Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1480 Seven Wolves and Eight Tigers Enter Europe

When the banquet reached its climax, it was time for Fenrir Greyback, played by the Seven Stars Shadow Clone, to retire.

Again, Xiao Ming was too lazy to meddle in other people's business. This Shadow Clone had been acting here for three full months, and he had done his best for Professor Lupin.

Through Fenrir's mouth, he declared: "Communicating with the Wolf God" overdraws all life potential, and there is a price to pay for talking to God. After completing this ceremony, Fenrir ushered in his own death.

With such a huge contribution and sacrificing his life for the Silver Wolf Clan, the fake Fenrir's reputation in the clan had already reached the peak, and now it has reached a higher level.

Basically, his words are followed by his deeds, and any words will be regarded as a criterion by the clan members. With this favorable wind, the Shadow Clone made overall arrangements for the clan's afterlife.

The Silver Wolf Clan must grow stronger and must save those compatriots who are still werewolves. Not only werewolves in Britain, but also werewolves in Europe, and even werewolves in other continents.

They also need to be rescued. The Silver Wolf Clan cannot just care about themselves. Therefore, Xiao Ming made a plan for them [Seven Wolves and Eight Tigers Entering Europe].

First, the werewolves on the scene were divided into 16 tribes, which can also be called 16 big families. That is, 7 wolf generals, 8 tiger generals, and 1 priest.

The other werewolves will be evenly distributed to these 16 families and become retainers. It can also be said to be an affiliated family. All distribution plans are decided by Fenrir, and no one has any objections.

The 7 wolf generals here are the 7 good werewolves who were rewarded with the sword of rewarding good and punishing evil mentioned earlier. Among them, Charlie and Peter were originally in the werewolf group.

The other 5 were secretly mixed in by Xiao Ming before the launch ceremony. Now they have all been transformed into Silver Wolf Magus.

Although they do not have the spirit of dedication of Charlie and Peter, they are much better than these bad werewolves.

Xiao Ming did not exclude them. These 7 good werewolves were canonized as the seven great wolf generals by Fenrir.

There were also 8 small leaders in the original group of bad werewolves, and they were named the Eight Tiger Generals.

Of course, Lupin had to show up. He was appointed by Fenrir as the priest of the Silver Wolf Clan. He was specifically responsible for mediating disputes within the clan.

Although it sounds lively, in fact, each family, including the head of the family, has only 8 Silver Wolf Mags, and the priest family has one less.

As the initiator of the [Silver Moon Wolf God] virus, Lupin will practice another kind of mind ability [Antidote] in the coming days.

As the name suggests, this ability can remove the effect of the Silver Moon Wolf God and turn any Silver Wolf back into an ordinary human, not even a werewolf.

The purpose of practicing this ability is to deter the Silver Wolf Clan from being too rampant. Besides, isn’t it common sense that there is an antidote for every virus?

Of course, judging from the current situation, the fighting power of Silver Wolf Magus is only slightly stronger than that of ordinary magicians, but not yet invincible, and there is no capital for rampant. Lupin's move is just a precaution.

Since the launch ceremony is held here, Xiao Ming will no longer destroy this temple. Then this place will become the holy land of the Silver Wolf clan. The sacred task of guarding the holy land is naturally given to the Silver Wolf priest Lupin family.

The British Isles can also be regarded as the homeland of the Silver Wolf. Therefore, the task of recruiting the werewolf group on the island seems to be more important, so it falls on the heads of the 7 Wolf Generals.

As for the rest of Europe, it was divided among the 8 Tiger Generals. It seems that they are taking advantage, but the priests and wolf generals have a slightly higher status. If their family develops outside the British Isles, the 8 Tiger Generals family cannot stop them.

In fact, Europe is just the starting point. In the future, the Silver Wolf clan will inevitably spread all over the continents of the world. As long as there are werewolves, there will be traces of Silver Wolf.

They are not going to fight, but to spread the "Gospel of the Wolf God." That is to spread the virus of "Silver Moon Wolf God". This secret is only known by the priest Lupin.

This batch of more than 100 silver wolf Mags are basically fanatical worshipers of the Wolf God. Their loyalty can be guaranteed.

After learning the legacy of the great leader Fenrir, all the silver wolves raised their heads and howled, expressing their determination to complete the task at all costs.

Seeing all this, "Fenrir" closed his eyes with relief, his whole body turned into light, and disappeared completely, without even a corpse.

Only 16 piles of gold galleons were left at the scene, each pile of at least hundreds of thousands. This is the start-up capital that Xiao Ming specially prepared for the 16 families.

As the saying goes, a penny can make a hero fall. Under the leadership of Fenrir, the werewolf group has always been very poor. It stands to reason that they often kill and rob, and they should have a lot of money.

But the big heads of them were basically taken away by Voldemort and other Death Eaters of noble birth. The werewolves are only worthy of picking up some leftovers.

In addition, Fenrir is more than fierce, and his other abilities are far below the passing level. Being not good at business, the werewolves have been living in poverty.

Under such economic conditions, the 8 Tiger Generals families can't even get the money to leave Britain collectively, let alone the great mission of the Wolf God.

Besides, the Silver Wolf is a proud race. If they don't have money to live a good life, they can't stand up straight! Once they lose their pride, the Silver Wolf clan will be lost in the crowd.

Therefore, Xiao Ming had to take out so many gold galleons. As for whether they can maintain the pride of the Silver Wolf clan after eating up the old capital, it is unknown.

For Lupin and the 7 Wolf Generals. Xiao Ming specifically reminded them to use the money to buy or invest in some industries to obtain long-term benefits.

The [Yue Nu Sword] shop in Hogsmeade Village welcomes investment; in addition, Ollivander's Wand Shop, where the leader Silver Xiao Ming works, also welcomes investment for the sake of the leader's face. Of course, other shops can also be chosen.

Even if some of these people have some special skills and talents, they can open a shop in Diagon Alley by themselves. There are still many ways to make money.

Of course, there is another big thing, which is to go to the Ministry of Magic to register the identity of Silver Wolf Magus. When the time comes, the scene of them collectively becoming silver wolves will definitely cause a sensation in the magic world.

But this matter cannot be rushed, and some operations need to be done in advance. Especially in the families of Lupin and the 7 Wolf Generals, some silver wolves are still wanted. The Ministry of Magic must cancel the wanted order first.

Fortunately, there are not many werewolves assigned to these 8 families who carry wanted orders, and there are no serious crimes. If you are willing to spend money to operate, it is not difficult to do.

This is also one of the reasons why Xiao Ming drove the 8 Tiger Generals family to the European continent. Because the crimes committed by those werewolves are much greater, especially the 8 Tiger Generals.

They used to be small leaders under Fenrir. If they were caught by the Aurors, they would definitely be sent to Azkaban.

So it is difficult for them to get away with it in Britain. It is much easier to go to other European countries.

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