Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1474 Those who eat people will also be eaten by others

I remember that there were two "good werewolves" before. Due to the effect of the sword of rewarding good and punishing evil, they could stay awake when they transformed.

These two people did not keep themselves out of trouble, but returned to the werewolf group to stop them from hurting innocent people when everyone transformed into wolves.

It is not an exaggeration to call this behavior great. You know, it is not so easy to stop a crazy wolf, let alone a group of them.

Even if they have lost their reason, their beast instincts have become stronger. If they stop such werewolves, they may be injured or killed accidentally, which requires great courage.

At that time, Professor Lupin reminded them to pay attention to safety and run away if they can't. The leader's right guard (Huang Xiaoming) put parasites on the two.

They did not parasitize them, but just followed them closely. Once they were in danger of endangering their lives, they were rescued directly. It can also be regarded as an affirmation and reward for the two.

Fenrir Greyback was very unlucky. Among the werewolves gathered around him at this time, there happened to be these two. So Xiaoming always knew where Fenrir was.

Since cousin Lupin hated him so much, he might as well catch him. Even after capturing Fenrir, Xiao Ming instantly arranged for a Seven Star Shadow clone to impersonate him. After dealing with Fenrir, he would consider how to end this.

At this time, Fenrir was confused. He didn't consider what would happen without his wolf pack at all. He was just worried about his own fate. This is also human nature. It's urgent to take care of the present.

Fortunately, he only considered himself. When he found that his life was in danger, he immediately kowtowed repeatedly, begging Lupin and the leader's right guard to spare his life with a tearful expression.

In fact, because his throat was injured, he couldn't speak; and because the broken limbs were very painful, his kowtow posture was not standard, more like rubbing his face on the floor.

That posture was a little funny. Xiao Ming almost matched him with BGM: rubbing, rubbing, devil-like steps...

However, Fenrir still showed a very clear attitude of submission, which greatly reduced Lupin's murderous intent.

If this old wolf is the kind of madman who is not afraid of death, he will be particularly tough when he dies, and his unrepentant eyes may stimulate Lupin to kill.

Once he kills a person who is unable to resist because of anger, Lupin, with his realm, will probably leave a huge psychological shadow.

Xiao Ming doesn't think he will become a bad guy all of a sudden. He is not that kind of person. At the same time, Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix will definitely lend a hand.

But Lupin is likely to be very depressed. Simply put, he is depressed. In that case, the whole person is basically useless.

In Xiao Ming's worried eyes, in Fenrir's continuous "painful pleading", Lupin's mind regained clarity.

Pointing at him with the wand in his hand, he took a deep breath and said: "You belong to Azkaban, go and taste the Dementor's kiss! Stupefy!"

The last word is the magic spell [Faint]. Falling into a coma temporarily prevented Fenrir from feeling the severe pain in his body.

"Cousin, are you really not going to kill him? Don't you hate him anymore?" Xiao Ming asked with a hint of sarcasm.

"Hate! Of course I hate him." Lupin answered with a firm look in his eyes, "But I can't kill him. But it's better this way. He will be worse off than dead in Azkaban prison."

"Pa pa pa" Xiao Ming applauded and praised: "As expected of a professor at Hogwarts, you are really magnanimous, but I caught him, so I should deal with him, right?"

Lupin slapped his head and suddenly realized: "That's right. Then... according to your ninja rules, how should we deal with him?"

Xiao Ming wiped his hand in the air, blinked at Lupin, and smiled: "I won't tell you this, I'm afraid you can't stand it. I promise that this stinky dog ​​will not appear again."

Lupin immediately understood that the leader's right guard probably wanted Fenrir to be tortured to death, which seemed to be more satisfying.

He just didn't want to kill people who had no power to resist with his own hands, and he didn't want to kill people because of anger and hatred.

But Lupin is not a saint. He even stopped Xiao Ming from killing for him. He is actually more satisfied with his cousin's approach.

He is still thinking: the mysterious East has a very different punishment method from Europe. I heard that there is a death penalty called "Lingchi". I wonder if the leader's right guard knows about it...

Although Lupin quickly dispelled this idea in his mind, Xiao Ming still felt it. He sighed secretly. If his cousin's heart is cut open, it will probably be black. It's really hard to tell.

Fenrir's ending is actually nothing. He was just "eaten" by Xiao Ming in Guangmingding. Those who eat people will also be eaten by others.

Then his soul went directly to the next door Kuafu underworld to be judged. That punishment is much more terrible than Lingchi.

Having resolved a long-standing knot in his heart, Professor Lupin is now radiant. The whole person's spirit is different.

Xiao Ming can clearly feel that his strength has risen to a small level. It is no less than Snape before he learned ninjutsu.

His werewolf identity and the fact that his enemy Fenrir was still active were the two things that had always been Lupin's inner pain. They also severely restricted his improvement in strength.

Once he got rid of the shackles, his cousin had the potential to soar into the sky. Xiao Ming was also very happy for him.

He specially prepared a sumptuous banquet to congratulate Lupin. No fortified food was used.

During the meal, Lupin also asked briefly about how the leader's right guard caught Fenrir. Seeing that his cousin smiled and said nothing, he did not ask.

In his opinion, Xiao Ming must have used some powerful trump cards to capture Fenrir in an instant for his own personal affairs.

This is a huge favor, and it would be particularly ungentlemanly if he wanted to dig deeper. We are British gentlemen!

Although he did not say it, Lupin deeply engraved this favor in his heart. In the future, he is willing to sacrifice his life for the leader's right guard at any time.

However, the most important thing at present is to formulate a strategy for dealing with werewolves next.

After eating a dumpling, Lupin asked: "Fenrir is the leader of the werewolves. Now he is... uh... gone. It should be much easier for us to win over the werewolves. What do you think?"

(lll¬ω¬) Xiao Ming was speechless. I am not Yuan Fang, I don't know what to think.

Then he said, "It's very simple. Let's keep going. If we meet a good werewolf, we'll help it. If we meet a bad werewolf, it depends on the situation.

Those who don't do much evil can be temporarily let go as long as they are willing to swear to change and insist on taking the potion. For those who are stubborn and have committed serious crimes, there is no need to waste words..."

Xiao Ming didn't say anything else. He scratched his neck with his hand. The meaning was self-evident. Kill them and be done with it.

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