Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1444: I don't know anything

What happened to the Horcrux [Tom Riddle's Diary]? Let's first briefly review the original plot.

This diary was originally in the hands of the Death Eater Lucius Malfoy. In the summer of 1992, he secretly put the diary into the textbook of Ron's sister, Ginny Weasley.

So the residual soul of Voldemort in the diary controlled Ginny to open the Chamber of Secrets built by Salazar Slytherin hundreds of years ago. Use the basilisk inside to hurt students.

In the end, the matter was resolved by the three protagonists, the basilisk was killed, and the diary was also destroyed by Harry using the basilisk's fangs. Became the first Horcrux to be destroyed.

This matter was completely a conspiracy of Lucius, who wanted to use it to hit the prestige of Principal Dumbledore, and finally forced him to leave, so that Snape, who had a good relationship with him, could be the principal.

Although he used the excuse of the basilisk hurting people and linked other school directors with his identity as a school director to put pressure on Dumbledore and temporarily drove him away, his wish was completely in vain.

The post of Hogwarts headmaster was temporarily replaced by the vice-headmaster Professor McGonagall, and Lucius still could not interfere in school affairs.

But then again, even if Snape became the headmaster, it would be useless. Because compared to Professor McGonagall, Snape is Dumbledore's staunch confidant.

After Harry and others solved the crisis, Dumbledore expelled him from the board of directors by taking advantage of the secrets of the Chamber of Secrets. Harry also took the opportunity to free Dobby, the house elf of the Malfoy family.

Lucius lost everything, and lost both his wife and his army. It can only be said that his vision is too small, and playing such tricks is not up to the standard.

It should be noted that when Voldemort was at the peak of his power, he did not dare to go to Hogwarts to make trouble, because that was Dumbledore's territory. Lucius actually dared to provoke him, he really didn't know how to live or die.

What's more tragic is that he also offended the Dark Lord because of this. After all, the Horcrux is related to Voldemort's life and death.

He gave the diary to Lucius for safekeeping because he saw the defense of the Malfoy Manor, an ancient wizard family, which could safely protect his Horcrux. He didn't let him do anything with it.

Even if such a boring little thing succeeded, it would not be worth it, not to mention that the Horcrux was destroyed in the end. It even aroused Dumbledore's vigilance.

However, the Dark Lord also had to take part of the responsibility for this matter. For his own safety, he did not tell Lucius that this was his Horcrux.

Otherwise, no matter how brave Lucius was, he would not dare to joke about Voldemort's Horcrux. He thought it was just an ordinary dark magic item.

In the summer of 1992, the Ministry of Magic raided the Malfoy family several times to search for dark magic items. Lucius had no choice but to dispose of all the dark magic items in the family.

Most of them were sold to Mr. Borgin Burke, a businessman specializing in dark magic items in Knockturn Alley. Only this diary was left, and he stuffed it into Ginny's schoolbag at the time.

However, with Voldemort's egocentric personality, even if he was responsible, he would definitely push it onto his subordinates.

So when Voldemort's forces were wreaking havoc in the magic world, the Malfoy family had a very bad time in Voldemort's camp.

In this life, Voldemort has not recovered yet and has no time to trouble Lucius. It's hard to say what will happen in the future.

Xiao Ming didn't know this part of the original story. Although he had experienced the secret realm of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" in the [Magic Planet Game].

But that time, with his reconnaissance ability, he immediately discovered the chamber of secrets and the basilisk in the chamber of secrets, and easily killed it. He also stuffed the diary into the textbook for analysis.

Since the knowledge of Horcruxes was useless to Xiao Ming, after distinguishing a little clue, he subconsciously gave up continuing to analyze this thing.

It was only recently that he really understood the main storyline. Xiao Ming often hangs out with the three protagonists, and when they chat, they naturally tell all the heroic deeds of the past two years.

Of course, the stories they told were not 100% faithful to the original. In their stories, some strange names appeared.

Some of them would help the protagonist, while others would sabotage. However, none of them stayed in Hogwarts for a long time.

They left for various reasons, ranging from a few weeks to a few months. Even some of them who had a good relationship with them later disappeared without a trace.

Xiao Ming knew that those people must be reincarnations. From the experience of Harry and others, it can be seen that these reincarnations did not change the plot much. It seems that their strength is also average.

After all, it is only the first two parts of the Harry Potter series, and the story is still in the foreshadowing stage. The participating reincarnations are also low-level.

Let's stop talking nonsense. Let's continue to focus on the principal's office of Hogwarts. The atmosphere here is harmonious.

The most important thing to vindicate Sirius and put Pettigrew in prison was done, and other small things were naturally solved.

Dumbledore took the opportunity to point out that Buckbeak, the hippogriff, scratched Draco because Draco refused to obey the instructions of his teacher Hagrid, and no one else could be blamed.

Deputy Minister Umbridge took money from Lucius, and wanted to refute it, but Fudge stopped her with a look. In fact, Fudge also took money, but the benefits were exchanged.

If he did not agree to let this go, then Dumbledore would probably exclude himself from the Sirius matter. The gain was not worth the loss.

As for Lucius, who spent money, it was easier to get rid of him. He was also a greedy person, so it was enough to give him some benefits in some aspects.

So Fudge said happily that Hagrid and Buckbeak were fine. Because Draco was already injured, he gave a verbal warning and did not pursue the matter.

At the same time, the Minister hoped that Hogwarts could help with the disappearance of the Dementors and give them a green light.

The main thing was that the Ministry of Magic would send a survey team to Hogwarts to look for clues. This kind of thing always requires the permission and cooperation of the local snakes.

Although the Ministry of Magic did not care about the loss of Dementors, it felt it necessary to find out the tricks. Because Dementors have never disappeared in the magic world.

Fudge would not doubt that this matter was related to the professors and teachers of Hogwarts. Dumbledore didn't know anything, so he believed it.

The Ministry of Magic currently believes that there is an 80% chance that some new species that has never been discovered appeared near this place. It is possible that it is a magical animal or a plant that can devour or destroy Dementors.

If this kind of thing can be mastered, then Dementors will become something that can be controlled, and naturally they are no longer scary.

Maybe a new industry can be opened up from this. Giving magicians Dementors as pets. The benefits involved are huge. I can just give some to Lucius.

I have to say that this speculation is actually very close to the truth. It's just that this new species is not an animal or a plant, but Xiao Ming, a reincarnation. Fudge's ambition is destined to be fruitless.

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