Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1477 Launch Ceremony

"My children, I have good news for you. I, Fenrir Greyback, have received instructions from the Wolf God and will lead the werewolves to a bright future! Ao~~"


In a forest somewhere in Britain, the sun slowly sank into the horizon. A large group of werewolves surrounded a huge rock in three layers.

Standing on the rock was the werewolf leader Fenrir, who was transformed from the Seven Shadow Clone. He was speaking to the werewolves he had summoned.

The werewolves were actually skeptical about his statement. They just liked to be led by Fenrir to pursue blood and killing, and they really didn't believe what he said about the Wolf God.

After all, this statement has never appeared in the werewolf tribe, even Fenrir had never mentioned it before.

And now that we have entered modern society, even werewolves are not so easy to fool.

But, since it was Xiao Ming who arranged the game, it was certainly not as simple as just talking. Fenrir on the rock howled, and his body began to change gradually.

The werewolves below were all shocked. It was true that today would be a full moon, but the moon hadn't risen yet, hadn't it? How could he transform now?

This wasn't the scariest thing. The werewolves of Britain usually turned into gray or black wolves after transformation, and their size was the size of an ordinary big gray wolf.

The size of the one that the leader Fenrir had transformed into was very huge at first glance. On all fours, he was at least three meters tall. The key was what was going on with that gorgeous and noble silver wolf hair! ?

Can a werewolf be so handsome? The werewolves' eyes were almost full of stars. This was the beauty of God!

Seeing Fenrir transform into a huge silver wolf, all the werewolves believed that the leader had not lied, and he had really received instructions from the Wolf God.

If he wanted to lie to everyone, even if he said he was the Wolf God, I'm afraid everyone would believe it.

So all the werewolves prostrated themselves. Their hearts were filled with yearning for the future. The Wolf God had already given instructions, which meant that good days for the werewolves were coming.

How could they know that this Fenrir was not a werewolf at all. The Seven Stars Shadow Clone could turn into a giant silver wolf, not to mention a giant dragon.

The silver giant wolf opened its mouth and continued to speak human words: "My children, I will only save those werewolves who are willing to believe in me, so pray to me..."

After the werewolf turned into a wolf, it lost its rationality, let alone speaking. The silver giant wolf spoke human words, and everyone believed it even more. Therefore, many werewolves present began to pray sincerely.

There were also people here who knew the truth, that is, the two good werewolves who came undercover. But they were also praying, because Xiao Ming had already informed them. Now it was going according to plan.

As the two prayed, their bodies began to change, and soon they also turned into silver wolves. But they were not giant wolves, just wolves of normal size.

The two wolves howled loudly, which immediately attracted the attention of several werewolves around them. "Wow! Peter, Charlie, they too... Lord Wolf God, I pray to you devoutly..."

A moment later, another 4 werewolves nearby turned into silver wolves; the werewolves were even more excited, followed by 8 new silver wolves, 16, 32, and finally 64.

All 126 werewolves in the venue turned into silver wolves. No one was missed. So many silver wolves gathered together and looked very beautiful. The ceremony was a perfect success.

If you count the 3-meter-tall giant wolf in the center, there are 127. If you count Lupin in the invisible uniform, there are 128.

However, since the 3-meter-tall giant wolf is actually a fake, in fact, there are still 127 silver wolves.

On the boulder, Lupin excitedly looked at the leader's right guard (Huang Xiaoming) who was also wearing an invisible uniform beside him and nodded his wolf head, which means that you are still right.

Even werewolves are creatures that look at their appearance. The image of the silver giant wolf is indeed the key factor for the success of this ceremony.

He could imagine that if it weren't for this image, the werewolves might not be so easy to fall into the trap. Not to mention the perfect completion of the ritual.

This ritual of transforming werewolves into Animagus is so powerful because it meets many restrictive conditions. It dealt with most of the werewolves following Fenrir at once.

[Silver Moon Wolf God], this ability sounds high-end, grand, and classy; it looks even more pleasing to the eye. But in fact, it is more like a virus that only spreads among werewolves.

Moreover, it will not spread too much. A werewolf can only infect two others, and then he will lose the ability to continue to spread the virus.

This restriction seems to reduce the infectiousness of the virus, but in fact it increases the speed and effect of transmission. Because of the restricted mind ability, the power will be enhanced.

And this model is obviously a Ponzi scheme model that is considered illegal in modern society. This idea was not thought of by Xiao Ming, but by Lupin. Interesting, isn't it?

The truth is that Professor Lupin lives in poverty, and the magician doesn't know much about the methods of modern business society, which led to him being deceived once before, and the memory is very deep.

So he negotiated with the leader's right guard and introduced that model into the Silver Moon Wolf God's mind ability.

On the surface, it was the giant wolf transformed by the shadow clone Fenrir that attracted the werewolves' attention. In fact, it was Lupin who was hiding nearby who spread the virus.

The two good werewolves, Peter and Charlie, received instructions. As long as they prayed sincerely and were close enough to Lupin, the virus would spread to them.

Then the image of the silver giant wolf would appear in their minds. At this time, as long as they converted to the giant wolf devoutly, the virus would take effect. They could transform into silver wolves.

Their identities also changed from werewolves to Animagus. From then on, they could transform into silver wolves at any time and would no longer be affected by the full moon. Their minds would also be clear all the time.

With them as role models, other werewolves naturally followed suit under the influence of the herd mentality.

As more and more werewolves transformed, others became more and more devout, so all the werewolves present were infected with the virus. The ceremony was completed.

There were many constraints on the ceremony for the first release of the Silver Moon Wolf God virus, which made the virus so powerful.

The first was the time. It must be held on the day of the full moon, but before the moon rose. This was not difficult.

The second was the number of people. The number of werewolves infected must be exactly 126. No more and no less. This is more difficult. If it weren't for Fenrir's identity, it would be difficult to do.

The third is piety. The werewolf must pray to the wolf god devoutly and have the image of the silver giant wolf in his mind. Infected by the virus.

It was all thanks to the super high appearance of the silver giant wolf, Peter and Charlie, the two shills, and Xiao Ming's ability to whisper secretly that we can get a perfect ending.

As long as there is a werewolf who is stubborn and refuses to pray, the ritual will eventually fail. Xiao Ming doesn't care, but Lupin will pay the price of his life for it. And the virus will all fail. It's actually very dangerous.

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