Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1517: War in the North

Alphonse in the north, the initial town of Pieta. This is where the dragon warrior Xiao Ming landed in the world of "Great Sword". It is also the place where Yan Hongxia landed.

There is no one in the town for a long time. The buildings in the town are all 2 or 3 small buildings similar to the brick and tile structure of medieval Europe. It seems that the residents back then lived a good life.

However, these buildings are now covered tightly by vines, and it seems that no one has been here for a long time.

Suddenly, Xiao Ming felt a strong thought in a certain direction, pulling himself. So he appeared there in an instant.

To be honest, it is quite far from the town of Pieta, and only a master like Xiao Ming can reach it instantly.

As soon as his mind turned, he found that this place was actually a cemetery. Although there was no mound, there were 18 bodies of female great swords buried underground, and 18 swords were stuck on the ground.

Wait a minute, something is wrong. These golden-haired and silver-eyed great swords do not seem to be completely dead. Xiao Ming suddenly found that their souls were locked in their bodies by some method.

At this time, a communication talisman suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Ming, and a girl's obsession reached Xiao Ming's heart. It was Yan Hongxia's death message.

Speaking of which, the Great Sword World is not a very popular mission world. Because this method of improving strength is too extreme, most reincarnations are unwilling to adopt it.

Therefore, the information about this world is not very comprehensive, and all forces have not made much effort to develop this world. Due to the lack of information, Yan Hongxia's rescue of the Great Sword failed.

She originally thought that the strongest in the Great Sword World were probably the three Abyss. If she fought one-on-one, she should be able to gain a slight advantage. She dared to take action.

So, what is the Abyss?

It's like this, all the Great Swords are transformed by a mysterious organization. The method is to implant the flesh and blood of demons in the warriors.

This organization divides this continent into 47 regions. Each region corresponds to a Great Sword. So there will be 47 Great Swords in each generation.

The strongest is ranked No. 1, followed by No. 2,... and so on, the weakest is No. 47.

In battle, the great swords will inevitably release their demonic power. If the demonic power is released too much, they will become extremely powerful demons, also called awakened ones.

The so-called Abyss is a demon awakened by the No. 1 great sword of all generations. Its strength far exceeds that of other awakened ones, so it is called Abyss.

The current three Abyss are: "Isli" of the North (the only male Abyss, also known as the Silver King), "Luciela" of the South, and "Livlu" of the West.

Isli's demon form resembles a centaur; Luciela's demon form looks like a cat; and Livlu's demon form is still a little loli.

So these three Abyss are nicknamed "Southern Cat, Northern Horse, Western Loli" by the reincarnations. As soon as you hear it, you know that they must have borrowed the saying of Southern Hair and Northern Horse in the world of "Zombie Contract".

Yan Hongxia's estimation is correct. Her strength is indeed higher than these three Abyss. However, the rescue operation of Dajian did not go as she wished. From her death message, Xiao Ming learned everything that happened.

She chose a famous battle of Dajian [Northern War] as the starting point. Because this battle can be said to be the most devastating battle in the main story of Dajian.

After years of confrontation, the organization and the three abysses have formed a state of confrontation with each occupying one side.

Isli controls the northern region, Lucyela occupies the southern region, Livlu controls the western region, and the mysterious organization is in the eastern region. It was originally in a relatively balanced state.

However, after the northern horse Isli obtained Priscilla, the awakened person with power beyond the abyss, he was worried that other forces would unite against him.

In particular, he was worried that the southern cat and the western loli would unite, so he decided to take the initiative and gather the awakened people in the northern region to attack the other three parties.

The number of awakened people in the Isli Corps reached 27, led by the former male Great Sword NO.2 "Silver Eyed Lion King" Rigarut.

The purpose is to delay the actions of the mysterious organization and Xi Loli, so that he can have time to kill the South Cat Lucy Ella alone.

After that, even if he is no longer able to fight. No one on this continent can defeat Priscilla anymore.

In the original book, Isli's plan was perfectly realized.

First, the No. 7 Aihua team stationed in the north encountered the awakened army, and the four great swordsmen were quickly sacrificed with almost no ability to fight back.

The appearance of more than a plurality of awakened people shocked the organization, and the organization decided to send 24 great swords to form a legion to block the awakened army in the initial town of Pieta. This blocking battle was later called the Northern War.

The number of great swords participating in the war has exceeded half of the total number of regular warriors of the organization. Its purpose is not to defeat the awakened, but to use them as cannon fodder to delay time. The organization is intensively researching the strongest weapon, the Dark Twins.

Generally speaking, when the organization sends people to attack ordinary awakened people, it must arrange a team of 3 to 5 warriors, led by a single-digit great sword.

Now, with 24 great swordsmen fighting against 27 awakeners, there is actually no possibility of victory. Even so, the organization still sent a lot of powerful warriors.

The strongest one is the No. 6 "Phantom" Milia. She has realized that there is something wrong with the organization behind her, and she also knows that the 24 of them are here to die.

But they couldn't flee from the battlefield, because if they did, everyone would be hunted down by the organization. Moreover, destroying demons was also the mission of the Great Sword.

So Milia asked each Great Sword to take half a pill of secret medicine before the battle. Half a pill of medicine would not affect their normal combat. When they were injured and lost consciousness, the effect of the medicine would make them fall into a state of suspended animation, and all the demonic energy on their bodies would be hidden.

In this way, both the demons and the organization would think that all 24 Great Swords were killed.

Milia hoped that some of the warriors could wake up from the suspended animation after the battle. If one survived, it would be a profit.

In the end, several awakened people such as Rigarut were killed, and 17 Great Swords also died. Only seven people such as Milia woke up after suspended animation.

After the war, the remaining awakened people were divided into two teams, 11 of which went to the organization and were all killed by the Dark Twins who finally succeeded in their research.

At the same time, the other team was also eliminated by Livlu and her subordinate Dafu. But the purpose of delay was achieved.

When Xi Loli arrived, Bei Ma had completely defeated Nan Mao. Luciela escaped with serious injuries and died together with No.5 Lahana.

Livlu realized Priscilla's true power and had to leave with Dafu. On the way, she picked up the fusion body of Luciela and Lahana.

At this point, the war in the north came to an end, and Yisili and the organization achieved their respective goals. Livlu also picked up a big treasure. Only the Nan Mao and the great swords suffered heavy losses.

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