Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1512 The Ultimate Arms

Since his son is so promising, he can't perform too badly. So, the insect king Lu Xiaoming brought a group of subordinates to the demon world occupied by the insects and gods under his command.

This demon world is basically completely under Xiaoming's rule. Insect humans, insects, gods, monsters, and humans live in peace here.

Although there are small fights between each other, they can no longer fight a big war. Out of the yearning for peace, monsters and humans from other demon worlds have begun to immigrate here. They think it is more stable to live here.

On this day, a huge potato-shaped monster suddenly appeared in the sky here. It was red, black and yellow, and covered with long and short tentacles and spikes.

The huge and ferocious monster filled the residents with fear. Many monsters thought that it was the legendary three giants of the demon world.

Will one of the three monsters, Huangquan, Lei Zen, and Qu, feel that this force is a threat, so he sent his men to clear it out?

Although this monster has never been seen before, the three giants have never seen it either. The first reaction of the monsters is to connect them with any strange things.

Countless monsters feel sorry. They finally have such an environment suitable for survival, but they are afraid that it will be destroyed soon.

There are also many monsters who gloat over misfortunes. They don't like peaceful life, but prefer to enjoy killing.

They have always lived cautiously under the pressure of insect humans. Now that the insect human forces seem to be unlucky, they are naturally happy.

Unfortunately, the monsters all guessed wrong. Among the insect human forces, no "human" showed fear, and they all bowed to the monster in the sky.

It turned out that this monster was not an enemy, but the ultimate combat unit of the Zerg transformed by Green Xiaoming himself - [Leviathan].

Xiaoming has now obtained all the inheritance of the Zerg, and in principle can produce any type of soldiers.

However, the several queens under his command are still "young" and do not have the ability to breed Leviathan's eggs.

Xiao Ming himself has this ability, but it takes a long time and huge resources to cultivate a Leviathan from an egg.

Xiao Ming can't wait, so he simply transforms himself to see the quality. If it's good, cultivate it, if it's not good, forget it.

Leviathan, in simple terms, is a hive that has come alive and flew into space. Of course, Leviathans also have different sizes and strengths.

High defense, thick blood, and excellent regeneration ability make Leviathan's vitality ridiculously strong. In addition, she also has the function of a queen, which can breed various Zerg arms.

The more powerful Leviathan is, the more arms it can breed. And there is a huge space in her body, which can store a large number of Zerg arms. A Leviathan is a complete battle cluster.

Usually Leviathan will release flying Zerg arms in turn to escort itself. Just like fighter jets protecting aircraft carriers.

Even without escorting "fighters", Leviathan still has good combat capabilities.

The ultimate move [Plasmid Spray], commonly known as the Leviathan Cannon, is a super-powerful long-range attack method. It is similar to the main gun bombardment of a space battleship or a space fortress.

Its strongest power can be referred to the famous main gun [Thor's Hammer] of the Iserlohn Fortress in the world of "Galaxy Romance". The power of one blow can destroy tens of thousands of space battleships.

Legend has it that when the Zerg was at its strongest, even a few top Leviathans could emit more powerful plasmid sprays. Destroying planets is no problem.

The only flaw is that this main gun can only be fired ahead, and threats from other directions are not withdrawn.

Fortunately, Leviathan is a biological creature, and its turning speed is relatively fast, so it will not be taken advantage of by the enemy.

At medium distance, Leviathan can fire spikes in all directions. This spike is like a missile, and its power is enough to damage the battleship.

At close range, the octopus-like tentacles on the Leviathan are also a nightmare for melee enemies. The tentacles have extremely strong physical attack and defense power.

In fact, Leviathan is rarely approached by the enemy. These regenerative tentacles are more used to prevent the enemy's long-range attacks. For example, to resist various missiles, laser cannons, etc.

The most amazing thing is that Leviathan also has the ability to jump in space. If it can't win, it can still escape. It is worthy of being the ultimate soldier of the Zerg.

Even the smallest Leviathan has the strength of A-level by itself. Those who are slightly bigger are all S-level or above.

This does not count the Zerg units carried in her body. Therefore, almost every Leviathan is a master when it is just born. And her status is generally higher than other masters. She has great priority.

Simply put, when good things happen, she can come first. If you encounter a very critical moment, other Zerg masters will do everything they can to ensure the survival of Leviathan.

Therefore, in the Yanhuang Three Star System, when the three races fought a decisive battle, the only Zerg that escaped was a Leviathan. Unfortunately, her life was cut off at that time, otherwise the Zerg would have become the final winner of that war.

As Leviathan grows, their various attributes will become stronger and stronger, and their skills will become more and more. Their combat capabilities will become very comprehensive.

For example, Leviathan usually masters a mental skill [Life Hibernation], which can make enemies within a certain range completely still for a short time. Whether facing a complex battle or planning to escape, this is a magical skill.

There is almost no Overlord who can have Leviathan under his command. The only one who is qualified to have Leviathan is the Zerg who is higher than the Overlord - the Emperor.

The so-called "Emperor" is just the name of this status given by the human race. The Zerg communicates with each other through spirit, without language, and will not list so many titles boringly.

Of course, the Zerg Emperor also climbed up step by step from the bottom Overlord.

There is a "saying" within the Zerg that the Emperor who has not obtained Leviathan is unworthy of the name. This also shows the importance of Leviathan.

In fact, almost every Zerg Emperor will use a Leviathan as a flagship. Unless the Emperor himself is a Leviathan.

And every Leviathan that has not been incorporated by the Emperor is almost destined to become an Emperor in the near future.

In this case, Xiao Ming, whose status has not yet reached the Zerg Emperor, is actually not worthy of having Leviathan.

However, his situation is special. A Overlord who has all the inheritance of the Zerg breeds a Leviathan, and no Zerg will dare to raise any objections.

By the way, there is not even a Leviathan among the Zerg in the Chiyou Galaxy. Because the Honghuang game treats the three tribes equally, it will also capture the S-level Zerg.

The young A-level Leviathans will soon leave because they have reached the S-level. And the Overlords who are left behind and whose strength is not S-level are not qualified to breed new Leviathans.

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