Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1574: Just an attempt

He is not particularly worried about whether the political system of the League of Legends founded by Xiao Ming in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" can be sustainable.

It's not that he is confident that he can solve all the problems, that's impossible. It's just that Xiao Ming is not traveling through time, but playing a game secret realm. The responsibility is not that great.

First of all, the plot of The Legend of the Condor Heroes is coming to an end. After the plot of the Huashan Sword Contest, the time of the secret realm will be the same as the reality.

Then with his long life, he can always control the situation in the secret realm, keep the world peaceful, and let the people live and work in peace.

Those emperors want to borrow another 500 years from heaven, but Xiao Ming doesn't need to. In his situation, even if the real world is destroyed, he can probably live well.

Secondly, the game is different from the reincarnation world after all. In the reincarnation world, after the reincarnationists leave, the world will continue to operate, so long-term development issues need to be considered.

But The Legend of the Condor Heroes is just a secret realm in the game [Martial Arts Planet], and its life is limited. Maybe the server will be shut down at any time.

There is no need to consider too long-term issues. As a player, Xiao Ming just needs to do his best.

Finally, Xiao Ming has long understood a truth. No political system can be immutable and can always ensure the stable development of society.

The good and bad of political systems are often relative. A system is often advanced at the beginning of its birth, but after a period of time, it will become riddled with holes and decayed.

This is not a problem of the system, but a problem of the system executors, that is, human beings themselves.

If everyone can abide by the rules and strictly abide by the system, then most systems can make the world more fair and reasonable. The key is that people will not abide by the rules.

Human beings are a kind of intelligent creatures full of selfishness, greed, vanity, laziness... and other shortcomings. They can turn any system into a dead letter.

Even turn the system into a protective umbrella to maintain their own exploitation of others. This may be regarded as the original sin of mankind. As the saying goes, "The word official has two mouths, and it makes sense no matter how you say it."

Human beings themselves can only try to repair and change the system through the occasional wise men and heroes, but they can never solve it once and for all.

To completely solve the problem, a higher power is needed to adjust, such as God.

In reality, the systems "built" with source energy (infinity gems) as the core seem to be doing the work of God.

As far as Xiao Ming knows: [The Underworld] uses the power of the soul gem to control the good and evil in the world. The so-called good and evil will be rewarded in the end. This retribution will be paid in the underworld.

No matter how glorious or arrogant a soul is in his lifetime, he will be judged fairly in the underworld. This kind of judgment will warn him in the depths of his soul.

Moreover, although ordinary people can only contact the underworld after death, the high-end forces of most worlds can contact the underworld forces before death.

To be precise, they will contact the civil servants of the underworld. After a while, they will naturally understand the rules of the underworld and spread them to the world, so that people can reflect on themselves. Those who refuse to repent will really be shattered.

According to the description of the prehistoric forces, [Heaven] uses power gems to suppress greedy desires. It is said that God does not allow people to be too greedy. Those who are greedy will be punished by the Heaven.

Xiao Ming has not had any personal contact with the Heaven, so he can only make a rough guess. Individuals or groups who are too greedy will be directly executed when they cross a certain red line.

The sentencing standards of different civil servants may be slightly different. But there will definitely be no wrongful convictions.

In the words of a civil servant in the Heaven: "Your crimes will be judged by the underworld, and my mission is to send you to see the King of Hell."

However, Xiao Ming only has a vague guess about the [Dragon Palace/Reincarnation Space] built with the Time Stone and the [Pan-Universe Transmission Network] built with the Space Stone. He cannot understand their intentions exactly.

As for the Reality Stone and the Mind Stone, they are still in the early stages of development. They are incomparable to the other stones.

Although he has limited knowledge, Xiao Ming vaguely feels that it seems that all the Infinity Stones are in the justice camp, or at least neutral, and there is not a single evil one. This is very strange.

Because according to the description in most novels, the universe should be divided into two parts, good and evil, and the two sides should fight constantly. In reality, it seems that this is not the case, and I can't figure it out.

If you can't figure it out, forget it. Xiao Ming himself occasionally makes some attempts to improve society in some worlds. For example, what he did in The Legend of the Condor Heroes this time.

But he won't be particularly entangled in this issue. Anyway, there will be a real boss to finish it in the end.

Xiao Ming's usual method is to improve society by making it impossible for humans to deceive each other and treat each other sincerely. It seems to have achieved a little success.

However, he also thought of the bugs. A society where people don't deceive each other can be a paradise on earth or a hell.

Not all humans are willing to suppress their greedy and violent nature. Since they can't deceive with lies, it's not impossible to do evil openly and not be ashamed of killing and plundering.

That is the real social Darwinism, the law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest. Let humans degenerate into beasts, or even worse than beasts.

The topic is a bit off. In short, what was done in the secret realm of The Legend of the Condor Heroes was just an attempt by Xiao Ming. The key is to accumulate experience.

Of course, this is just Xiao Ming's "side quest", and his "main quest" is to quickly clear this secret realm.

Nan Xiren stood up, although he only said that he had concealed the news of Qiu Qianren's death, but since it is now [Sword Contest on Mount Huashan], he also wanted to challenge the masters present.

Master Yideng first put his palms together and said: "Amitabha, I am an idle person outside the world, how dare I compete with the heroes of the world? Your Excellency Nan Xiren has made great achievements, and everyone in the world admires him. Who else can be a hero in the world but you? I will take my leave, and we will meet again in the future."

After that, Master Yideng took a few disciples and went down the mountain. Just like the original work, he didn't even bother to compete for the title of the best in the world.

Hong Qigong glanced around and saw that the old naughty boy was busy coaxing his wife; Huang Yaoshi was whispering with a little girl, chatting happily. It seemed that they didn't take the serious business of the Sword Contest on Mount Huashan seriously.

The beggar from the north sighed and said, "Brother Nan, you are indeed the best hero of the time. But it's rare for us to get together, and it would be a waste if we don't have a few good fights. Let's just treat it as making friends through martial arts, how about you and I throw out some ideas?"

"The leader has given the order, how dare I disobey, please teach me!" Xiao Ming stepped forward and started to fight with both hands, using the Great Demon Subduing Fist with his left hand and the Nine Yin Manual with his right hand to attack Qi Gong.

Grandpa Hong shouted "Come on, good job", and then responded with the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, fighting with Nan Xiren...

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