Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1456 Fred George

As for the ownership of the Hogwarts House Cup, Albus Dumbledore, as the headmaster, should have been impartial and strictly abided by the rules and regulations. But he indulged the Weasley brothers Fred and George.

Xiao Ming guessed that Dumbledore might have seen the shadow of the four Marauders in these two people. He loved the house and loved the dog.

He didn't know what this cunning guy was thinking. He only knew that the Weasley twins were even more naughty than the Marauders back then. They even dared to steal from the school's faculty and staff.

Of course, they only stole from one person, that is, Argus Filch, the Hogwarts janitor. Filch was a squib, born in a wizard family but could not use magic.

This situation, to a certain extent, caused his terrible character and hatred towards the students in the school.

Filch raised a cat named Mrs. Norris, who was almost all of Filch's spiritual sustenance. Like Filch, it strolled in the corridors of the castle all day long.

This skinny creature with dark grey fur has bulging eyes like Filch's light bulbs. It often patrols the corridors alone. It is not easy for students to find it.

If you commit a foul in front of it, even if one toe is out of line, it will run to Filch quickly. Two minutes later, Filch will run over with a grunt and a gasp.

Filch knows the secret passages in the campus and will suddenly jump out like a ghost. The students hate him to the core. Mrs. Norris is also hated.

Last year, Mrs. Norris was petrified by the basilisk. All the students sighed, why doesn't it die? ! But they can't really do anything to it.

In the castle, Filch has his own office. It is a small room with an oil lamp hanging from the ceiling and filled with the smell of grilled fish.

There are filing cabinets for student violation records. There are also drawers for confiscated student items. Fred and George got a special drawer here.

Hanging from the ceiling of the office are chains and handcuffs that he has polished to a shine. Once he gets permission, he will use them to punish students who violate the rules.

In Xiao Ming's opinion, this behavior far exceeds the scale of school punishment and is simply child abuse. Fortunately, he has not had the opportunity so far.

In the original book, when Umbridge was in power at Hogwarts in the later period, she and Filch hit it off and really gave Filch a lot of opportunities.

However, Filch did not die until the end. Because he was a squib, even Voldemort would not accept him as a Death Eater. The justice side did not need him to go to the battlefield.

It can be seen that he was lucky. It was also because he did not do anything too bad in normal times, and it was not worth being punished.

The professors at Hogwarts have the power to confiscate some of the students' items that violated school rules. Filch is very willing to do this.

Other professors occasionally confiscate students' things, but they will return them to the students at the end of the semester, or directly to the students' parents. This is the behavior of a serious professor.

But Filch never returned the things he confiscated. He put them all in his office.

Therefore, he was particularly hated by students, and his popularity was even worse than that of Professor Snape. So the brothers Fred and George always stole the things he confiscated.

In addition to the things that were returned to their original owners, there were also those items that were so old that the original owners could not be found, so the two of them kept them for themselves to play with. Among them was a magical thing - the [Marauder's Map].

This thing has a great origin. The Marauder's Map is a magic map invented by the four Marauders, which is specially used for pranks.

After bedtime, they often transformed into animals to explore everywhere, which made them know a lot about the underground passages of Hogwarts. Almost all the secret passages were discovered.

Even so, they didn't seem to find Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets. After all, that one needs a snake-mouthed man to open it. Fortunately, they didn't find it, otherwise they would have to face the basilisk.

The Marauders drew all the places they found into the Marauder's Map. At first glance, this map is just a blank piece of parchment.

When the user waves the wand, clicks on the map and says "I solemnly swear that I have no intention of doing anything good." Words begin to appear on the parchment.

"Mr. Moony, Mr. Wormtail, Mr. Padfoot and Mr. Prongs, I am honored to present you with the Marauder's Map." These are the nicknames of the creators. They represent their animal forms:

Moony represents Lupin as a werewolf, Mr. Wormtail refers to Pettigrew as a mouse, Mr. Padfoot refers to Black's black dog, and Mr. Prongs refers to Potter as a stag.

Then the ink line will continue to extend, and a map of Hogwarts will emerge. The map shows the location of everyone in Hogwarts at all times, and there are ways to open secret passages.

After use, just wave the wand and say "Mischief done" to restore the map to a blank state.

Everyone who has played computer strategy games knows how great the advantage of having a full map is. The plunderers completely wasted the power that this map should have.

It is worth mentioning that they were able to create such a magic map when they were students. Their talents and abilities are undoubtedly strong.

Xiao Ming suspected that if they had not wasted most of their energy on such boring things, but had concentrated on practicing their combat abilities, Voldemort might not have been able to defeat them.

The Marauder's Map was confiscated by Filch, but Filch was a dud and didn't find out how to use it, so he just put it in a drawer and it was taken away by the twins.

In the original book, the twins gave the Marauder's Map to Harry Potter to help him go to Hogsmeade. These two guys are also guys who waste resources and are the same as the looters.

Because of this map, Pettigrew was exposed. Because even if he turned into a mouse, the map could recognize him. Lupin only believed Sirius after seeing his name on the map.

In this life, these things are meaningless. Harry doesn't need it to go to Hogsmeade, and Pettigrew was captured early. The Weasley brothers should have kept this map.

However, these two idiots were fascinated by the things in the Yuenujian shop. Including those uniform beasts that merged with female ghosts.

So, they took the initiative to take the Marauder's Map and exchanged a whole set of uniforms with the leader's right guard. The Weasley family owns 1/4 of the items sold in the store, so there is no need to buy them separately.

But Xiao Ming has many different uniforms in his mind. Fred and George, who are also fans, begged him and took out this treasure, and only then did they get countless uniform styles from Xiao Ming.

Not only what the Hundred Ghosts showed, but also what Xiao Ming's mind beast contained, and what Xiao Ming had in his mind, they didn't feel that they were losing money at all.

The Marauder's Map is really useless in Xiao Ming's hands. Only the magic inside is worth studying.

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