Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 145 Maomao is here too

Sister and Brother Wen were not upset that they could not use magic.

Look at where this place is! The reincarnation space! A place full of countless possibilities and opportunities. How difficult can it be to learn some magic?

Maybe after one or two reincarnation worlds, they may not be interested in magic anymore.

With the support of Xiao Ming's "powerful" magic and telepathy, Xiao Jing'er and Zhang Wen are confident that they can make a name for themselves in the reincarnation space.

And Xiao Ming was overjoyed. The things he had been experimenting silently finally paid off.

"Thank you for the energy support you provided to Qianxing Tower. I'll give you a small gift. It's just a small gift, not a respect. I hope you will accept it."

The voice claiming to be Qianxing Tower sounded in Xiao Ming's ears again.

Since entering the reincarnation space, Xiao Ming has been releasing sporadic primitive superpowers into the surrounding environment. Sometimes it is intentional, and sometimes it is unconscious.

Xiao Ming has already developed a habit. No matter where Xiao Ming's consciousness is connected, he will release some primitive superpowers around him intentionally or unintentionally.

In his own words, this is called giving back to the world. It was the first time he saw the world giving back to him.

Xiao Ming clearly felt a stream of energy flowing towards him. This must be the so-called gift. Xiao Ming accepted it without any malice in his telekinesis.

He couldn't help but have some expectations in his heart. What would it be? Artifact? S-level skills? God-level bloodline?

The gift that Qianxinglou said openly couldn't really be a mere gift, right?

Unexpectedly, nothing was seen. That energy flowed directly into Xiao Ming's body and could never be found again.

Not to mention artifacts and bloodline, it didn't even strengthen his physique a little bit. It seemed that there was no actual change.

But in the dark, Xiao Ming felt that the benefits he got this time were huge. This energy should strengthen his superpowers.

How to explain it? Xiao Ming felt that his superpowers were like a sapling, very young and very tender. But it can be transformed into almost any form of energy.

And this new energy has planted another seed for him. In time, this new seed will also take root and sprout, and grow into another sapling.

In other words, from now on, Xiao Ming has two sources of superpowers.

In this way, the superpowers released into the space will probably also give a new seed to the reincarnation space. The name of Qianxinglou is [source energy].

Source energy refers to the original energy, right? So Qianxinglou will return the favor and give Xiao Ming a source energy seed.

It is normal for Xiao Ming to think so, but it is slightly different from the truth.

Compared with the source energy given to him by Qianxinglou, his original meager superpowers can be called a sapling.

It can be imagined that the superpowers/source energy he gave to Qianxinglou, facing the power of the reincarnation space itself, are probably like a grain of sand compared to the entire Pangu Star. It is negligible.

In fact, the source energy seeds given by Xiao Ming are far less useful to Qianxing Tower than the source energy seeds given by Qianxing Tower.

Although Xiao Ming's gift is also valued, the reincarnation space actually values ​​the goodwill expressed by Xiao Ming more.

In the eyes of Qianxing Tower, different source energies are different forces. No matter how strong it is now, it can be on par with itself in the future.

This future is calculated in millions or even billions of years. For the existence of reincarnation space and Qianxing Tower, a million years is just a blink of an eye.

Their perspective on things is very different from that of humans.

For example, humans may ask: Isn't it better for Qianxing Tower to just take Xiao Ming down and "eat" him? Is Qianxing Tower still a saint? !

This question will become clearer in the future as Xiao Ming grows up.

Now we can only say that Qianxing Tower is definitely not a saint. It is indeed very strong, but it is still unable to "completely" take Xiao Ming down.

The communication between Xiao Ming and Qianxing Tower is all carried out in secret. Although Xiao Jing'er was right next to him, he couldn't hear it.

But when the image of a white little fox floated out from Xiao Ming's chest, he could see it.

"Maomaoer!" The girl cheered, pushed the big head of the alien clone aside, and stretched out her hands to pounce on the little fox.

Maomaoer was just a holographic image, so it was natural that she would miss. But Maomaoer certainly knew the host's sister.

She immediately jumped back and forth to act cute, trying her best to please. Xiao Ming was very depressed. Why don't you ever act cute when you are with me? Gender discrimination!

"Why are you here?" Xiao Jing'er certainly thought of this question. He didn't bring his own pet in, so how did his brother bring Maomao in?

"I don't know either. I came here in a daze." Maomaoer replied.

Then the little fox and the girl's eyes shot to Xiao Ming at the same time - explain it.

Xiao Ming was also confused. It is normal for Maomao to live in his body and be brought here.

But why did he show up now? Is it because he is not used to the local climate?

Yes, it can be said that Maomaoer is not used to the local climate.

The reincarnation space must ensure a certain degree of fairness. Characters like Maomaoer, who are like portable grandfathers, must be isolated.

But Xiao Ming is "in love" with Qianxinglou. The quarantine was naturally cancelled. Or in other words, Xiao Ming's visa level was upgraded.

Although Maomaoer has been playing with Xiaojinger. But he is a multi-threaded artificial intelligence, and he has been communicating with Xiaoming in secret since he appeared.

After understanding the background setting, Maomaoer urged Xiaoming to bring scientific instruments next time. To conduct a comprehensive investigation of the reincarnation space.

The bear child is bold and reckless. As a high-level bear child who was only one week old, Maomaoer is also unique. Xiao Ming quickly extinguished his wishful thinking.

He didn't have the courage. The strength of the New Han Kingdom was terrifying enough, but compared with the reincarnation space, the New Han Kingdom was only at the level of primitive people.

He couldn't even deal with the military of the Han Dynasty, and he dared to make small moves in the reincarnation space? He should find a good crooked tree to hang himself.

So Maomaoer can only be an ornamental pet in the team for the time being. But this time will not be long.

I believe that it won't be long before his data collection and processing capabilities will surprise Xiao Ming and the other two.

"Puff!" A metal pipe quickly pierced through a zombie's head and quickly retracted.

The corpse fell to one side. Xiao Jing'er, who had just killed a zombie, was wiping the sweat off her forehead.

After his sister's strong request, Xiao Ming had to let a zombie come over for his sister to kill personally. Is it really okay to have such a violent sister?

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