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Chapter 1483 Triwizard Tournament

Voldemort took the Carrows to the Crouch family first. He rescued his loyal servant Barty the Younger. At the same time, he controlled Barty the Elder with the Imperius Curse.

It was really a turn of events. Barty the Elder had been using the Imperius Curse to control his son, and this time it was his turn to have a taste of it.

During the Triwizard Tournament, Igor Karkaroff, the headmaster of Durmstrang School of Magic, would also come to Hogwarts. He was originally a Death Eater.

So Dumbledore specially invited an old friend, Alastor Moody, a former member of the Order of the Phoenix and an Auror, to come to the school to teach the Defense Against the Dark Arts class and to calm down the situation.

Moody has a moving magic eye that can see the surrounding environment 360 degrees without blind spots. This creepy appearance gave him the nickname "Mad-Eye".

Moody was missing a leg, and replaced it with a wooden prosthesis. Under the thick dark gray hair, his face looked scarred, like a piece of rotten wood.

A large part of his nose was missing. These were the scars left by his countless heroic fights against the dark magic as an Auror.

Moody, who was strong and experienced, became a member of the first Order of the Phoenix in the 1970s. It is rumored that half of the prisoners in Azkaban Prison were sent there by him.

This may be a bit exaggerated, but his strength is definitely not to be underestimated, and it is estimated that he is no less powerful than several deans.

Principal Igor was captured and sent to Azkaban by Mad-Eye Moody after six months of pursuit.

Because he betrayed several Death Eater companions including Barty the Younger, the Ministry of Magic decided to pardon him.

Being able to become the principal of Durmstrang School of Magic and Wizardry shows that his power and connections are quite powerful.

Dumbledore felt that he could not fully trust Igor, and the threat of Voldemort was always lingering, so he found this retired old friend.

I believe that under the surveillance of Moody's magic eye, the Death Eaters should not be able to play any tricks.

But what old Dumbledore never expected was that this trick had been seen through by Voldemort.

The night before Moody was about to leave for Hogwarts, Barty Jr., together with the Carrow brothers and sisters, attacked him.

Then Barty Jr. used the Polyjuice Potion to disguise himself as Moody. Go to Hogwarts to do things for the boss.

This is a huge sacrifice. Only a diehard like him would be willing to do this. Similarly, Voldemort did not dare to trust others.

Because taking this decoction is very painful. The whole person's internal organs are churning, as if swallowing several live snakes, and the burning sensation will spread all over the body from the stomach.

The most troublesome thing is that this decoction is not permanent. Due to the difference in the quality of the potion, the effective time varies from about 10 minutes to 12 hours.

And Barty Jr. needs to pretend to be Moody for a whole school year in Hogwarts School. So he basically has to take the medicine many times a day to avoid being exposed.

Every time he took the medicine, he had to endure the pain again. If he was not a die-hard fan, he would not be able to hold on for so long. He probably gave up in less than a week.

The trouble was not only that, the polyjuice potion was a very advanced potion, and the entire production process took a month. It was a challenge for adult magicians.

Barty Jr. not only had to take the medicine every day, but also had to carry a large amount of raw materials and make medicine regularly. This kind of operation was not something that everyone could play.

Later, due to the lack of raw materials, he had to take the risk of stealing the medicine from Snape, and he was almost exposed because of this.

In addition, the last step of making this potion requires a little bit of living DNA from the target person, hair, nails, etc.

It was because of this that the real Moody was not killed. Instead, he was locked in a magic box by Barty Jr. and brought into the school.

Unfortunately, Dumbledore had no doubts about his old friend, so he did not see through the disguise of the fake Moody. In fact, he missed a good opportunity to distinguish the true from the false.

Because old Moody was in retirement before, when teaching ninjutsu to the members of the Order of the Phoenix, the old Dumbledore deliberately did not teach him. This round, he planned to fight with only the young people, and did not want to drag along this old friend who was already half buried.

Otherwise, as long as he saw that there was no trace of chakra on the new Moody, Dumbledore would be able to tell at a glance that this was a fake. There would not be so many things in the future.

Moody, disguised as Barty Jr., and Barty Sr., who was controlled by the Imperius Curse, had only one task, to ensure that Harry Potter participated in the Triwizard Tournament and won.

This required them to do a good job along the way. Because Harry was only 14 years old this year, and was far from 17 years old.

At the beginning of the selection of warriors, they had to cheat once. After that, there were three events in the tournament, and they had to ensure that Harry was not eliminated every time.

You have to know that Harry was still young after all, and his combat power and experience were definitely much worse than the other three 17-year-old warriors. Every clearance was a difficult problem.

During this period, Barty Sr. tried to break through the control of the Imperius Curse with his own will, and tried to tell Dumbledore about Voldemort's plan, but was unfortunately discovered and killed by Barty Jr.

After that, Barty Jr. fought alone to ensure Harry's success and personally touched the final prize of the Triwizard Tournament - the Goblet of Fire.

This Goblet of Fire had been replaced by a portkey. Anyone who touched the fake Goblet of Fire would be transported to the Riddle family cemetery.

Here, the Carrow brothers and sisters prepared an ancient dark magic ritual. A cauldron with a prepared potion was set up.

During the ceremony, Voldemort with a simple body was put in; a thigh bone of Tom Riddle Sr., Voldemort's father, was put in;

The servant Amycus Carrow cut off his left hand and put it in; and finally stabbed Harry's arm and added his blood. With the help of this ceremony, Voldemort restored his body.

With a body, Voldemort's strength finally returned. He summoned the Death Eaters who were not imprisoned in Azkaban to the cemetery. He gave them some small punishments.

In front of these subordinates, the Dark Lord forced Harry to duel with him and tried to kill Harry. He announced his strong return.

As a result, some accidents happened. Harry touched the door key again in time and returned to Hogwarts from the cemetery. He also made the news of Voldemort's resurrection public. It caused an uproar.

Compared with the original book, the plot has changed a bit. The role of the Carrow brothers and sisters should actually be the role of Pettigrew.

In addition, in the original book, Hogwarts warrior Cedric Diggory was also teleported to the cemetery when he touched the Goblet of Fire with Harry. He was killed by Pettigrew.

In this life, due to the interference of the reincarnationists, Cedric hesitated before touching the door key, resulting in him not being teleported to the cemetery to die in vain.

The reincarnationists who completed this task also received a very good reward.

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