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Chapter 1488 Wizengamot

Originally, Minister Fudge was unwilling to provoke an ancient pure-blood family like the Malfoys, which belonged to the Holy Twenty-Eight Clans. He even had to look up to them.

But now the situation is different. Since he wants to show his toughness and attitude, a chicken to scare the monkey is indispensable. No one is more suitable to be this chicken than Lucius.

Lucius was originally a Death Eater. He was exempted from punishment by bribing some senior officials and claiming that he was cursed by the Imperius.

At this level, money is actually just a byproduct. What is more important is the distribution of resources and interests, and personal connections. In order to protect himself, Lucius has bleed a lot, but he has also brought him closer to the Ministry of Magic.

Generally speaking, Fudge is really reluctant to use him as a scapegoat. It is rare to have such a generous sponsor who is willing to pay.

However, Harry has already exposed him. If he does nothing, it would be a bit nonsense. No matter how painful it is, this knife must be cut.

Lucius was also arrested with his wife Narcissa. Narcissa is from the Black family and is the cousin of Sirius and Bellatrix.

Because she has always been very smart and low-key, basically no one knows that she is a Death Eater.

However, this time, the Aurors raided the Malfoy Manor, and Narcissa did not understand the situation for a while, and used the killing curse Avada Kedavra, one of the three unforgivable spells, during the battle.

Although she killed an Auror, she also got herself involved. The couple was captured, leaving behind the 15-year-old Draco Malfoy.

Fortunately, even in the world of wizards, martial ethics are also respected, and the Ministry of Magic did not arrest Draco for the sins of his parents.

However, under Rita's "slander", Minister Fudge sent people to take over the Malfoy family's manor in the name of guardians, and Draco was temporarily suspended from school and placed under house arrest.

In the name of receiving one-on-one higher education at home. In fact, it was in this name that various forces were united to divide the Malfoy family's property.

The cost of hiring a magic teacher for one month is higher than Draco's one-year tuition at Hogwarts. How can we justify this?

As for Draco's studies, no one cares. Everyone just doesn't want Draco to show up in school and be used by others.

Of course, the Malfoy family is one of the 28 sacred families after all, so everyone must not be too greedy.

It takes a long time to slowly drain his family property, and finally leave something for Draco to fill the door.

And the Ministry of Magic cannot eat alone, but must bring other forces together. Especially the other people of the 28 sacred families. If you don't bring them in, don't even think about splitting the Malfoy family's assets.

This news was told to Xiao Ming by Sirius. He is considered a branch of the Black family and also participated in this feast.

Although Sirius didn't care about the money, it was in his heart to split the Malfoy family's property. It can also save more family property for Harry.

Lucius and Narcissa were both people who knew the current situation. They told the truth in the Wizengamot Court. Now the resurrection of Voldemort was finally confirmed.

Minister Fudge couldn't help but wiped a cold sweat. It was a close call. Fortunately, he listened to the advice of the think tanks, otherwise this would be enough to make himself fall.

The Wizengamot is the highest court in the British wizarding world. It is composed of about fifty members, including the Minister of Magic, Senior Deputy Ministers, senior officials and other famous wizards.

The highest officer is called the Chief Wizard of the Wizengamot, currently Dumbledore. Fudge, Umbridge, Old Barty, and Amelia Susan Bones are all in it.

Members of the Wizengamot all wear purple robes with an exquisite silver "W" embroidered on the left chest. They are responsible for judging the most serious cases. For example, cases related to Voldemort are basically handled by the Wizengamot.

The trial is conducted in the form of the interrogator asking questions, the clerk is responsible for taking notes, and the final verdict is made by raising hands.

In the original book, probably at this stage, Harry Potter was framed by Umbridge and sent to this court. Fortunately, he was acquitted in the end.

In this life, Umbridge has committed suicide in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, and will not come out to make trouble. Fudge is also on the same front as Dumbledore, and Harry will no longer be in such danger.

Due to Lucius and Narcissa's excellent performance in court, and their initiative to secretly offer some of the family's secret assets.

The Ministry of Magic agreed not to put the two in Azkaban Prison, but temporarily detained them in the Ministry of Magic. When things calm down, they will naturally let them go.

The assets of the major families are not just what is on the surface. They will not only store a sum of property in the underground vault of Gringotts, but also find places to hide some treasures.

Sometimes, the location of these treasures is lost, making their own families unable to find them. Thousands of years later, maybe someone else will find it again. And it will create a new legend.

The Ministry of Magic can confiscate the Malfoy family's visible property, but they can't do anything about Gringotts, let alone the hidden treasures.

Since Lucius is so sensible and willing to use this money to buy his life. Fudge and others are naturally happy to accept it.

Needless to say, the Malfoy family must have something hidden deeper. Everyone tacitly agreed. You can't dig up everyone's roots, right? There is also a bottom line among the nobles.

Lucius provided three useful pieces of information in court. The first was a list of some of the Death Eaters who were still active. This gave the Ministry of Magic more targets to blackmail.

For example, the Carrows, the Carrow family they came from was also one of the twenty-eight sacred families. The family was also very rich.

Second, Lucius confessed the task Voldemort had given him. That was to hold back the Ministry of Magic before the Dark Lord's power grew stronger.

Just like the original book, the Ministry of Magic was told not to trust Harry and buy some time for Voldemort.

During this time, what exactly did Voldemort want to do? He wanted to attack Azkaban Prison and rescue all the Death Eaters. This was the third major piece of news Lucius confessed.

Lucius also provided Voldemort with a very useful tool. Remember what Lucius's purpose was at Hogwarts School?

He came to investigate what could cause harm to Dementors. This news was a big deal for Dementors.

This showed that the Ministry of Magic was secretly studying how to deal with them. By making good use of this information, Voldemort can bring the remaining Dementors in Azkaban under his command.

In fact, Lucius really underestimated Voldemort. After the resurrection, Voldemort can no longer be considered a normal human being. His nature is somewhat similar to that of Dementors.

In the original book, Voldemort easily recruited Dementors and released all the Death Eaters in Azkaban prison. It can be done without this information.

The following are the Holy Twenty-Eight Clans:

Amber Avery Blackberth Deborah Carlo Crouch

Fly Flint Gaunt Greengrass Lestrange Longbottom Macmillan

Malfoy Nott Ollivander Parkinson Prewett Rosier Rowle

Selwyn Shacklebolt Shaffix Raghorn Travers Wesley Axley

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