Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1563 Central Asian Tribe

The death of Genghis Khan is also the end of the entire "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". Logically speaking, the main plot of this secret realm has been completed, and it should be like other secret realms with completed plots, with time and reality synchronized, and life should be normal day by day.

However, because of Nan Xiren's mischief, the system believes that the main plot of this secret realm has not yet been completely ended. At least there is still a [Huashan Sword Contest] that has not been carried out, so the Huashan Sword Contest is set as the final plot.

In this gap, the time in the secret realm will still pass relatively quickly. Many things are developing according to Xiao Ming's pre-planned plan.

Let's talk about Khwarezm first. King Muhammad died, and Ouyang Feng, the invincible general, has already controlled hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Samarkand. After the news of the great victory over the Mongols spread, more soldiers and civilians successively surrendered to him.

The former generals of the army, such as Tahai Khan, Balishmas Khan, Bala Khan, Sarxik Khan, and Alebar Khan, died in battles with the Mongols or were quietly assassinated by Sha Tongtian, Peng Lianhu and others. Not even one person who could carry the banner and compete with Ouyang Feng was left.

Only Prince Jalaluddin Mingburnu was left alone. During the siege of Samarkand, he asked for help from nearby countries with the same culture and religion, and assembled an army of 100,000 to come to the rescue.

However, he was quickly defeated by a Mongolian detachment in a field battle, and Jalaluddin fled to India. In theory, he was the legitimate heir to the throne of Khwarazm.

But he was not stupid, and of course he did not dare to run into the tiger's mouth and run to Ouyang Feng's army to take over power. That was courting death.

So after learning that the Mongols had fled after their defeat, he announced that he would succeed the King of Khwarazm, and promoted Ouyang Feng, Sha Tongtian and others to high positions, all of which were at the level of local princes.

I hope to appease them temporarily. As long as these people still belong to Khwarezm in name, it will be fine. In the future, when I slowly gather a large army, I will consider how to conquer them.

This is also a conventional routine, which is all left over by the ancestors of China. Although Ouyang Feng is not a politician or a conspirator. But this method cannot be hidden from him.

He and the four masters of the former Zhao Wangfu ignored the commander alone, Jalaluddin; instead, according to Nan Xiren’s previous plan, they united and established the [Tribe of Brave]. It corresponds to the [League of Legends] in the East.

In fact, Xiao Ming has not come into contact with the world or secret realm with "World of Warcraft" as the background. It is completely a coincidence to create one east and one west, the alliance and the tribe.

The establishment of the League of Legends in China borrowed the name of the "League of Legends" of the reincarnation organization.

The establishment of the tribe in Central Asia is entirely because of Xiao Ming’s stereotype of the ethnic groups in this area. It feels like they are in the era of primitive tribes. What else can they be called if not a tribe?

In fact, the [Brave Tribe] is a union of five tribes. They are Ouyang Feng's [Venomous Snake Tribe], Sha Tongtian's [Crazy Shark Tribe], Peng Lianhu's [Tiger Tribe], Liang Ziweng's [Wild Fox Tribe], and Hou Tonghai's [Fierce Dragon Tribe]. Even the Four Ghosts of the Yellow River have established their own small tribes.

It would be difficult for these masters to be county magistrates in the Central Plains. They don't understand the twists and turns of scholars at all. I'm afraid they will have to help count money if they are sold.

But they live like fish in water in Central Asia. People here don't have so many tricks, and they especially admire force and respect warriors with strong combat effectiveness.

Ouyang Feng and others in the Central Plains will only be regarded as brave men, not even good men. In Central Asia, they are regarded as supreme heroes and worshipped by thousands of people. It is clear at a glance where they should go.

Han Qi's words "Only those who call out names outside Donghua Gate are good men" really harmed the social atmosphere of the Song Dynasty.

Of course, this is not his responsibility alone, but the whole scholar-official class has made a mess together.

During the Song Dynasty, most of the scholars lived very comfortably, but the country has been enduring great humiliation. The victims are hundreds of millions of ordinary people.

Ouyang Feng and the other five can see it clearly. Why go back to the Central Plains to be a bandit. Isn't it nice to be a local emperor or a tribal leader here? !

With their ability to lead a gang, it is more than enough to lead a tribe of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people. There will be no so-called knights to trouble them, how comfortable!

The key is that if they choose to return to the Central Plains, the first enemy they have to face is probably the League of Heroes led by Nan Xiren. It's scary to think about it.

Even Ouyang Feng is not willing to fight Nan Xiren now. What's more, he still needs help from others, and he doesn't want to offend Nan Xiren. So he voluntarily stayed in Samarkand.

Since they are so sensible, Xiao Ming certainly knows how to return the favor. He immediately followed the agreement and took out a batch of superior martial arts secrets to give to everyone.

Needless to say, he took out five Shaolin unique skills: Great Movement, Arhat Fist, Powerful Vajra Palm, Clear and Quiet Finger, Dragon Claw Hand.

In Nan Xiren's smuggled, there was actually a Vajra Indestructible Divine Kung Fu from Shaolin. Because this Kung Fu was too powerful, he was reluctant to give it to Ouyang Feng and others to practice.

Ouyang Feng got all five books. The other four people each got a unique skill. The five people were overjoyed.

The 72 Shaolin unique skills have long been famous all over the world. Although Shaolin Temple has not produced any top masters in recent years, people in the martial arts world still dare not underestimate them.

Even the "Nine Yin Manual" that has been widely circulated is actually in the same position as the 72 Shaolin unique skills in the minds of the majority of martial artists. Maybe it is even slightly inferior.

This judgment is very correct. Although the internal strength of the Nine Yin Manual is exquisite, it is only comparable to the Shaolin [Yi Jin Jing].

The various martial arts in the manual are indeed superb, but are the Shaolin martial arts worse? ! So whether it is Ouyang Feng or the four masters, no one thinks that Nan Xiren is fooling them, but they all think they have made a fortune.

Of course, secretly, they are more afraid of Nan Xiren. You know, everyone in the world knows how powerful Shaolin's unique skills are.

But even Ouyang Feng, a madman who dared to gather a crowd to cause trouble in Quanzhen Sect, did not have the courage to go to Shaolin Temple to steal martial arts secrets. This shows that Shaolin's reputation is still there.

Unlike the "upstarts" of Quanzhen Sect, once Wang Chongyang died, others dared to bully them directly. The difference between the two is obvious.

Only Xiao Ming laughed secretly. Although Shaolin's martial arts are good, there are also some small troubles in it. If you don't have a compassionate heart, practicing Shaolin Kung Fu will be harmful to yourself.

Xiao Ming has hinted at this point, but it's hard to say whether they will obey.

However, the four masters only practice one unique skill each, and Ouyang Feng will not practice more than five at most. Given their strong skills, the harm will not be too great. Amitabha, good, good...

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