Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1561 The Wisdom of Another World

If the gunpowder in the body of Muhammad, the king of Khwarezm, could be detonated, this battle would become much easier.

Such an obvious explosion would definitely shake the morale of most Mongolian soldiers, especially the tens of thousands of people gathered near the palace.

They saw with their own eyes that the explosion wiped out the core high-level officials of the Mongolian Empire. From the Khan to the princes and grandsons, from the prime minister to the captain of a thousand men, they were basically blown into pieces.

These tens of thousands of people must have scattered and quickly spread the news throughout the city, so the remaining Mongolian soldiers would not have to fight anymore. They either surrendered or fled.

Considering that the Mongols had killed countless people in the three years of attacking Khwarezm, and every Mongolian soldier had blood on his hands, they would most likely choose to flee, and it was hard to say how many could escape back. Unfortunately, things in the world cannot be as expected, and the explosives did not explode.

Although the poison on Wanyan Honglie and others also poisoned the high-level officials of the Mongols, there was no visual impact. It did not have the effect of immediately shaking the morale of the army.

Most of the Mongolian soldiers on the periphery knew nothing and continued to fight; the soldiers closer to the palace, on the contrary, heard the news that the King of Khwarezm and Wanyan Honglie had died, and their morale was even higher.

The soldiers closer to the palace only knew that there was some turmoil in the center, but they didn't know the details, and thought it was nothing serious. They were still calm and waited for the fruits of victory to fall.

Only the soldiers closest to the core did see the princes and generals fall to the ground. But they were not injured? ! They hurried forward to help, and they were also confused.

Since there were no wounds, they did not think that all the officials had died, but just suspected that they had been possessed by evil spirits.

Fortunately, Taoist Master Qiu Chuji of Changchunzi and his disciples were behind the army, and such a small matter as being possessed by evil spirits would naturally be solved by someone. Therefore, the morale of these Mongolian soldiers remained stable.

Qiu Chuji came here specifically to fool Genghis Khan, but he never expected that it would have such a counter-effect. It is really true that man's plans are not as good as God's plans.

Of course, this was just a minor setback. Genghis Khan and other Mongolian top leaders had been eliminated, and the outcome of this battle had already been determined.

In the palace of Khwarezm, a full-bodied voice shouted: "The Mongolian Khan is dead! I am the invincible general Ouyang Feng. All the Khwarezmian troops listen to my order - kill!"

This shout resounded through the sky. Everyone in the palace and everyone within 2 or 3 miles of the palace heard it clearly and deafeningly.

Most Mongolians would naturally not believe it easily. Your palace is still surrounded by my army. The Khan is protected by tens of thousands of troops. How can it be so easy to die!

However, the nearby Khwarezmian soldiers and citizens believed it. Because Ouyang Feng was already popular in Samarkand.

Due to his outstanding military exploits, when Ouyang Feng presented the head of Jebe to King Muhammad, with the help of Wanyan Honglie, he was named the invincible general of Khwarezm and commanded about 1/3 of the troops in the city. The other 2/3 of course was still in the hands of the old king's trusted ministers.

They were also wary of the old poison. The top leaders of the country still looked down on this Westerner who climbed up from the bottom.

However, in the middle and lower levels, Ouyang Feng's fame has climbed to the highest point, and all the soldiers in the city admire and respect him. Since he said that Genghis Khan was dead, he must be dead.

The excited soldiers and civilians of Khwarezm immediately spread the news to the whole city. The army bravely rushed out from various hidden places and fought with the Mongols with a hundred times the courage.

At the same time, from the Khwarezmian Palace, Ouyang Feng and the four masters, each led a group of thousands of soldiers and horses, bravely rushed out and attacked the Mongolian army that surrounded the palace.

Some careful readers must have found a few problems.

The first problem. The Mongols had at least cleared more than half of the palace. How could there be so many soldiers? Where did they hide? Of course, they hid in the tunnel.

This was arranged by Nan Xiren, promoted by Wanyan Honglie, and ordered by the king. All the soldiers and civilians in the city worked together to prepare the last and strongest means in Samarkand - [Tunnel Warfare]. It obviously borrowed the wisdom of another world.

"The Strange Man from the Far Island" records that tunnel warfare was a powerful tactic adopted by China when it was invaded by Japan. It is very suitable for the current situation in Samarkand.

The combat effectiveness of the Mongolian army is too strong. Once the assassination plan fails, it will depend on these tunnels to defeat the Mongols.

This complex multi-layer tunnel system is spread all over the underground of the city, and they are all interconnected.

It forms a huge underground fortification that can fight and hide, and is waterproof, fireproof and anti-poison. It stores a large amount of food, clean water, and military supplies. Enough for a whole year!

The reason why Xiao Ming waited in the Mongolian army for more than half a year before offering the strategy of airborne breaking the city was nothing more than waiting for the city to build this fortification.

King Muhammad was a foolish man and did not want to adopt the strategy of underground warfare. He felt that it was a futile waste of military strength.

If the Mongols occupied the ground, what would be the point of hiding underground and only occasionally firing cold guns? ! Wouldn't it be the end of them trapping you to death underground?

Wanyan Honglie said to him eloquently that this was to let the soldiers and civilians of Samarkand use this fighting method to buy time for the king.

In fact, we need to arrange special personnel to secretly dig a tunnel out of the city. But don't tell the people below.

Once the city is breached, we can escape from Samarkand while the Mongols are burning, killing and looting in the city, and being harassed by the soldiers and civilians in the city. Reorganize the army and then take revenge.

However, the escape can only be carried out after the Mongols enter the city. After all, the tunnel cannot be dug too far, at most a dozen miles. In the end, we still have to escape on the ground.

If the Mongolian army is outside the city, their reconnaissance range covers hundreds of miles. Even if we leave the city through the tunnel, the Mongols will find and catch us.

So we must let the Mongols enter the city first, let them be held back by the soldiers and civilians in the city, and then we can run. Otherwise, the city will be pacified early, and the Mongols will definitely chase them out again.

How to delay time? Then we can only rely on tunnel warfare. This is the best way to level the gap in combat effectiveness between the two sides.

The Mongolian cavalry fought very bravely, and the group combat effectiveness was also very strong. Therefore, the Khwarezmian army and civilians could not engage in large-scale battles with the Mongols on the ground.

It is necessary to use the extensive network of tunnels to easily deploy troops and form a situation of local superiority. Outnumber the inferior, take advantage and run.

In the houses on the ground, various hidden weapons can be set up. Trap the Mongols.

They will even open some tunnel entrances for the Mongolian army to find. Just ask if you dare to come in? !

You definitely cannot ride a horse in the tunnel. If the Mongols want to enter, they must come down one by one, and then wait to be dealt with by the Khwarezmian army and civilians.

With this tactic, plus the participation of several masters such as Ouyang Feng, even if the Mongols finally win, at least half of them will die.

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