Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1525 The Abyss That Will Never Appear

When mentioning [Love and Hate Roxanne], we have to talk about another No.1 Great Sword [Dust Eater Cassandra].

She and Roxanne are great swords of the same generation. When Cassandra was already No.1, Roxanne was just a newbie at No.35.

Roxanne first learned swordsmanship from No.31 Urax and surpassed him. When Roxanne rose to No.24, Urax died.

Then she met No.9 Nadine who lost her right eye. Because of the lack of distance sense due to the one-eye, Nadine's fighting method is mainly to detect evil spirits.

With this ability that has been repeatedly honed, Nadine will not be affected in the battle even if she closes her left eye.

So, in a battle, Roxanne also lost her right eye, and gradually gained Nadine's trust, and also learned from her and went to the next level.

Later, Nadine died, and Roxanne's right eye was miraculously restored. The ranking rose to No.11.

Roxanne's next target is No.5 Elizabeth. Her death allowed Roxanne to master her gorgeous swordsmanship. She also replaced her No.5 position.

Finally, Roxanne set her sights on Cassandra, the No.1 Great Swordsman who was even better than No.2 at the time.

Cassandra was a rare warrior who held a sword with her left hand. Her ability was to use the centrifugal force generated by shaking her head to lower her body posture.

During the battle, her body was so low that it was close to the ground, lying on the ground like a snake, as if she was gnawing at the dust.

So she rarely killed with one blow, always cutting off the enemy's limbs, depriving the opponent of the ability to move, and then chopping the enemy's body into pieces.

Roxanne, who was loved and hated, called it the ugliest and most cruel fighting method of all the No.1s in history, and was also ashamed to be seen by her companions.

Therefore, Cassandra always fought against the awakened ones alone. No one followed her. She always returned unscathed. The corpses of the awakened ones left on the battlefield must be broken and messy.

The hypocritical and treacherous Roxanne used her own abilities to quickly discover Cassandra's secret.

She disliked this technique as being too ugly and unsightly, and was unwilling to learn it at all. She also gave Cassandra an insulting nickname of Dust Eater. Then she abandoned her.

Later, Cassandra saved the life of a No.35 Great Sword in a battle and became a true friend with him.

But this friend was brutally killed by the opponent in a failed battle against a low-level awakener, and his death was horrible.

Strangely, in that battle, the leader No.2 Roxanne and other three great swords came back intact. This was too much.

Cassandra personally hunted down the awakener and learned the truth. Roxanne did not make a move at all, and just watched the awakener toyed with No.35 to death. She couldn't help but be furious and rushed into the organization to seek revenge on Roxanne.

And Roxanne had already reported to the organization. A group of warriors were assembled to besiege Cassandra, seriously injuring her, and finally she died tragically under Roxanne's sword. She was stabbed 126 times in total, and died after struggling for several hours.

Cassandra was really pitiful when she met such a jerk Roxanne and such an organization with ulterior motives.

Why are Historia, Roxanne, and Cassandra mentioned here? Because the three of them are the No.1 great swords that have not awakened, and their strength is excellent.

So their bodies were secretly preserved by Daye, a crazy scientist in the organization, for research.

According to the original book, more than two years later, before the decisive battle, the organization was attacked by the great swords led by Milia and was about to face a catastrophe.

Daye made a desperate move and implanted the flesh and blood of Priscilla's arm into the three bodies. He resurrected all three of them.

Shortly after resurrection, the three of them awakened and became the three new generations of the Abyss. They caused considerable losses to the great swords. Of course, in the end, all three of them died.

Cassandra killed Roxanne, who had a deep hatred for her, and killed Historia who was led by Milia. She went to join Priscilla and was swallowed by her.

Later, the smiling Denise appeared. Under the stimulation of her words, Cassandra took the initiative to break free from Priscilla's body and fought with Denise with all her strength as a warrior.

After knowing that she was defeated, she asked Denise to end her life and died without regrets. Her skills were also praised by Denise as "awesome skills".

Xiao Ming saw the bodies of the three of them in the researcher's laboratory. At this time, Priscilla's cells had not been implanted.

Xiao Ming also had to admire that in this world, the souls of the great swords after death were very persistent. After such a long time, their residual souls still stayed on these three bodies.

If not, they would not be resurrected. It is even more impossible to use their own fighting skills after resurrection.

Of course, this is also the credit of the organization. If they had not properly preserved and supplemented the three bodies, their residual souls would have dissipated long ago.

In the end, Xiao Ming could only devour the three bodies and "transcend" their residual souls. These three Abyssal people will not participate in the war again.

Although Historia and Roxanne are not worthy of sympathy, Cassandra is actually a pretty good person. Why doesn't Xiao Ming resurrect her?

The reason is simple. When it comes to the ability to protect the soul. The organization is far less sophisticated than Yan Hongxia. Cassandra's residual soul is actually quite weak.

Even if Xiao Ming forcibly resurrects her, he can only let her live for 5, 7, or 6 more days, which is useless.

Besides, her generation has already died out. Why let her live again and suffer again? It’s better to reincarnate early.

Based on Cassandra’s life, she will only be rewarded by the underworld, which is a world apart from the other two. Historia and Roxanne will definitely be cruelly punished.

Before entering the six reincarnations, Xiao Ming will tell Cassandra that the demons and the organization have been eliminated. The world she protected has returned to peace, so she can die with peace of mind.

"Now I sentence Lemoto, Daye, Lulu... and others to death. Do you have any last words to say?"

The public trial has ended, but there are still some fierce materials to dig out from these people. The technology they mastered is not without help to the great swords.

Xiao Ming remembers that in the "Marvel" world, in World War II, the American traitor defeated Germany.

All the war criminals of Hydra should have been executed, but due to various factors, they compromised and absorbed those people into SHIELD.

Although the American traitors did gain a lot of technical benefits, Hydra also revived after decades and subverted SHIELD. This is a living lesson!

Fortunately, the Great Sword is not a politician, and Milia will not make those messy compromises. There will be no such trouble.

These high-level officials of the organization are full of evil and deserve to die. Milia announced their death sentence on the spot. The Great Swords cheered, and the people who learned the news at the same time also felt very relieved.

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