter a cheating player, it will deteriorate. Especially when you encounter a guy like Xiao Ming who has a super cheat.

Xiao Ming's microcosm is at the level of a gold saint. The quality may be ordinary, but the quantity is really huge. Of course, it is not enough to revive the goddess all at once.

However, don't forget that Xiao Ming has 5 sources of energy as a backup, which can continuously replenish the microcosm. "Feeding" a weak god is no problem.

So the researcher only sat on the top of the Acropolis for one night. On the morning of the next day, November 14, the task was completed.

During this period, the main game was suspended for one night because it was past 8 pm. Therefore, in fact, Xiao Ming only spent 5 or 6 hours.

ωThe researcher was immediately flooded with various messages sent by the system! After a while, he squinted his eyes and checked them one by one.

First, the researcher opened the highest level - the golden myth level hidden task group - [The Rebirth of the Goddesses of Olympus].

Second, the researcher opened the second level - the red legendary level hidden task chain - [The Rebirth of the Goddess of Wisdom and War].

Third, the researcher opened and completed the third level - the orange epic level hidden task - [The Awakening of the Goddess Athena].

The relationship between them is clear at a glance. The task chain belongs to the task group, and the first task of the task chain is [The Awakening of the Goddess Athena].

These tasks are hidden tasks, which means that the player himself does not know that he is doing the task. Only when the task is completed will he be informed and rewarded by the system.

The reason why the hidden tasks are hidden is mainly to increase the difficulty for the players.

For many hidden tasks, as long as the players know the name, they can find the direction of the task. These tasks are proof of this.

I believe that most players will immediately understand the general concept of the task once they see the terms "Olympus Gods" and "Goddess Athena". They also know that they should come to Athens, Greece to look for clues. That's why they need to hide.

Players can only guess the existence of this task through some clues. Xiao Ming actually judged through various phenomena that there should be related tasks in Athens. He even had certain expectations for the expansion of the task to such a large scale.

The appearance of such a high-level task group and task chain did not surprise him, it was just something expected. However, the reward for completing the first ring of the task was quite surprising.

First, the adventure level of the researcher was promoted to level 4. Due to his outstanding contribution, the upper limit of the researcher's microcosm has increased by 1,000.

What a pleasant surprise! You know, it is not easy to increase this special attribute. Think about the reminder of the Force to Xiao Ming before, it is probably because of this.

In a horizontal comparison, the second combat profession of the researcher is Naruto, but now his chakra limit is still 100. This kind of attribute needs hard practice to improve.

Xiao Ming has his own chakra available, so he is too lazy to practice specifically. The intelligent program Xiao Saner knows to practice when he has time.

However, because there is too little chakra, it will be gone after playing a few times, resulting in the inability of the intelligent program to practice diligently. After so long, it still has not been improved.

This is the characteristic of all special attributes. Because of the small amount, they can only supplement the normal combat method of the player character, and cannot become the main combat method.

Occasionally, it may be used up by a surprise, but generally speaking, it cannot be used frequently.

To get more attribute limits. Normal players cannot rely on hard practice alone. They also have to find ways to do the corresponding tasks.

It is rare for a researcher to obtain a 2,000-point upper limit of the microcosm. The microcosm can indeed become his main combat mode.

But that is also a reward for completing extremely difficult tasks. In fact, as a player who is capable of completing these difficult tasks, Xiao Ming really doesn't value these 2,000 points of microcosm.

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