Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1522 The Last Descendant of the Dragon

Xiao Ming learned from the memory of the leader of the organization, Lemoto. The organization used the flesh and blood of the descendants of the dragon to create demons.

The specific method is to cut off a little bit of flesh and blood from the two bodies, fuse them together, and implant them into the human brain. The parasite is now a demon.

They will have a strong desire for human internal organs, which will drive the human body to excessive deformation, causing the body to continue to collapse, and then change to the next parasitic target after collapse.

For this reason, the organization fabricated a lie to deceive the world, saying that the demons learned to imitate the appearance and memory of the victims after eating human internal organs.

The demons that the great swords have been killing are just parasitic humans.

The commandment formulated by the organization [Great swords are absolutely not allowed to kill] is simply bullshit. Demons are humans, and great swords have been killing people all the time.

The reason for formulating this commandment is not to protect humans, but to decently wipe out the great swords, and the pre-set crime is just a crime.

In this land where technology is not very developed, there are no devices such as mobile phone recorders to record images. The organization can frame any Great Sword for murder. There is no room for rebuttal.

Even the reputation of the Great Sword on this continent was deliberately ruined by the organization.

Originally, they were a group of heroes who sacrificed themselves to protect humanity and should be respected by the people.

But the Great Swords were regarded as half-human and half-demon monsters and were excluded everywhere. Once they left the organization, they could hardly move forward. It was all routine and conspiracy.

After getting the memory of Lemoto, Xiao Ming had a feeling of admiration for most of the female Great Swords.

Don't look at the fact that the Dragon Warrior Zhang Xiaoming crushed all the Great Swords in terms of combat power. But from a personal sentiment point of view, Xiao Ming asked himself that he would not do such a heroic act of self-sacrifice. He could only pay the highest respect to them.

Of course, sorting out these memories did not prevent Xiao Ming from feasting. He swallowed the bodies of the two descendants of the dragon. Even for the gene pool of the Zerg, they have great reference value.

In addition, some demons and even the bodies of the awakened were also eaten by Xiao Ming. Their souls will be sent to the underworld for reincarnation, which can be regarded as salvation.

Among them, there is also a group of special experimental subjects - [Abyss Devourers]. There are currently 11 of them. They look like human female bodies, with their eyes and mouths sewn with thread.

Although they are still called warriors on the surface, they have lost all self-awareness, humanity and other human characteristics, and can no longer be described as human.

The Abyss Devourers themselves do not emit demonic energy. Their characteristic is that they will attack no matter whether the opponent is a human, a demon, a great sword or an awakener...

The way they are formed is similar to that of the great sword, both of which bury flesh and blood into the bodies of female warriors.

The difference is that the great sword uses the flesh and blood of demons, while the Abyss Devourers use the flesh and blood of awakeners, and have the potential to defeat the Abyss, so they are called "Abyss Devourers".

The flesh and blood of the awakeners comes from the 11 awakeners killed by the Dark Twins in the Northern War.

They are extremely powerful and more brutal than demons and awakeners. Their attack method is the same as that of awakeners, which is to transform parts of their bodies into weapons of various shapes.

They like to attack in groups, but will treat targets that hide their aura as non-existent.

Abyss Devourers can sense the commotion in the environment or smell the smell of demonic aura, and will automatically attack and devour the source, whether it is a human, demon, warrior or awakener.

The body can be transformed into any shape, and will regenerate quickly within a certain period of time after being damaged. Their weakness is the head. As long as the head is protected, it doesn't matter how many injuries they suffer.

When the number of deaths in a battle exceeds half (6), they will automatically retreat to the organization's base. The organization will also create new Abyss Devourers to fill the vacancies.

The most terrifying thing is that after each replenishment, all combat experience will be shared by 11 Abyss Devourers. As a result, the Abyss Devourers become stronger and stronger.

They are the most successful works considered by the organization. After all, the conditions for the formation of the Dark Twins are too harsh.

First of all, there are not many twins who are in tune with each other, and those who are qualified to be warriors are even rarer, and those who can withstand the transformation of the organization are even rarer.

This kind of warrior cannot meet the purpose of the organization. And the Abyss Devourer is undoubtedly more suitable for mass production.

Since the birth of the first batch of 11 Abyss Devourers, their first target is the Abyss Devourer Beima Yisli. They have been chasing him and pestering him.

At the beginning, they were no match for Yisli at all, and they would soon retreat because of the loss of more than half.

But Beima also did not understand their weaknesses and did not get rid of them all at once.

Because this kind of thing itself does not emit demonic energy, and it always flees in all directions, it is difficult to chase and kill. Yisli did not think it was necessary to completely eliminate them at first.

When Beima realized that the Abyss Devourer was getting stronger and stronger, and it might be difficult to deal with it in the future, he no longer had the ability to eliminate all 11 Abyss Devourers in one go.

This time, Yisli suffered a lot of damage again and fought hard to kill 7 Abyss Devourers. At this time, the organization was replenishing their staff. Unexpectedly, he was eaten by Xiao Ming without any hesitation.

In the original novel, Bei Ma had to continue to fight against the Abyss Devourer for more than 2 years, and finally he was completely devoured by them. The Abyss Devourer is indeed worthy of its name.

However, Yisili's life in this life did not get better, because he was targeted by Xiao Ming again.

Given his S-class strength, Xiao Ming only sent his clones and parasites to follow him from a distance. He will wait until the situation is more stable before taking action.

In this world, the Abyss generally reach S-class, the Awakened are masters of A-B class, and ordinary demons range from C-class to E-class. E-class demons can be dealt with by several humans working together.

The strength of the Great Sword is very wide. The strongest can kill S-class in seconds; the general No.1 Great Sword also has the strength of A-class; and the weakest Great Sword trainee may only be D-class.

Back to the point, the combination of Xi Loli-Livlu and Dafu, and the combination of Laki and Priscilla who enjoy the same treatment as Isli.

Laki was originally a follower (friend) of No.47 Claire. Before the Northern War, he and Claire were separated and met Isli and Priscilla by chance.

For some unknown reason, Priscilla stuck to Laki. So the three of them formed a group and went south together.

On the way, Bei Ma also taught Laki swordsmanship. They enjoyed the warmth of "family". It was like a father taking his two children on a trip.

Later, Yisli was entangled by the Abyss Devourer, so he entrusted Priscilla to Laki and acted separately. He led the powerful enemy away by himself.

In fact, Priscilla is very powerful. If her power is stimulated, the Abyss Devourer is simply a piece of cake. But Yisli didn't seem to want to do this, and he didn't know why.

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