Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1421 Are you afraid of Dementors?

Huang Xiaoming, the leader's right guard, was a little touched by Sirius's willingness to sacrifice himself to help him. There are not many good people like him.

However, he really doesn't need to sacrifice himself. The Dementors that make magicians shudder are just scum in Xiaoming's eyes.

The reason is that Dementors can absorb happy emotions and even souls, which shows that they actually have certain attributes of the underworld.

Either they are creatures specially created by the god of death in the human world, or some creatures from the underworld have sneaked into the human world, or left offspring...

In any case, facing Xiaoming, the king of the underworld, the Dementors are as well-behaved as pets.

When they came into contact with Xiaoming's "circle", they were already shocked. When Xiaoming released his mental power to communicate with them. These guys just bowed their heads and obeyed.

Human happiness and feeding on souls are just characteristics of species, not their own choice. If you want to blame someone, you can only blame their creators.

Although Dementors are similar to human forms, their minds are actually simpler. Not as complicated as humans. It is indeed a good guard.

Xiao Ming simply let them patrol near the wooden house, but he did not notice that these two guys would cause the surrounding temperature to drop, and as a result, Sirius Black was frightened.

Xiao Ming was pulled out of the door by the big black dog, and faced the two savage Dementors.

The big black dog was about to run away and lead the Dementors away, but saw the leader's right guard burst out with golden light in both hands, and easily beat the two Dementors away.

"Bang" the dog's jaw fell to the ground, and Sirius could not believe his eyes. This is too easy.

You know that the Patronus Charm can only expel Dementors, but cannot kill them. The golden light emitted by this child seems to have completely destroyed the Dementors. You are so awesome, do your family know? !

Oh, by the way, this kid was framed and left his hometown because he was too powerful. His family really knows.

In fact, Xiao Ming just used not Ninjutsu, but the ability of the Flash Fruit. Using this method to restrain the Dementors looks the least inconsistent.

Although there are Yang escape ninjutsu in ninjutsu, Xiao Ming has not learned the corresponding moves. He had to use the ability of the Flash Fruit to pretend. At most, he mixed some Yang escape chakra in it.

The Dementors that seemed to be melted by the golden light were not dead. Xiao Ming directly stuffed them into the Kuafu underworld.

Staying in the underworld, they are like fish in water, and they don’t need to absorb other people’s joy and souls.

"Don’t be afraid, Dahei. It’s just a few ghosts, a piece of cake." Xiao Ming stroked the black dog’s head to comfort him, and suddenly asked, "By the way, Dahei, do you want to go to the toilet?"

Looking at the concerned eyes of the right guard, Black was full of black lines, and stepped into the bushes with four legs. He really went in to urinate.

Then he did some other things, and after an hour or so, he returned to the wooden house again in human form. At this time, Xiao Ming had been waiting impatiently and went back to the house.

In his mental scan, he saw Black running out of the woods, turning into a human form and entering a town not far away.

In a clothing store, he stole a black suit and changed his tattered clothes. He also cleaned up his appearance.

He probably didn't want to look too shabby when he officially met the leader's right guard.

After changing his clothes, he didn't come directly, but strolled further away. Xiao Ming was too lazy to follow him. When he came back, he would give himself a surprise.

Sure enough, Sirius returned with a wand in his arms and dressed more neatly.

His hair and beard were specially groomed. It was hard for him to find a barber shop that was still open in the middle of the night.

In the world of the "Harry Potter" series, most magicians have little combat power without a wand.

He probably didn't have the confidence to negotiate face to face with the right guard unarmed. He didn't know where he got a wand from.

If Xiao Ming continued to follow, he would find that Sirius had ambushed a magician and snatched a wand.

He also used magic to ask the barbershop to open early for him. This guy is really casual.

Of course, the barbershop owner was also very happy because Black paid several times the wages. It is easy for a magician to get some small money in the real world.

What is difficult is the gold galleons commonly used in the magic world. 1 gold galleon = 17 silver Sickles = 493 copper knuts. 1 silver Sickle = 29 copper knuts.

If converted into real-world currency, 1 gold galleon ≈ 5 pounds ≈ 7.33 US dollars.

Despite 12 years of torture in Azkaban prison, as long as he is well cleaned up, the 33-year-old Sirius is still quite handsome. A standard European aristocratic image.

He must have been a popular man when he was young. Now it is not bad, but it seems that he has been tortured by the Dementors and has become a little neurotic.

Sirius' mental state is not very stable. It is estimated that his combat effectiveness has declined.

Black, who came to the wooden house and knocked on the door, has a combat effectiveness of about B-level. It is estimated that in his heyday, he may reach B level.

The magicians in this world are somewhat similar to Naruto. Their bodies are not strong enough, but their attacking ability is OK. Of course, magicians are still several levels lower than Naruto.

Xiao Ming learned from Sirius's memory that the two great masters in this world, Dumbledore and Voldemort, are about A-level, not S-level.

For other magicians, reaching B level is already very good. Some powerful magicians in the Order of the Phoenix are at this level.

It is very strange. Since the combat power ceiling of this world is only A level, why can I retain all my strength.

In fact, Dumbledore and Voldemort are just the ceiling of human strength. There are also very powerful magical creatures in this world.

Some magical creatures hidden in the dark are not comparable to humans. Xiao Ming's strength is not suppressed by space, probably because of this reason.

"Hello, I am Sirius Black. Can I come in and talk with you?"

Although he was on the run, Black still maintained an elegant demeanor. And treat the leader's right guard equally, treating a 6-year-old child as an adult.

There is no way not to pay attention. Sirius had always wanted to stay for one night and leave, and he would continue to look for Harry Potter tomorrow.

But after seeing the leader's right guard easily eliminate two Dementors, he changed his mind. This child is too important to let him out of his sight.

Sirius Black has always been in the form of a black dog. He is not afraid of human magicians, but just needs to dress in plain clothes.

What he has always been afraid of are the Dementors. These monsters can find him by smelling him. So Sirius Black dare not easily transform into a human form.

But as long as this child is around, there is no taboo. He decided to have a good talk with the leader's right guard.

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