Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 142: Stay or Go?

According to Xiao Ming's bad idea, everyone started to prepare. The main thing was to get a weapon for everyone.

This is just a staff lounge, where can there be any weapons? In the end, it was Brother Yongmeng who dismantled all the tables and chairs.

Everyone got a metal pipe - the original bracket of the table and chair. It is light and hard, very suitable.

In addition, the alloy tabletop of the small round table was dismantled, which is not heavy and can be used as a shield.

A strap was fixed to the tabletop, and Zhang Wen carried it on his back. It is not comfortable to walk with it, and it is definitely not suitable for climbing up and down. It is more convenient to carry it on the back.

Xiao Ming also pretended to follow the others to work. In secret, he was checking his own condition. This is very necessary.

First of all, Xiao Ming found that this body is really his original body.

Xiao Ming, who often operates various replicas, has the ability to distinguish the authenticity of the body.

This means that the reincarnation space is not like a game, which virtualizes a world and the player's body.

The reincarnation space does not even use replicas, but the original body of the reincarnator.

Then these plot worlds should also be real worlds. At the very least, they are so-called small worlds.

***In fact, Xiao Ming has always felt that if there is a reincarnation space. It is very likely that a replica is used to revive again and again. It's a slap in the face. ***

No wonder it is said that there will be real death here. Since it is real death, what does it mean to be resurrected with points?

Does this mean that the reincarnation space does have the ability to revive the dead. It is not the fake resurrection skills in the game. It's not bragging, right?

Since it is a real world and a real body. Those things in the game should not be used.

Check it out, it is indeed true. Those common equipment in the game, such as Nezha, can't be found.

Summon the housekeeper space to take a look, and it is the things that Xiao Ming picked up from Nuwa Star. Haha, the backstage of the reincarnation space is very respectful!

Since Qianxinglou can distinguish Xiao Ming's superpowers, it can naturally distinguish the telekinesis transformed from superpowers.

In theory, reincarnationists should not be allowed to cheat with this space ability. Bringing things from one world to another is very scary.

Just think about what would happen if the T virus from the world of Resident Evil was brought to other worlds! Those are all real worlds!

The reincarnation space did not isolate Xiao Ming's housekeeper space, which was obviously a gesture of goodwill from Qianxinglou to Xiao Ming. On the other hand, it also believed that people with such status would not mess around.

It's not that Xiao Ming would not mess around, but he didn't dare to mess around. He still knew his own weight. Keep a low profile.

If he didn't mess around, he wouldn't cause the hostility of Qianxinglou. If he used it normally, the other party shouldn't mind.

With the housekeeper space as a backing, Xiao Ming can still have some confidence in his future survival and development in the reincarnation space.

The reincarnation space provides a personal panel for reincarnators. It is convenient for everyone to understand their current strength and rating.

In the future, there will be a reference for buying things, skills, bloodlines, etc. from the space.

This Xiao Ming does not have it. Xiao Ming can only be regarded as a visitor, not a real reincarnator.

The reincarnation space will definitely respect Mr. Xiao Ming. It is impossible to create a personal panel and data for him.

But he was given a locked score of 100 points. It should be used to revive Xiao Ming who died in the mission. It is equivalent to an infinite resurrection buff.

It is mainly for prevention. If Xiao Ming resurrects with his own power and fails to control it well, it may affect the normal operation of the plot world.

For the existence of the level of Qianxinglou, life and death in reality is really not a big deal.

That's why they respect Xiao Ming, who doesn't seem to have much strength but has super high-quality energy in his body.

(In fact, it is not a misunderstanding. Qianxinglou did not recognize the wrong person, but Xiao Ming himself did not know enough about his own superpowers.

And these responses are automatic, which have been set in the reincarnation space. It is similar to the automatic reply of a computer program, and there is no "person" in Qianxinglou doing these things.)

According to everyone, their personal panels have not been opened yet. They have to pass the novice mission before they can.

So at this time, everyone's personal panel also has a countdown for a survival mission.

The result of all the busy work is of course a waste of effort. The five people went to the corridor window and saw that the glass was so strong that they couldn't break it.

The few people didn't give up and went into a very spacious conference room. Zhao Yongmeng killed four zombies inside. Xiao Ming shot another one in the head.

When everyone was observing from the large window of the conference room, Xiao Jing'er realized that the scenery outside the window was not real. It was just a projection. (Red Queen's skills were not good enough.)

Xiao Ming showed some frustration appropriately because he came up with a bad idea. The other people also comforted him.

Elder Jia suggested: Why don't we just not leave, save our energy and defend it in Gada. Maybe we can survive for 3 hours.

Xiao Jing'er expressed strong opposition: If it was just to get through the novice mission, these people would not have chosen to accept the invitation of the reincarnation space.

Everyone wants to come in and try their luck! In this case, you should go out and try to get some hidden missions.

Isn't this kind of plot common in novels? It's easiest to get high scores in the novice world; then you get hidden rewards; everything will go smoothly in the future.

Xiao Jing'er daydreams as much as her brother.

The thin guardian thinks that it may not be a bad idea to defend with the advantage of the terrain. If you kill more zombies, you may get high scores.

The fat guardian thinks that it is better to defend if you are alone.

But now these five people are together and they are considered "strong and powerful". (There are only 10 reincarnations in total.)

If you don't dare to gamble like this, then you really have no right to mix in the reincarnation space in the future.

The four people's eyes are all focused on Xiao Ming, waiting for the leader to make a decision. (@_@;) Don't do this, it's too stressful.

Xiao Ming can understand why Zhao Yongmeng wants to defend. He doesn't just want to gain power in the reincarnation space, he needs to be alive to pass on information to the military.

Actively leaking information about the reincarnation space is not allowed. But the military still has a good understanding of the reincarnation space. Why?

It is because although the reincarnationists cannot actively disclose information, the military can analyze a lot of potential information by carefully observing their every move.

In addition, the military must have its own supernatural power users. So for Zhao Yongmeng, saving his life is more important.

But for Xiao Ming? What is important?

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