Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1542 Master, save me

Ouyang Ke, who was a top-notch martial artist, died under the Mongolian arrows. There were many reasons for this.

First, he was in poor condition and his leg injury had not healed, so it was not so convenient for him to dodge with his light skills;

Second, he had never fought with the Mongolians and did not understand the power of Mongolian horse archery, especially with the archer Zhebie, so he was caught off guard;

Third, there was a "traitor" like Wanyan Kang, and Ouyang Ke treated the young prince as a good friend, but was completely betrayed.

It can only be said that the young prince's acting skills are absolutely top-notch. If he were put on Pangu Star, he would definitely win the Best Actor Award. Ouyang Ke never doubted him until his death.

Fourth, the pair of white eagles that followed Hua Zheng were too powerful. They were more troublesome than the Mongolian cavalry to some extent, and posed a great threat to Ouyang Ke.

And Ouyang Feng did not have these unfavorable conditions. He was not injured, and he had heard about the Mongolian archery skills. The traitor Wanyan Kang was dead, and only the pair of white eagles could cause a little trouble.

But that was all. The martial arts of the West Poison was far superior to his son and apprentice, so the threat of the white eagle to him was very small.

After the Mongolian envoys killed Ouyang Ke, they did not think of hiding their whereabouts, and were soon caught up by the West Poison and Huang Rong.

The hatred of killing his son was irreconcilable. Ouyang Feng quickly killed a group of Mongolian cavalrymen, and the two white eagles were also seriously injured and lay in the bushes a little further away, unable to struggle.

The West Poison tied several leaders, Tuolei, Hua Zheng, Zhebie, and Borshu, to the tree trunks and prepared to cook them.

They couldn't just die. The West Poison had flashed dozens of ways to make people live worse than death in his mind, and planned to let them taste them one by one.

Originally, the Mongolian envoys returned, and the Song Dynasty also sent officers and soldiers to escort them, but when they met Ouyang Ke and Yang Kang last time, these useless guys had been scared away.

At this time, they didn't know where they ran to. Losing the Mongolian delegation must be a serious crime. It is estimated that they have gone to some mountain to live as bandits.

Just when Ouyang Feng was about to attack Tuolei and others, Guo Jing and Yuqiao Gengdu and others arrived. They rushed forward to rescue them.

In Mongolia, Guo Jing grew up with Tuolei and Hua Zheng. They were childhood sweethearts and had a very good relationship with each other.

Zhebie treated Guo Jing even more kindly. Not only did he teach him all his archery skills and martial arts, he also helped Guo Jing's family all the time. Guo Jing was most grateful to him.

He was not so familiar with Borshu. As the first of Genghis Khan's "Four Talents" founding heroes, he had a lot of state affairs and really didn't have much time to take care of a child like Guo Jing.

However, the dogs raised by the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan were very famous in the Mongolian tribes. Borshu had bought a lot of them and was considered a big sponsor. At least he was familiar with them.

It was not until Genghis Khan named Guo Jing the Golden Sword Prince Consort that Borshu gradually had some exchanges with Guo Jing himself.

But not long after, Guo Jing and the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan all fled Mongolia, and their relationship ended without a trace.

Seeing that his great enemy Ouyang Feng was going to kill Tolui Anda, Hua Zheng's sister, Master Zhebie, and others, Guo Jing immediately rushed forward, followed by the fisherman and the woodcutter.

o(一へ一+)o Borshu's resentment soared to the sky: Who is "others"? ! Guo Jing, boy, come here and explain to me...

At this time, Ouyang Feng did not dare to fight with Guo Jing, and grabbed Huang Rong and ran away. Guo Jing chased for a while without success, and had to come back to meet the Mongolians. Heal the seriously injured white eagle.

Although Guo Jing's family and the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan escaped from the Mongolian tribe a few years ago. But they were originally Han people, and left a lot of money and livestock when they left. Most of the familiar Mongolians did not regard them as traitors.

Temujin was very angry at first and almost sent people to kill him. But Hua Zheng had no choice but to give up after crying because she was deeply in love with Guo Jing.

In addition, many people such as Zhebie spoke well of Guo Jing and the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan. They were all Mongolian princes and nobles who had bought dogs. They said that the prince consort and others must have encountered an emergency, so they left overnight.

The various customs of the Han people are very different from those of the Mongolians. Maybe there are some special customs. When things are settled, they will definitely come back.

The Mongol Empire is now in full swing, and no one can give up the respected status of "Golden Sword Prince Consort" and "Genghis Khan's relative". This must be a misunderstanding.

The Mongolians live on nomadism, and in order to pursue fertile water and grass, they must migrate frequently. So they really can't understand the Han people's habit of returning to their roots and their deep feelings for their own Yanhuang bloodline.

These people not only really fled Mongolia, but also have been deliberately dealing with Mongolia, which is something they never thought of.

This time, the Mongolian delegation came to discuss the alliance with the Southern Song Dynasty. It was enough to have the important minister Borshu in charge and Jebe as the guard.

The main purpose of Prince Tolui and Princess Huazheng coming was to find Guo Jing. Therefore, the Mongolian delegation stayed in the Jiangnan area.

Who would have thought that they did not meet the real master, but met Ouyang Ke, Wanyan Kang, and the Western Poison. All of them almost lost their lives here.

At this moment of death, a great hero suddenly appeared in front of everyone on a white horse, beat away the evil villains, and saved them.

A closer look showed that this hero was the golden sword prince consort that everyone was looking for. The four of them all sighed at the magic of fate.

At the same time, they were more convinced that Guo Jing and others must not have defected. Otherwise, he would not have needed to save people today.

If only they had come earlier. The Mongolian soldiers who died were all four-man personal guards, warriors of the Mongolian tribe. What a pity.

Little did they know that Guo Jing was a chivalrous man. It was just a daily routine for him to help others when he saw injustice. If someone else was going to be killed by Ouyang Feng, he would also help them.

Hua Zheng was the happiest. She held one of Guo Jing's hands and giggled non-stop.

The other hand was held by his sworn brother Tolui, who talked about brotherhood and pushed Zhebie to the outside. We'll talk about your relationship as a master and apprentice later when we have time.

Although Borshu and Guo Jing didn't have much friendship, he was grateful for his life-saving grace at this time, so he naturally returned the favor. He kept promising that the Golden Sword Prince Consort could find him if he had any problems in the future.

With his status, there was nothing he couldn't handle in Mongolia. You should know that Genghis Khan trusted Borshu the most and gave him the privilege of not being punished for nine crimes.

Fortunately, Guo Jing quickly found the injured white eagles and quickly pulled his hands out to heal them, which temporarily got rid of the enthusiasm of several people.

Moreover, he was a little confused now. The matter of the Golden Sword Prince Consort was already said to be fake. He never thought of anything happening with Hua Zheng.

Besides, his position was still hostile to Mongolia. Guo Jing encountered this situation and really didn't know what to do.

After all, young people are thin-skinned. At this moment, he was shouting in his heart: Master! Come and save me quickly...

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