Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1569: Looking for a needle in the ocean Qiu Qianren

According to the information provided by Qiu Qianzhang and several leaders, Nan Xiren and Yinggu figured out a fact. Qiu Qianren was indeed deliberately hiding from them.

Qiu Qianren had long known that the divine fortune teller Yinggu came to the headquarters of the Beggars' Sect to find the leader of the League of Heroes, Nan Xiren.

After all, Yinggu was brought to Junshan by Master Yideng and others. They did not know that Qiu Qianren was Yinggu's enemy.

They even had some good feelings for Qiu Qianren because of their participation in the establishment of the League of Heroes, so they naturally did not think of hiding their tracks and deliberately hiding it from the Iron Palm Gang.

If Nan Xiren was not in Junshan, they might have taken Yinggu to the Iron Palm Peak. So it was normal for Qiu Qianren to find out this news.

According to the information he had, Nan Xiren and Yinggu did not know that he was the culprit. He had no need to hide at all.

But Qiu Qianren himself had a guilty conscience! He asked himself that his martial arts were not as good as Nan Xiren's, and he was not justified in this matter. If he is interrogated by Nan Xiren, he might be exposed.

Even Nan Xiren's disappearance in the past few years was regarded by him as a sign of his own crime.

Qiu Qianren never thought that the leader of the Beggars' Sect would go to the far west to participate in the war between Mongolia and Khwarezm. He probably hadn't even heard of Khwarezm.

Frightened, Qiu Qianren used many means to protect himself.

The first is to use a substitute. He hid himself and remotely controlled the affairs of the Iron Palm Gang, and pushed his twin brother out as a shield. If he was lucky, he might even die for himself.

Alas, he treated his own brother like this, and Qiu Qianren's character was really not very good.

The second is to spread spies. Collect intelligence specifically on the Beggars' Sect. He hopes to analyze from the clues whether Nan Xiren and Yinggu have locked on him.

The third is to actively march north. He hopes to make enough contributions to atone for his sins and save his life. This is the last resort, and it may not be used, but Qiu Qianren thinks it is better to be prepared.

Therefore, in the past few years, the Iron Palm Gang has been very concerned about the Northern Expedition to the Jin Kingdom. The degree of attention is second only to the surveillance of the Beggar Gang.

Unfortunately, Qiu Qianren is willing but not strong enough. He is good at organizing gang activities, but he has no great ability in military and politics.

Under his command, the achievements of the Iron Palm Gang in the Northern Expedition can only be said to be better than nothing.

Qiu Qianzhang is a guy who is more likely to fail than to succeed, so Qiu Qianren did not tell his brother at all, but several trusted subordinates knew some of the truth.

Now that several of them have been subdued by Nan Xiren, with the confessions pieced together, Qiu Qianren's killing of Yinggu's son has become clear.

Even his little thoughts are very obvious now. It's nothing more than dragging and hiding. As long as he doesn't meet Yinggu and Nan Xiren to confront, even the leader of the League of Legends has no right to deal with the leader of the Iron Palm Gang.

In addition, as long as the Iron Palm Gang has made enough merits and has strong strength, even Nan Xiren will be afraid to do anything to Qiu Qianren, a local lord with a large army.

(ノへ`、) "Master, you will not spare the death penalty of that evil man because of the merits of the Iron Palm Gang, right? You promised to help me get revenge!"

Yinggu asked Nan Xiren in a slightly trembling voice. There was no trace of the previous arrogant attitude in her tone, almost begging.

She has been with Nan Xiren for the past few years and has witnessed his means of turning the clouds and rain with his hands, playing with two powerful countries.

Although Yinggu didn't say anything, she admired him in her heart. She could also feel the sincerity of this leader to save the Han people.

For this major event, Nan Xiren can cooperate with the Western Poison Ouyang Feng, so in the future he is likely to forgive Qiu Qianren, who already has a cooperative relationship.

Nan Xiren is Yinggu's biggest hope for revenge. Once he protected Qiu Qianren, he would have no chance to take revenge, and his son would have died in vain.

Xiao Ming knew that Yinggu's mentality must be very sensitive and fragile at this time. He didn't dare to joke with her, or even talk in circles, for fear of irritating her to the point of madness.

Just one sentence calmed her emotions. "Don't worry, Qiu Qianren deserves to die."

Yinggu finally breathed a sigh of relief with these decisive words. Tears almost fell.

The prerequisite for Xiao Ming to let the evildoers go is that there are bigger evildoers to fight. Ouyang Feng was let go because of the existence of Mongolia.

Now that the crisis of Mongolia has been resolved, and the Jin Kingdom has no ability to turn the tables, Xiao Ming no longer needs to treat Qiu Qianren gently.

In fact, Xiao Ming needs Qiu Qianren to die. Only when he dies can Nan Xiren use Qiu Qianzhang and others to completely control the power of the Iron Palm Gang.

Of course, Xiao Ming had another thing in his mind that he didn't tell Yinggu, "Qiu Qianren should indeed die, and he can die. But whether he can be killed is not certain."

If the game system is committed to protecting Qiu Qianren, he may not be able to deal with it.

It seems to have verified Xiao Ming's thoughts. Then another half a year passed. Nan Xiren took Yinggu to track down Qiu Qianren everywhere, but he was always avoided in advance.

Qiu Qianren learned that Nan Xiren went to the Iron Palm Peak and killed his two confidants. Then he was going to join the Iron Palm Gang's army.

With such "aggression", he felt that he was probably exposed. In addition, Qiu Qianzhang had not passed on any information to him. Qiu Qianren understood that this was the rhythm of even his own brother betraying him.

It's a pity that the army of the Iron Palm Gang is in a mess and has never made much contribution. Qiu Qianren has no confidence that he can redeem himself.

If the army of the Iron Palm Gang has the combat effectiveness of the army of the Beggar Gang, Qiu Qianren will not be afraid of Nan Xiren. He can rely on the army to kill Nan Xiren and Yinggu who came alone.

But the army under his command is too weak and he dare not rely on it. So the leader of the Qiu Gang used his light skill of floating on water and ran away.

Even if I can't afford to offend you, can't I hide from you? Qiu Qianren is confident that as long as he is not caught face to face by Nan Xiren, he will not be caught by Nan Xiren with his light skill.

He doesn't believe that as the leader of the Beggar Gang and the leader of the League of Legends, how much time can Nan Xiren spend playing hide-and-seek with him.

If it doesn't work, I will run to the deep mountains and old forests of Annan to see if you will chase me.

Faced with Qiu Qianren's rogue tactics, Nan Xiren and Yinggu looked at each other in bewilderment. This is simply looking for a needle in a haystack!

Qiu Qianren has rich experience in the martial arts world and is extremely skilled in martial arts. In addition to the system's intermittent help, if he really wants to hide, I'm afraid we have to mobilize the entire League of Legends to find him.

But that would be putting the cart before the horse. Now the most important task of the League of Legends is to quickly eliminate the remaining forces of the Jin Kingdom and save the Han people in the north.

It's okay to take time out to help Yinggu avenge her personal grudge, but you must not use too much of the League's power. It's really worrying...

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