Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1520 Our home is an island

"I know you want to see evidence, and there is evidence. And everyone has it." Seeing that everyone was still skeptical, Miria dropped a bombshell.

She pulled out her greatsword from behind and said solemnly: "If this greatsword is only used to cut demons, don't you think it is too hard?!"

Everyone's silver eyes flashed with a gleam of light when they heard this. This has never been thought of, but it seems to be really wrong!

"In previous battles, let alone the greatsword being broken, even the blade has never been broken. It's just like..." At this point, No.6 paused to give everyone some time to think and savor.

No.47 Claire suddenly realized and said loudly: "It's like from the beginning, this greatsword was prepared for the awakened, or even stronger opponents than the awakened!"

Stronger opponents than the awakened refer to the abyss people such as "Southern Cat, Northern Horse, and Western Loli".

"That's right!" Milia continued, "I traveled all over the continent, but I didn't find any similar materials. There's no similar materials in the organization either. This great sword comes from another continent!"

Originally, the other great swords would find it hard to believe. After all, they have too little knowledge and their minds are not broad enough.

But they just met Zhang Xiaoming and Yan Hongxia, and they don't think it's hard to accept.

No.9 Zhen, who has been standing next to Claire, smiled and said, "So, isn't it from the same place as the two benefactors?"

"Shua" Everyone's eyes were focused on Zhang Xiaoming and Yan Hongxia. Yan Hongxia blushed, and she really didn't know about this setting. But she didn't know how to explain it for a while.

Xiaoming smiled slightly: "Not really. If it came from our world, you should wear the holy clothes like mine. Right?"

This was very convincing, and everyone nodded in agreement. Speaking of the benefactor's divine clothes, many girls were captured when they saw them for the first time. They also wanted to try it on.

It is almost natural for girls to love beauty. In order to subdue demons, the great swords have actually given up beauty and even the rest of their lives, and are ready to die at any time.

In fact, no great sword can live to middle age without awakening. Basically, they all die at a young age. They are also prepared in their hearts.

However, if they can wear such a beautiful combat uniform when they die, it will not be in vain. I will ask my benefactor if there are any extra ones in the future...

With a lot of random thoughts in their minds, everyone continued to listen to Milia's intelligence.

"There is a larger land in the world than this land, but it is definitely not a peaceful place..."

As she told the story, Xiao Ming learned that on that continent, there were many countries and races, fighting endless wars, and the blood donation dyed the entire continent red.

Until about 100 years ago, it evolved into a situation where two forces competed for hegemony. The two sides met a good match, and the turtle and the tortoise were equally matched.

I thought no one could beat anyone, and peace seemed to be coming. Unexpectedly, one of the parties [Force A] got a new force to join.

It was a huge alien race with a strong skin, called [Dragon's Descendants]. The Dragon's Descendants were extremely powerful, which led to Force A quickly gaining the upper hand.

The disadvantaged party [Force B] also caught up. They developed a weapon that transformed humans into monsters.

But this new weapon was too powerful and too unstable. There was a danger of destroying themselves if they were not careful, so they put the location for researching weapons on an "island" far away from the mainland.

In other words, the land guarded by the great swords was the testing ground for demons. The organization was Force B's research institute, and the demons and great swords were just experimental subjects.

Due to the emergence of the awakened, Force B finally had a weapon that could compete with the Dragon's Descendants. The purpose of the organization was to study awakened people who could be controlled and mass-produced.

It is said that during the Northern War, No. 1 and No. 2, who were in the same period as them, were experimental subjects that were about to succeed. That is, the dark twins in the original work.

That's why the organization sent these 24 great swords as cannon fodder to stop the subordinates of Beima Yisli. Otherwise, these forces should be integrated to protect the organization.

Hearing this information, the great swords were so angry. The two forces, and that organization, are all a bunch of crazy guys.

In order to experiment with war weapons, this originally peaceful "island" was destroyed horribly. The population has been decreasing rapidly. Everyone still regards the organization as a good person and a savior. It's really fucked up.

But to be honest, Force B actually has no choice. It can either research new weapons or lie down and die. If you don't want to die, you can only do that.

The same is true for Force A. The mutual suspicion between the two major forces makes it almost impossible for them to maintain peace. If you are not careful, one side may be completely eliminated by the other side, and the winner takes all.

So their introduction of the Dragon's Descendant can only be regarded as a preemptive move. The other side will never let go of such an opportunity.

We must take advantage of this opportunity to eliminate the opponent, otherwise when the opponent surpasses us, they will not show any mercy, and then we will be completely finished.

Just like the gods who were dragged into the war for no reason in the war between humans, gods and insects. I don't want to fight, but if others attack me, I have to resist, right? !

There is no reason to let others plunder everything I have at will in order to avoid war. The final result is that everyone will be destroyed together.

Only when one side wins completely can the war really end.

But at the same time, due to the inferiority of human beings, the winning side will be divided internally, and the probability of fighting again is also very high.

ε=(ο`*))) Alas, it is really difficult to judge the good and evil at the national level. I can only say that war is the original sin of this type of civilization. It is almost unavoidable.

The approach of the Power Gem/Heaven is simple and direct. Once a civilization becomes strong to a certain extent, it will begin to approach the bottom line of the Heaven.

If you can't control the greed of your own civilization, then wait for the thunder to hit your head and destroy everything. This is the sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of all civilizations.

Unfortunately, there is no Heaven in the Great Sword World. Even if there is, the two major forces are far from reaching the bottom line. It can only rely on the efforts of the Great Swords themselves.

Milia has no intention of meddling in other people's affairs on the mainland. She has only one goal, which is to eliminate all the organizations and demons from this "island".

4 or 5 years have passed, and the organization's experiment should have succeeded, right? If you want to defeat the organization, you must face new warriors and the powerful No. 1 and No. 2.

Originally, Milia didn't have much confidence, but now that 17 great swords have resurrected and two powerful and mysterious outsiders seem to be friendly forces, she feels the hope of success for the first time.

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