Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1458 Winter Passes and Spring Comes

Winter is gone and spring is here. As the Whomping Willow shakes off the snowflakes, Hogwarts, no, the entire British Empire has entered the spring of 1994.

The first group of reincarnations Xiao Ming met in this world have completed their mission and returned to the reincarnation space to settle their rewards.

The Su family did get their target - Boggart. They didn't rob it. They accumulated enough goodwill by completing tasks for Professor Lupin and helping the protagonists in many ways.

At the last moment, Xiao Ming also helped to say a few words. The mission was successfully completed. Xiao Ming received a decent gift - 3% of the wax wax fruit.

In order to let Xiao Ming help, the Su family provided a variety of options, but none of them were particularly expensive.

After all, after Harry mastered the Patronus Charm, Boggart was no longer of much use to Lupin, and the reincarnationists did not need to pay too much.

And the goodwill they accumulated was almost the same. If it was a little lacking, they could just spend some money on a certain plot character.

The reason for looking for the leader's right guard is nothing more than that it is relatively cheaper and safer to ask for a reincarnation.

To please the characters in the plot, you need to cater to their preferences. If you are unlucky, you may have to give up a lot of good things. Reincarnation is relatively reliable.

The Su family gave the leader's right guard a lot of room for choice. But in Xiao Ming's case, it is still the most cost-effective to choose a devil fruit.

Because any complete devil fruit can become 100% as long as it passes through him.

The wax wax fruit appeared relatively early in the world of "One Piece", and the eater Mr. 3 Gal Dino is not a very strong character, so it is relatively easy to obtain.

This is a superhuman fruit. The ability user can produce wax and make various things with wax, but wax products are afraid of fire, so the ability user is also afraid of heat.

Gal Dino has developed this fruit quite well, and many ways of using it have been circulated.

He can produce a large amount of candle mucus with his body, and the solidified wax is as hard as steel; he can use it to change his appearance, trap enemies, make wax figures, keys, etc.

Therefore, the Wax-Wax Fruit is very popular among the reincarnations. After the reincarnation uses it, even if the fruit ability is only manifested in one hand, it can produce wax and become an excellent locksmith.

In the various and wonderful reincarnation worlds, it must play a significant role. The general team hopes that there is such a reincarnation.

Of course, many male reincarnations who take the Wax-Wax Fruit hope that their luck will be better, so that a certain part can produce wax and change shape, which is awesome.

To be honest, there are very few people with such good luck. More people take devil fruits that are effective in useless places, wasting the fruit in vain.

However, they are not discouraged, and will continue to save money and buy more Wax-Wax Fruits. If they continue to accumulate, there will always be a time when they are lucky.

Therefore, when the leader's right guard gave up 5% and 8% of other devil fruits and asked for 3% of the Wax-Wax Fruit, the reincarnation who came to hand over showed an expression that everyone understood.

Xiao Ming knew that he was thinking wrong, but he couldn't dispel the other party's idea. Even if he told it, people wouldn't believe it, not to mention that he couldn't tell the truth, so he had to let him be.

Why did he choose the wax-wax fruit? Mainly because the ability of this fruit can generate a large amount of wax, and it can also be shaped, which is very convenient for making figures.

In addition, Xiao Ming has alchemy, which can transform wax into various other substances, saving a lot of source energy compared to generating substances out of thin air.

Besides, the other two options provided by the Su family are the quick-cut fruit and the imitation fruit, which are not as useful as the wax-wax fruit. The wax-wax fruit is actually only a little better.

After the last batch of reincarnations left, Xiao Ming was looking forward to the next batch. As long as the reincarnations who came to this world have some common sense, they should be able to find themselves.

He then has a group of people with whom he can exchange items. Maybe he can get more and better devil fruits.

If the other party is blind and provokes him to fight, it will be even better. Just beat them and rob them.

Xiao Ming's heart is also dark enough. But this possibility is actually very low. There are no children this young among the reincarnations, and the youngest is a junior high school student.

Any reincarnation with some experience will not treat the leader's right guard as a soft persimmon when seeing him. It is unlikely that he will give him an excuse to rob.

And the reincarnations without this knowledge are probably all newbies, and they cannot recognize the true identity of the leader's right guard.

After waiting for a long time, Xiao Ming realized that this world probably won't welcome new reincarnations in the next six months. The problem actually lies with him.

In the original book, the plot of the second half of the year is that the protagonists exposed Pettigrew in the Shrieking Shack, Harry recognized Sirius, repelled the Dementors, and saved Sirius and Buckbeak...

But these things have been completed. Even if the reincarnations were sent, there was no main task to be issued, so the reincarnation space was simply emptied for this period. No new reincarnations were arranged to come.

It is rare for the protagonists to be "quiet" for a year. With the new broom "Firebolt", Harry once again helped Gryffindor win the Quidditch Cup this year.

Hermione also learned a lot of lessons by using the time-turner, and her outstanding performance added a lot of points to Gryffindor, so they won the college cup for three consecutive years.

The time converter she used is a magical prop that allows the user to go back a certain time. It is quite powerful.

It looks like a small, shiny golden timer with a very long and fine gold chain. Every time the switch of the time converter is turned, it can go back one hour in time.

In order to have a time converter, Professor McGonagall must write various letters to the Ministry of Magic, telling them that the owner is a model student and will never use it for anything other than studying.

In the original book, this was naturally not possible. Hermione and Harry did a lot of things with the time converter. It is not needed in this life.

Xiao Ming knew the existence of this thing through Dumbledore's memory, and also knew that the time converter was hanging around Hermione's neck. You can grab it with your hand.

But he didn't take it away. It is said that this thing is taboo. In particular, the person cannot appear in front of his previous self. Otherwise, there will be unpredictable consequences.

With Xiao Ming's detection ability, it is difficult for him to avoid his own detection, and it will almost certainly trigger that terrible consequence. So this thing can only be kept away from him.

Others might have the courage to try and see what happens, but Xiao Ming, who follows his heart, would not take such a meaningless risk.

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